Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2534: I'll pick you up

After saying this, Cangkong Demon closed his eyes and felt everything around him.

"Over there!"

Kangkong Demon suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were magnificent!


The Kangkong Demon waved his robe sleeves, bursting out a dozen feet, and beat the ancient city guard in front of him, turning upside down, revealing a spacious passage.

At the end of the passage, Ji Yao's spirit was flustered, and she escaped from behind an ancient city guard.

Obviously escaped extremely embarrassed, but in the eyes of everyone, Ji Ji's body is graceful and graceful, even if he escapes, it is full of an indescribable sense of shock!

Budo deity moved in his heart.

Ji Fairy's body style gives him a sense of deja vu.

At the beginning, when he condensed the real martial arts body and attracted the real martial law, the tenth robbery appeared several powerful and extreme ghost images.

Among them, a woman in white with a long sword, enchanting and charming, upside down all beings, the body is almost the same as the fairy Ji!

"It seems that over the years, Fairy Ji has also had a lot of opportunities in the Demon Realm."

The deity of martial arts was secretly in his mind.

Among the many soaring old deceased people, the one he least worried about was actually the fairy fairy.

With the ability of the fairy fairy, other people want to take advantage of her, it is as difficult as going to the sky, it is good not to be played between her hands.

Under the devil's cave, you cannot use your consciousness.

In addition, the guards of the ancient city were awakened, and the momentum was huge, and they rushed towards this place, and the silhouettes were stunned, causing the Tibetan Devil King and others to lose the trace of Ji Fairy.

Among the tens of thousands of troops, a person was found, such as a needle in a haystack.

But Zangkong Demon is certain that the Fairy Ji will not go far.

She deliberately led the crowd to this place, just want to use the thousands of magic troops here to cause damage to everyone in Lingxiao Palace.

Out of a special psychology, she will most likely observe her masterpiece in a dark place nearby.

Therefore, it's only the Zangkong Demon who deliberately said that the fairy Ji must have died.

His purpose is to expose the fairy fairy!

Ji Fairy is also extremely clever. Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he soon realized that this should be the lure of the Hidden Demon King, so he stayed behind.

It's a pity that when she heard the words of Zangkong Demon, there was still a slight fluctuation in her mind.

The heart beat a little violently, and was captured by the Devil King in an instant. She shot directly and exposed her to everyone's sight!

The psychological game between the two sides seems to be short, but it is extremely fierce, and they try to guess each other. After all, it is the Zangkong Demon who wins slightly.

"Witch, you are still a little bit younger!"

The Kangkong Demon looked at the fairy Ji not far away, passing a sneer in his eyes.

Ji Yao's body flickered and hid in the guard army.

It is strange to say that no one of these guard forces shot her, but fearless, and constantly launched a charge against Lingxiao Palace and Hetian Demon God!

"Humph, do you still want to escape?"

Ling Xian sneered.

Zangkong Demon and others rushed all the way and chased.

The appearance of Ji Fairy was exposed and locked by the six demon kings in Lingxiao Palace. Even if she wanted to escape, it was impossible!

"Fairy Ji."

At this moment, in the chaotic ancient city, there was a call.

Ji Jijing's body shuddered and stayed in place, the incredible color flashed in her beautiful eyes!

This title...

how come?

Is it...

Ji Fairy turned around and was seeing a man in a purple robe pacing.

Although the man in the purple robe had a silver mask on his face, the fairy Ji saw his eyes and recognized his identity as soon as possible!

Fairy Ji bit her lips lightly, her eyes turned red with tears in her eyes.

In an instant, the deity of Budo has come to her.

At this moment, it seems like a dream.

"You, how come you nerd?"

The fairy fairy's voice, with a hint of crying, shivered slightly.

"I'll take you home."

The Budo deity said softly.

Hearing this, Fairy Ji couldn't bear it anymore, wowed and cried out.

There is a blank in her mind now, just want to cry.

When she was in the Tianhuang Continent, she was a magic girl and practiced the "Su Su Jing". She charmed all beings and rarely revealed her true emotions.

Either anger or anger, or joy or sorrow, are all disguised.

Only in front of a few people, she showed true emotions, Su Zimo is one of them.

This time, the remaining six demon kings in Lingxiao Palace have cleaned up the surrounding ancient city guards, enclosing the martial deity and Ji fairy.

Ling Xian saw the look of Fairy Fairy, and he was jealous in his heart, and gritted his teeth.

Under the silver mask of the martial deity, his face became colder and his eyes gloomy.

"Let's run!"

Fairy Ji dragged the wrist of the martial arts deity, looking for opportunities to re-enter the endless guards of the ancient city and hide the tracks.

But she dragged the martial arts deity, but didn't.

"That Ling Xian bullied you?"

Martial Deity asked suddenly.


Ji Fairy turned his head, his eyes dim, and looked at Martial Deity with some confusion.

The deity of Budo said lightly: "You are waiting for me for a while, I will kill him!"

"Ah, don't!"

The fairy Ji was startled, wiped away the tears in his eyes, and quickly said: "No, that big stupid donkey is going to die. I was tricked around. Even a treasure map he had collected for many years was deceived by me. Now."

"If someone reminded him, he didn't know that I had been deceived for so many years."

Ji Jijing was afraid of the martial arts impulse, and rushed up for her desperately.

After all, besides Emperor Lingxian, there are six demon kings present!

Among them, two are Peerless Demon Kings!

Ji Jijing has long heard of some things about the martial arts deity. According to her understanding, the martial arts deity is just a real demon and can't confront the devil at all.

"Let's go quickly and ignore him."

Ji Fairy urged again.

When Ling Xian heard the words from Ji Fairy, she was said to be flushed, angrily angry, and shouted, "Bitch, do you still want to go?"

The deity of the martial arts took the fairy fairy's hand away and said, "He doesn't do well if he scolds you bitch."

As soon as the words fell, the solemn foot of the martial arts master hid on the ground, and there was a loud bang, and a loud noise erupted, shaking the mountain!

The whole magnificent ancient city seemed to tremble and there was a huge earthquake!

Countless ancient city guards' offensives have appeared a pause.


The figure of Budo deity flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he had rushed to Ling Xian!

The speed is too fast!

Ling Xian's pupil contracted suddenly.

He did not expect that under the guard of the six demon kings, the martial deity actually dared to take action against him!

This person is really carefree and courageous!

What does he want to do?

Does he still want to kill me in front of the six demon kings?

"Your Highness, be careful!"

The two demon kings closest to Ling Xian came to Ling Xian's side instantly, and one of them was another peerless demon king!

At the same time, the other four demon kings temporarily gave up suppressing the Ji fairy and turned to rush towards the martial deity.

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