Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1002

"what's the situation?"

When everyone looked surprised.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, and the next moment, the strength in her body was no longer suppressed, and it also surged out.

Accompanied by the berserk aura sweeping across, the aura on his body burst out suddenly, and the invisible spiritual power completely enveloped Ye Qianran at this time, and when he looked at it suddenly, his figure became blurred.

"what happened!"

Long Lie couldn't help but exclaimed, his face full of disbelief, and he became even stronger.

Ye Qianran was restrained before, but now she burst out.

He really couldn't believe it, could it be that Ye Qianran had been covering up when he was fighting against him?

Another thing that made him puzzled was, how could Ye Qianran, a human being, possess such terrifying power physically?

Rong Yiming, Nie Qingcheng's expression at this time also showed a solemn look.

The elders of the Spirit Blood Clan had bright eyes, Ye Qianran's performance was indeed far beyond everyone's expectations.

Xiao Mengyao and Rong Silan were a little excited at this time, while Zhong Chuchu looked at Ye Qianran with a little fascination.

In fact, the first time she knew it was Ye Qianran, she identified everything because of her preconceived notion, and then Ye Qianran's mysterious arrow broke out. At that time, she was very obsessed, and now that feeling surged out again.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect my little brother's strength to reach such a level!" Liu Ruyan raised the corners of her mouth, her charm deepened.

Yi Feixuan's complexion was ruddy, her eyes were bright, it's no exaggeration, her heartbeat accelerated at this moment.


Ye Qianran said two words at this time, and after he finished speaking, his body disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared, he was already in front of Long Wuyan, and then there was a piercing whistle, and his right hand also hit him.

Long Wuyan was always amazed, but at this time his reaction was also very fast. He spread his right hand and hit it.


The ear-piercing sound was deafening. 'want'. Deaf, as if a muffled thunder exploded in the ear.

After the voice fell, the two separated at the same time, and at the moment of separation, they rushed towards each other again.


All the people present were stunned at the same time. Accompanied by the loud noise of collision, the figures of the two people were a little blurred. At this time, everyone found that the fighting of this young generation is definitely not worse than that of the middle-aged people, and with continuous upgrades, they are constantly fighting. The increase, the feeling is more clear.

But judging from the expression, many people can see the taste.

Long Wuyan's expression is becoming more and more serious, while Ye Qianran's expression is... getting more and more excited?

That's right, I'm really getting more and more excited. This scene is really weird. The more I fight, the more excited I get?

When everyone was surprised, there was a loud bang and the bodies of the two separated.


Ye Qianran simply said a word at this time, his expression was full of excitement.

"Very strong!"

Long Wuyan simply said two words at this time, and when his eyes fluttered, he said: "Ninety percent of the power is actually suppressed by you!"


Ye Qianran smiled at this moment. In fact, he didn't explode completely, and he still had some reservations. Although he wanted to explode, he also understood that the dragon clan is arrogant, so it can be regarded as giving the opponent some face. But even so, with the support of Long Wuyan, he also played very freely.

"You should still have some reservations!" Long Wuyan said slowly, with a strange look on his face.

When Long Wuyan asked this question, the people present were dumbfounded again.

what's the situation? Do you have any reservations?

How is this possible?

The battle between the two just now was so fierce, it completely surpassed the middle-aged level, did Ye Qianran still have reservations?

At this time, everyone couldn't believe it.


Ye Qianran was stunned and finally nodded slightly: "That's right!"

The people present were surprised again after watching it, and then thought that Ye Qianran was bragging about being 'forceful', isn't this too strong?

Long Tianshuo and Long Lie, including Rong Yiming, Nie Qingcheng, and the elders of Tongtian Pavilion were also dumbfounded, do they still have reservations?

After the shock, Hammer Qiu and the others became a little depressed, and Ye Qianran was stronger than before, so they had to be serious.

"I want to see how you feel when you give your best!"

Long Wuyan's eyes fluttered and he said slowly that he still retained 10% of his strength. With such a feeling, he really wanted to know how far the gap between him and Ye Qianran was.

"Are you sure?" Ye Qianran frowned and couldn't help but say something.

"Well, sure!"

Long Wuyan nodded slightly, his 'fine' light floated again, and then took a deep breath, the experience on his body was finally mobilized, the aura can definitely be called amazing.

At this time, everyone understood why Long Wuyan was the last one to appear on the stage. It was indeed very terrifying.


Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he simply said two words, because he also wanted to see how far he could achieve a complete explosion.

Exhaling a breath, when Ye Qianran inhaled, the spiritual power in his body soared instantly, and the terrifying aura completely presented a piercing sound.


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