Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 948: Get down!

Chapter 948: Get Down!

Looking at the back of Su Zimo, the three of Nangong Ling looked complex and looked at each other.

For some reason, the three of them always felt that the sentence that Su Zimo had just said seemed to have other meanings.

The three guessed correctly.

Su Zimo's words were to draw a clear line with Bai Lianmen!

If he fights against Tianjiao, his identity is likely to be hidden!

He didn't want to cause too much trouble to Bai Lianmen.

"Arrogant, I'll see your end!"

"Who do you think you are? There is only one cup of Superb Xuan Xuan Tea. Do you want it?"

"Oh, only the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou is qualified, you also deserve it!"

There was no need for Ye Tiancheng to speak, there were already a lot of Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao who couldn't bear it, stood up, ridiculed.

In their hearts, the candidate for the first true king is nothing more than those few people. What is this Mo Ling in front of?

Moreover, Su Zimo's tone made these Yuanying Realms extremely arrogant.

If Ye Tiancheng said such a thing, they would be upset if they were upset.

Mo Ling had no reputation before, and it was only about a month before he gained fame. Most monks have never heard of it, so naturally they are not convinced!

"Uncle Shi, even if you want to participate in the Tianjiao battle, you should take a break."

Nangong Ling quickly conveyed knowledge and reminded him, "You have just participated in the battle for the refiner, and your mental and physical strength must have been greatly consumed. It is now against you!"

At the same time, Pang Lan Zhenjun chuckled and shook his head: "In the end, it's a young man who can't bear his temper."

"Brother, how do you say?" Asked a monk.

Pang Lan Zhenjun said categorically: "This son has just made so many innate instruments and consumes a lot. Now he is anxious to challenge Ye Tiancheng in the end.

"I bet Ye Tiancheng doesn't have to take a shot, this person will be consumed by other Tianjiao!"

How strong is Su Zimo's ear?

Even though Pang Lan Zhenjun's voice is like a mosquito and a fly, in this noisy crowd, it is not obvious at all, and he can hear it clearly.

But he looked calm and didn't care.

Because the situation that Nangong Ling and Pang Lan Zhenjun worry about does not exist at all!

The just-used refiner, he just does what he does, there is nothing to consume!

Lanyue Daojun slowly got up, Shen said, "Since you can't wait, I will now announce that Tianjiao's battle has officially started!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Zimo turned around, pointed at Ye Tiancheng, who was high on the throne, and slowly said, "Get off!"

Qun Xiu is shocked!

What is this doing!

Does this Mo Ling want to challenge the first true monarch Ye Tiancheng?

Does this person think he has a long life and can't wait to die?

Ye Tiancheng remained motionless on the throne and looked coldly at Su Zimo below, his eyes full of disdain.

Having reached this point, he was in a hurry.

In his eyes, Su Zimo is already a mortal person!

In other words, he does not need to do it himself!

"Ha ha!"

"It's ridiculous. What kind of thing do you deserve to challenge your master?"

The two maids beside Ye Tiancheng pouted and grinned.


"This Mo Ling didn't even know the rules of Tianjiao's battle, so it was fun to jump out and die."

There was a laugh in the crowd.


Su Zimo looked around and asked, "What are the rules for Tianjiao to fight?"

Lan Yuedao said in a deep voice: "Except for Ye Tiancheng and Pang Lan Zhenjun who are at the top of the vision. The rest of Tianjiao will have to fight each other and face each other until they can decide the last two winners to challenge Ye Tiancheng and Pang Lanzhen Two! "

Ye Tiancheng grinned and said, "That is to say, you want to challenge me, even without qualifications!"

Su Zimo frowned, looking at Lanyue Daojun, and asked, "I want to fight Ye Tiancheng, and I have to fight with other Tianjiao, step by step?"


Lan Yuedao Jun nodded and said, "Otherwise, everyone wants to challenge Ye Tiancheng. Isn't he annoying?"

"Oh, I got it."

Su Zimo nodded, looking indifferent, his eyes stagnant, and said lightly: "I want to dispose of Ye Tiancheng now. Anyone who wants to stop, come up!"

"You don't have to fight against each other. If you don't agree, come up at any time, and I will continue together!"

There was an uproar in the crowd!

"Is this person crazy?"

"He wants to suppress all Tianjiao present with his own strength?"

"I think he really fantasizes himself as the first true king, and wants to push all the Tianjiao on the scene.

Not to mention other monks, even everyone in Bailianmen was shocked and stunned on the spot.

"Uncle Shi must be crazy!"

Nangong Ling kept shaking her head, murmuring repeatedly in her mouth.

We must use our own strength to suppress all Tianjiao present, I am afraid that even Ye Tiancheng and Pang Lanzhenjun dare not have such a big tone!

To be precise, except for the tenderness, the fat man, and others who knew Su Zimo's bottom line, almost no one was optimistic about him.

Of course, very few monks frowned and reserved their opinions.

Among them, Hang Qiuyu of Jianzong.

Sword wandered to the sky and laughed, gritted his teeth and said, "This man is extremely arrogant. If there is nothing in the world, it is his own destruction!"

"Not necessarily."

Hang Qiuyu shook his head.

At least in his memory, there used to be such a demon, who dared to let out such a grandiose, and had such strength!

That man, he will never forget.

The ancient battlefield twice, the figure shocked him too much!

The only returnee in this journey in Piaoxue Valley, Luoxue Fairy looked at the blue figure and whispered: "What a great spirit! If this person is not a lunatic, then this spirit is enough to compete for the title of the first true king ! "

Lan Yuedao Jun groaned a little, but reminded him: "Heavenly battle, don't fight to death or kill, don't aim at Yuan Shen!"

The voices were overwhelming and the sentiments were strong.

There are already a lot of Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao who can't bear it. They want to rush up and fight with Su Zimo.

In fact, there are not many Tianjiao forces in Zhongzhou who really have grudges against Su Zimo.

At this time, there are many Yuan Ying Tianjiao eager to move.

Except for those who do not know what to do and want to teach Su Zimo more, they are more focused on the treasures of Su Zimo!

Tianjiao was fighting, but it was not allowed to kill.

But there are no restrictions, and no one is allowed to compete for the treasure on the other side!

If Su Zimo can be defeated, everyone can naturally justify his shot and **** all the treasures from Su Zimo.

Including the thirty-six congenital flying swords just revealed!

In the eyes of Qun Xiu, Su Zimo at this time is a huge treasure waiting for everyone to compete!

Many monks stared at Su Zimo, and the greed in his eyes was clearly visible.

Su Zimo's eyes were cold, and he felt a lot of arrogant thoughts, and slowly said, "There is a word, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"The battle of Tianjiao is not allowed to kill, but I am very heavy! The person I want to abandon is Ye Tiancheng. I do n’t care about others, so don't come from trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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