Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1007

"Blood Successor!"

At this time, one person couldn't help but speak out, his expression was full of surprise and disbelief at this time. And with the opening of one person, the news spread instantly, and everyone's expressions became amazed at this moment, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Long Tianshuo's eyes were floating, but he didn't speak at this time, and remained calm.

The elder of the Huolong clan obviously became nervous at this moment, but after seeing that no one made a sound at this time, his expression was also relieved at this moment, and he let out a light breath.

Xueji is absolutely not allowed in the Dragon Clan, but his son happens to be Xueji, and more newborns of the Fire Dragon Clan are opened.

He himself believes that not only his Fire Dragon Clan, but other people are also the same, so he has an idea, that is to prevent the Dragon Clan from going on like this.

That's why he communicated with his son.

If it is not possible, the Fire Dragon Clan will automatically evacuate from Dragon Valley and never come back.

But at this time, seeing that no one was speaking, he couldn't help but bewildered and surprised, and then his eyes flickered with his own thoughts.

After the two showed their bodies, the coercion suddenly became more intense at this moment. Everyone was completely suppressed at this time, and they really felt breathless.

Ye Qianran's performance seems to be relatively relaxed at this time, during the floating of the "fine" light, he did not rush to use his dragon source, but suspended in the distance, the "fine" light floated, and the spiritual power on his body was regained A soar.

"Why hasn't he shown his body yet, is it possible that he can continue like this?"

The expressions of the people present showed doubts.

At this time, Ye Qianran also moved, still at the same speed as before, but with the sound of thumping, violent spiritual power swept across, Ye Qianran's body immediately retreated.


Ye Qianran's expression was full of helplessness at this moment. Could it be that he really needs to change form?

While he was thinking, Long Mingchen and Long Shaoqing, who had turned back into their original bodies, let out a low growl at the same time, and roared towards Ye Qianran, and the pounding spiritual power became even more terrifying at this moment.

Ye Qianran suppressed several people before, but now, he is completely suppressed by the two of them.

Everyone watched in amazement, and had to admit that this game was really 'very' interesting.

Such a scene has never appeared before the battle of Longyuan in the past.

If he doesn't change, I'm afraid he will lose, right?

At this time, everyone's focus was on Ye Qianran.

And what about Ye Qianran at this time? His gaze was floating, but he suppressed it and waited, because he felt that the time had not come yet, so he was waiting, waiting...

Of course, in the process of waiting, he relied on his divine sense and phoenix eyes to dodge with ease, so it seemed that everything was very easy.

With the passage of time, the spiritual power became more and more intense, filling the seal, and the figure was completely blurred, including the seal trembling at this time, which made people really startled.

However, when the battle platform was completely shielded by spiritual power, everyone's expressions became anxious, and now they could only hear the whistling sound inside, but no one knew the specific situation.

When everyone was secretly anxious, suddenly there was a dragon's chant, and the dragon's chant was melodious, and the moment it soared into the sky, all the dragons present felt absolute suppression, as if it came from the soul. feeling, even...

It even makes people feel like surrendering.

"what happened?"

At this time, everyone present showed shock and disbelief.

Of course, apart from them, there are also Long Tianshuo, the patriarchs and elders of the various clans present, because at this moment they all feel absolute suppression, and their hearts are also trembling.

Just when everyone didn't understand what was going on, the golden light shot up into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and the seal surged violently in an instant, and then under the impact, it fell down with a thumping sound , It turned out to be directly broken.

"what happened?"

At this time, everyone present opened their mouths and kept asking, but no one knew the answer at this time.

But at this moment, the sound of the dragon chant sounded again, and then a figure rushed out from the surge of spiritual power, hovering above the sky.

It is no exaggeration for the people present to be there at the same time.

What kind of figure is that?

The fine golden scales all over his body looked mighty, and besides that, the coercion was even stronger at this time.

When the aura of the emperor was very prominent, the illusory dragon shadow floated, and then turned into several dragon shadows and walked around his body.


When the dragon chant sounded soaring into the sky again, the clouds in the sky instantly appeared in a huge vortex state, and that scene looked unbelievable.

At this time, two dragon chants sounded, and two huge figures rushed out again, hovering in front of the golden dragon shadow.

At this time, by comparison, Ye Qianran looked more prominent and more mysterious.

Because it is said to be a dragon clan, but it is completely irrelevant.

But these are just the thoughts of the younger generation. Long Tianshuo, the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan, and the elders of the other clans looked shocked and unbelievable.

Because at this time, everything Ye Qianran showed was no different from their ancestors, the ancient dragons, and they were completely in the same form.

"How is this possible?"

At this time, an elder of the Dragon Clan spoke out first, his voice trembling, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Qianran who was suspended in mid-air.

"His Xueji spiritual power is probably maximized, he is fully awakened!"

Another dragon elder couldn't help but say something at this time, because there is no reasonable explanation now, this seems to be the most appropriate.


The voice of the dragon elder trembled, but after saying two words, he also closed his mouth at this time, because they saw an unbelievable scene at this time.

The dazzling light carried colorful colors, and a round spirit power ball appeared near Ye Qianran's mouth.

When the spiritual power ball was flashing with countless colors, it instantly converged and turned into the color of nothingness. Suddenly, Ye Qianran felt even more mysterious...

"Long Yuan?"

"How is it possible? How could he control Longyuan?"

Long Tianshuo's eyes were floating, and his heart was deeply shocked. He was really curious at this moment, what Ye Qianran planned to do next, because after Long Yuan appeared, there was no way out...

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