Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2513: Cut Song Ce! (Three more begging for monthly ticket)

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Everyone at the scene was shocked and looked horrified!

These words can be described as full of enthusiasm, Shi Po is shocking!

Even the six real immortals of the Shenxiao Palace above the ancient city, above the blood mist, couldn't help but be agitated and praised.

"This boy is so bold!"

"There are five strong men who predict the top ten of the sky list, including Zong Feiyu, and hundreds of top heavenly immortals. Wait for bravery, who can match!"

In the beautiful eyes of the fairy crane fairy, she couldn't help saying, "I'm going to write this sentence for a while on the evaluation of the prediction list!"

"This is nature!"


"You, how dare you let me go?"

Lie Xuan finally spoke, his face full of incredible colors.

In all fairness, even if he is in Su Zimo's position, he will never let himself go, which is tantamount to returning the tiger to the mountain.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Lie Xuan gritted his teeth and said: "With my physical blood, I want to restore the combat power, it won't take long, you..."

Before Li Xuan finished talking, Su Zimo flicked it and threw Li Xuan directly back.

Lie Xuan looked at Su Zimo with a complicated look, took a deep breath, took a handful of panacea from the storage bag, swallowed it in his abdomen, and began to heal the wound.

Su Zimo looked at Xie Qingcheng and said indifferently: "You can rest assured to get the Lingxia Seal, there is me guarding here, and no one can pass."

Almost the same sentence.

Just now, everyone felt extremely ridiculous and extremely arrogant.

But now, in this sentence, everyone heard a strong and unshakable confidence!


Xie Qingcheng still hesitated.

"You are on my side, but I can't let go of my hands and feet."

Su Zimo nodded slightly, giving Xie Qingcheng a reassuring look.

"it is good!"

Xie Qingcheng no longer hesitated and turned towards the island at the end of the bridge on the other side.

"Can't let him go, do it!"

King Mingjiong hurriedly urged.

The master of Yuyan County, King Fengfeng and others were also in a hurry and ordered quickly.

In fact, the speed of the shot by five people is faster than the orders of these county kings!

Zong Feiyu, Song Ce, Luo Yang Tianxian, Yue Hai, and Xie Tianhuang predicted the top ten of the top ten in the list.

At this time, Su Zimo had just said goodbye to Xie Qingcheng, turned his back to the crowd, and did not turn around.

This scene is very similar to Su Zimo's shot against Lie Xuan.


Su Zimo had already sensed the crisis without turning around.

His look remained the same, the killing intentions in his eyes almost condensed into substance, and a trick that had never been released was squeezed in his hand!

The Xuesha Lake seems to be under some kind of powerful traction, and the endless Xuesha quickly condenses.

A heart-pounding breath descended on the battlefield.

The hearts of the five Zong Feiyu were dignified, and their expressions were solemn.

Under this breath, their minds shook uncontrollably, and it seemed that something terrible had come!



Accompanied by a terrifying tiger roar, in the west of Song Ce, a huge white body suddenly emerged out of thin air, exuding a sky-dazzling white monster tiger.

The White Tiger Sacred Beast!

This white tiger sacred animal emerged, and everyone present felt a kind of coercion from the blood, deep in the soul, trembling!

The white tiger holy beast turned red, locked Song Ce in front of him, and rushed past!

In the sound of the tiger's roar, the five true immortals quickly released their respective vocal secrets to fight against them.

But the sudden appearance of the White Tiger Sacred Beast, the angry machine locked Song Ce, did not give him any chance to escape at all!

Song Ce also wanted to resist resistance, and in a blink of an eye, released a mystery of magical powers!

It's a pity that they can't stop the white tiger holy beast!

The white tiger holy beast opened the big mouth of the blood basin and instantly swallowed Song Ce into the entrance, and countless blood spewed out, breathing into the body, destroying Song Ce's vitality!

This scene is extremely shocking.

In the eyes of countless monks, a white tiger suddenly appeared in the West, holding Song Ce in his mouth.

Song Ce was covered in blood, motionless, staring at his eyes, full of horror, and there was no longer any vitality in his body!

Song Ce fell!

This white tiger, holding Song Ce's body, stood on the air, exuding the air of the world, like a **** of killing in the world, not a lifetime!

Although Song Ce died, before he died, he still took out the teleporter trap in the storage bag and crushed it.

Unfortunately, everything is late.

Song Ce's body, wrapped in a brilliance, left the Shura battlefield.

This is the secret of the fourth incarnation, the White Tiger Ranks Corpse!

In fact, although the power of the White Tiger's corpse is terrifying, it hasn't reached this situation yet, and he can kill Song Ce, who predicts the fifth place in the list, in a flash.

Song Ce is not so weak.

It's just that because this is the Shura battlefield, the blood is full of blood.

And Su Zimo's position is on the edge of Xuesha Lake.

Therefore, this white tiger condenses and absorbs a lot of blood in the lake, almost turning into substance!

You know, this kind of blood evil can't even carry a real fairy, so you have to avoid its edge.

Su Zimo survived the Xuesha Lake only because he relied on the real body of Qinglian to practice the secret method of the White Tiger.

Although Song Ce's methods are strong and the cards are numerous, he cannot withstand the impact of the White Tiger's blood.

What's more, the white tiger's blood evil still broke out in the form of this killing technique!

After this secret method was released, the scene instantly fell into a dead silence, and the bird was silent!

All the monks who just wanted to shoot Su Zimo were frightened. They still did not relax from the scene just now.

Xie Qingcheng didn't take a few steps, he was still worried, and looked back subconsciously.

At this glance, I just saw a white tiger coming from the west, killing Song Ce instantly!

Until this time, Xie Qingcheng really let go of his heart, and faintly realized that it seemed that he might become the final winner!

On the square of Yanyang Palace.

The many monks gathered here are not sure what is happening in the Shura battlefield. They also watch the real-time updated forecast list to infer.

"Unexpectedly, the king of Yan County had the protection of Lie Xuan, and he was almost abolished."

"It is estimated that Zong Feiyu dried it, and only he has this ability."

At the time of public discussion, a light flashed again on the square.

Immediately afterwards, a **** body fell from midair and lay motionless on the ground. There was no breath of life in the body and it was already dead.

"Which hapless ghost, with the teleportation jade symbol, has been slaughtered!"

"Haha, at this level, and also participate in the Shura battlefield, it is better to join us in a lively outside."

There was a chuckle from the crowd.


One frowned: "It seems that the corpse's token is hanging on the waist of this corpse?"

"Slaughter Guard?"

Someone stepped forward and turned the body over.

Seeing the face of the corpse, the man was startled and stepped back a few steps.


The other monks also took a breath!

Predict the fifth in the sky list, the first to kill Tian Wei Song Ce!

Song Ce is dead!

What happened in the Shura battlefield?

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