Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 901: Things are wrong

Chapter 901

Hearing this ancestor, Jihuo Daojun was also very anxious, nodding his head again and again: "Good boy, you have cultivated to this point, it is very good. Get up."

Chixing Daojun shed tears on his coat, but just shook his head and could not afford to kneel.

There was an unknown surge in Jiujiaodao's heart. He took a few deep breaths, and still asked: "Your teacher's heavenly heart ... is it okay?"

Tianxindao is the great disciple of Jihuodaojun, and the only one of his seven disciples who has cultivated the "Red Flame Heart Sutra".

After the disappearance of Jiu Huo Dao, the Red Flame Heart Sutra can be passed down, thanks to the Tianxin Taoist.

Hearing the inquiries from Jihuo Daojun, Chixing Daojun looked sad and wept, "Master, he has fallen!"


Even if Jiujiaodao was prepared, he still whispered, and there was a pain in his eyes that was difficult to resolve.

After a long silence, Jiuhudao couldn't help but asked again: "Your uncles, Shi Yu, Chang Hai, Luo Ling ..."

Jihuo Daojun couldn't go on.

Akshiro Sato bowed his head, squeezed his lips tightly, shrugged his shoulders, and sobbed in a low voice.

"Several uncles failed to enter the state of France, Shou Yuan was exhausted, and all of them had passed away."

Finally, Akagi Daojun said it hard.


Hearing this, Su Zimo sighed in his heart.

To Emperor Huodao, a sudden sympathy rose in his heart.

Years are ruthless.

Without stepping into the realm of law, Shou Yuan was only five thousand years old.

Who would have thought that when Jiujiaodao returned, his seven disciples had all died.

In five thousand years, the sea is vicissitudes. The saddest thing is nothing but people.

Jiu Huo Dao Jun said nothing, closed his eyes, and looked sad, as if he had become a lot older in an instant.

The figures and sounds of the seven disciples flashed in his mind.

The sound of the seven disciples laughing and playing with each other seemed to be still in their ears.

When he left, these disciples were not very old, and the longest was no more than a thousand years old.

The youngest Shi Yu, just in his early 100s, looks like a child to him.

When he returned, he would never see these people again.

Su Zimo stood still silently, and he didn't know how to comfort Jiujiaodaojun.

This is the true world, cruel and ruthless!

In addition to the fights between monks, races, between evil and evil, immortals and demons, and years like swords, they are always hanging behind their necks.

On the road to spiritual practice, if you stop, the sword will be cut off!

No one can be spared!


Jihuo Daojun seemed to think of something. Opening his eyes, his eyes seemed to ignite two flames!


Jiuhuo Daojun shook his head and said, "Luo Ling, a few people in Shi Yu have not cultivated into the" Red Flame Heart Sutra "and have not been able to step into the realm of law and understand.

"But your master Tianxin has cultivated the" Red Flame Heart Sutra "clearly, and when I left, he had already returned to the virtual world and was able to step into the state of law at any time. How could he pass away!"

Speaking of this, Jihuo Daojun suddenly remembered that the Astral King just said that his master was fallen, not immortal!

Generally speaking, when falling on a monk, it is not the end.

"What happened to Tianxin!" Jihuo Daojun asked slowly.

Akimichi Daojun has stopped crying, clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and expressed his hatred in his eyes, saying: "It is the Lord of the Temple of the Underworld!"

"Who is he?"

Jihuo Daojun asked, "I heard that this person is a traitor to my Bailianmen?"

Akshiro Dao nodded his head, looked up to Jiu Huo Daojun, his complex look, and said: "His name is Ziyan, once, once ..."

"I was my brother." Jiu Huo Dao Jun answered, his voice was calm.

Su Zimo was shocked.

I did not expect that the owner of the Temple of the Underworld was the strongest generation of Jiuhuodaojun or his brother!

Jihuo Daojun asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"About four thousand years ago, the Lord of the Underworld Hall rebelled against the ancestral gate and established its own portal to create the Underworld Hall."

Akashiro Dao said: "He has great ambitions. From the moment he founded the Temple of the Underworld, he will take our place of Bailianmen."

"What is the elder elder of Zongmen doing? Let the underworld temple exist to this day?" Ji Huodao frowned.

Akashida-kun said bitterly: "It is said that there is a super sect behind the temple of the underworld, and the sect is afraid to act lightly."

Jihuo Daojun said faintly: "His achievements in the refiner are not weaker than me, and he is supported by the super sect, so it must develop very fast."


"The Elder Zongmen sees that the climate of the Temple of the Underworld has been formed, and the rise has become inevitable, and he can only give up, but hope that the two cases will be peaceful."

"It's just that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The Temple of the Underworld not only wants to replace the Bailianmen, but also wants to contemplate the" Red Flame Heart Sutra "!"

The flames in the eyes of Jiu Huo Dao became more prosperous.

Akashiro Damon continued, "Master has long since stepped into the realm of law, but was settled by the master of the Temple of the Underworld and set up a trap."

"He worked hard and tortured Master Yuan's gods. He wanted to ask the" Red Flame Heart Sutra ", and Master refused to reveal the word until he died. He was dispelled by life and died!

Su Zimo was furious.

Such means are really too poisonous.

In any case, the master of the Temple of the Underworld was once a disciple of Bailianmen, but he was so vicious against his former colleagues that it was intolerable to gods and ghosts!

"Brother Ziyan, when I recover my flesh with great fire, I will visit the door, take the soul, and sacrifice for three days and three nights in front of my apprentice's grave !!"

The flames in the eyes of Jiujiaodao were as big as two huge fireballs. They were going to incinerate all living beings in the world and be so murderous!

"Master, don't be impulsive."

Akashiro Tao quickly said: "The Lord of the Netherfire Palace is not the same as it was before, and he has stepped into the mixed environment early.

Above the state of law, it is the state of unity, which can be called power!

Take it all-around!

For five thousand years, Jiuhudao struggled between life and death, and it is a blessing to survive.

However, the practice of the master of the Temple of the Underworld has not fallen, and he has become progressively more sophisticated, and has achieved the title of ‘powerfulness’!

The gap between the two sides has widened.

Jihuo Daojun is not afraid, but just sneers: "Is the body fit and powerful? Very good. If he is still a Faxiang Daojun, I will be boring to kill!"

This sentence was so bold that Su Zimo jumped from the corner of his eyes.

Akimichi Jun couldn't help asking: "Master, where have you been these past few years? Your physical body ..."

"It's a long story."

Jiuhuodao Jun said: "My flesh is ruined, and this return is to recast the flesh!"

"Master is relieved."

Akagi Daojun also clearly understands the ancient method of calcined bone and body. He quickly said, "There are many top-level materials for forging bones in Zongmen. If the ancestor needs anything, I will go all out to help the ancestor. Come!"

"Master, you should hurry back to Zongmen with me."

"The old guys in Zongmen, if they knew you were still alive, feared that they would faint with laughter."

(End of this chapter)

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