Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2536: World Destruction

Ji Jijing saw the martial arts deity killing Ling Xian, and was able to come back alive, and was surprised and happy.

The Budo deity sacrificed out of the town prison trip, trying to break open the space here, and wanted to take the fairy fairy back to Abi hell.

However, the Zhending tripped into the void, but burst out a wave, and failed to break the void, and a space tunnel connecting Abi Hell appeared.

For this scene, the martial art deity looks calm, not surprising.

In fact, before seeing several demon kings failing to hold up the sky in the tomb, he probably guessed that he would not be able to teleport away at any time.

To be precise, any space-like means cannot be released under this magic cave!

He faintly thought of a possibility, but at this time the situation was critical, and the two had not escaped the danger. He had no time to think about it, and he could only take Ji Jijing to escape first.

There are also six demon kings in the Lingxiao Palace, plus a dozen demon kings such as the Black Demon Sect. Once they join forces, he can protect himself with the prison prison, but he cannot protect the Ji fairy.

"Go over there!"

Ji Fairy was extremely clever and quickly responded, pointing to the deepest part of the ancient city.

The Budo deity didn't answer, stretched out his arms, gently picked up Ji Jijing's slender and soft waist, and galloped toward the front.

Although Ji Jing's body is exquisite, he is far behind him in speed.

It is strange to say that these ancient city guards ignored the two martial arts deities, but moved towards the Lingxiao Palace, and the seven demon gates and the demon rushed to the past.

The deity of the martial arts thought, and guessed a possibility.

Ji Fairy and his body have the black remnants, so these ancient city guards will not attack them.

The six devil kings in Lingxiao Palace looked somber.

Under their guardianship, a real demon forcibly beheaded the emperor. If Lingxiao Demon Emperor knew, all six of them might face punishment.

Seeing that the two martial arts lords fled, Zangkong Demon and others did not dare to hesitate, and quickly collected Ling Xian's body and chased down.

The emperor is dead, so he can't let Arabu leave alive!

It's just that in the ancient city of the Devil's Cave, it is impossible to use the magical power secret method, but with the power of the flesh and blood, the demon kings can't keep up with the martial deity.

What's more, there are endless ancient city guards constantly blocking in the middle.

There is a complete map of the world destroyer on the demon king, and the guards around the ancient city will not attack him, but he can only barely follow the deity of the martial arts, and will not be lost.

This ancient city is too big, and the deity of martial arts took Ji Jijing to run for an hour before seeing a huge royal palace at the end of the ancient city!

"This should be the palace of the Devil Emperor, let's hide in!"

Ji Fairy said.

The two martial arts deities and Ji Fairy entered the Devil Emperor's palace and looked at them.

When you step into the bedroom, you will see an empty hall with nothing, only nine walls open on the walls around the hall.

It's dark and deep inside, I don't know where to go.

Generally speaking, of this arrangement in the tomb, only one of the nine palace gates is the way of life.

If you go wrong, you will most likely be buried here!

The two were unsure at a time.

Ji Fairy said: "It would be nice if there were a complete World Destruction Map, there should be some tips."

"What do you mean by the complete World Extermination Demon Map?"

Martial Deity's heart moved, and suddenly asked.

Ji Fairy explained: "Millions of years ago, the World Devil Emperor fell. It is said that when this Devil Emperor fell, the skin on his body was transformed into 18 World Demon Emperor Figures scattered around the Demon Realm."

"Each of the magic maps contains a part of the "Destroyer of the World". There are rumors that if you can gather eighteen devil's maps, you will get the complete "Destroyer of the World."

"It's said that "The Destruction of the World" is comparable to the taboo secret code, but, for so many years, no one has collected 18 magic pictures."

Wu Dao deity frowned slightly and whispered, "There are as many as 18 complete World Extermination Demon Maps?"


Ji Fairy said: "There are two upper and lower chapters of "The World Extermination Devil's Scripture", and a collection of nine magic pictures will appear in a complete one."

"Nine sheets?"

In the eyes of the deity of martial arts.

Fairy Ji did not notice the abnormality of the deity of Budo, and took out a black remnant picture from the storage bag, and continued: "Unfortunately, I only got one from Ling Xian."

Martial Dao said: "It happens, I have eight here."

In his hand, there was originally a magic figure, and then he hunted down several young masters of the demons, and got seven magic figures, a total of eight.

Together with the magic figure in the hands of the fairy fairy, there are exactly nine!


The Fairy Ji whispered and showed surprise.

The Budo prince just took out the eight magic figures, and the magic figure in the fairy fairy's hand automatically left his hand and connected with the eight magic figures.

It's a pity that there is no World Extermination Devil's Scripture on it, only a map-like mark.

Ji Fairy said: "I heard that there are nine remnants in the Lingxiao Devil Emperor, which made up the first part of "The World Destruction", and it is for this reason that he can become the emperor."

"However, this time, these residual pictures changed, and the above magical script disappeared, and Lingxiao Devil Emperor handed over the first chapter to the Tibetan Demon King, so that they could bring people here to investigate."

Budomoto looked at the marks on the nine magic maps and suddenly said: "This map is a bit like this palace. According to the instructions above, you should go to the second palace gate on the left!"

Fairy Ji also found the pointer on the magic figure, and was overjoyed, saying, "Let's go!"

Both the Budo deity and the fairy fairy set off and rushed into the second palace gate on the left, and soon disappeared.

The Kangkong Demon has a magic figure in it, and will not be blocked by the ancient city guards. He is the first to chase here.

Stepping into the hall, he also saw the same nine palace gates and couldn't help frowning.

The hall is empty and there is no figure.

The two of the Ara Obviously had already fled into one of the nine palace gates, and the Devil King of Cangkong could not judge or dare to break in easily.

Zangkong Demon had no choice but to stay at the door of the dormitory and wait for others in Lingxiao Palace to catch up.

After a while, Lu Cang Demon and others finally rushed out of the block of the ancient city guards, covered with blood stains, panting.

It takes only one hour to go all the way without hindrance.

They rushed all the way, and the guards around the ancient city were endless. They fought for more than one hour in a row, and they did consume a lot.

It's strange to say that those ancient city guards rushed to the front of the palace, and they stopped one after another, and none of them dared to break in!

Even if they have already died, in their final thoughts, this is also a forbidden place!

A dozen demon kings such as Hetian Demon God also killed a **** road and finally arrived here.

Everyone swallowed a few pills of elixir, slightly adjusted the rate, and with their body and blood, they can quickly recover.

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