Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1009

What I, the previous generation of Dragon Emperor, did was really unqualified! "

Long Tianshuo opened his mouth slowly, his expression was full of fluctuations at this time, and then he took a deep breath and said: "When I first became the Dragon Emperor, I made a wrong decision!"

"Maybe I should have sorted out the entire Dragon Clan like a little brother, and because I chose to follow, my wife and 'daughter' left me..."

When Long Tianshuo spoke, his voice trembled a little, and finally his eyes fluttered, and he continued: "Now that I have come to this point, I have a great responsibility. I don't want anything extravagantly now. I just want my 'daughter 'My son can forgive me, forgive my wrong decision at that time, and besides..."

"In addition, I hope that every dragon clan will recognize the awakened blood successor dragon clan, because it is really blessed, so there is no need to envy or envy, because maybe your descendants will all awaken the blood successor in the near future!"

Long Tianshuo put a smile on his face when he was talking, looked up at Ye Qianran and said: "Brother Ye is very good, dare to try, I am looking forward to the future development of the Dragon Clan, so I also support it!"

With the sound of Long Tianshuo's voice, the patriarchs of the Black Dragon Clan and the Konglong Clan floated out, looked at each other and said, "We also support it!"


After hearing this, Ye Qianran took a deep breath, put a smile on his face, and then said: "Finally, I am giving you a gift!"

After the words fell, Jing's light floated and said: "Wu Shuang bring everyone out!"

It's true that he was not in a hurry to transform at that time, because he was waiting, waiting for Long Wushuang's arrival, and after he felt it, he also transformed at that time, and this is how the current scene occurred. After his words fell, everyone was shocked at the same time, and then raised their heads to look into the distance.

At this time, everyone was shocked, because from a distance, nearly a hundred huge figures rushed over.

As the distance got closer, everyone present at this time could see clearly that most of the huge figures looked similar to Long Shaoqing's, and there were some small ones, similar to Ye Qianran's previous changes. Of course, the most similar one is the front one.

It looks a little petite, but it looks very good-looking...

And when so many dragons came not far away, dazzling rays of light bloomed and transformed at the same time.

Among them are children, middle-aged people, and old people... These are all dragon clans that were expelled a long time ago, and there are people from every dragon clan among them.


"elder brother……"


At this time, many dragons exclaimed, their faces were full of unbelievable expressions, and at this time Long Tianshuo was also looking at the front figure, because that was his daughter, Long Wushuang.


Hearing the exclamation below, Ye Qianran smiled and said: "Okay, now there is no distinction of race, let's all go find our relatives!"

After the voice fell, suspended in the air, the expression of the expelled Dragon Clan showed excitement at the same time, and the figure fell down immediately. The sudden scene moved many people to tears.

After leaving Dragon Valley for such a long time, can he finally go home?

Ye Qianran smiled, with a slightly strange expression on his face, and then his eyes fell on Long Wushuang. At this time, he found that Long Wushuang's eyes were still looking at Long Tianshuo at this time, and he understood something in his heart. Long Tianshuo's side said: "Father-in-law, this is a good opportunity, don't miss it!"

After hearing this, Long Tianshuo was stunned and then understood something, nodded slightly and galloped over.

The patriarch of the dragon clan sighed at this time, he found that he still hadn't done it well, and Ye Qianran was completely planned.

This kind of thing may not be successful on them, but it can be done on Ye Qianran.

Because Ye Qianran was very well prepared.

Long Tianshuo took a deep breath at this time, and levitated towards Long Wushuang.

Long Wushuang naturally saw it, and after his expression fluctuated, he also turned his head at this time, showing a complicated expression again.

"Wu Shuang!"

After Long Tianshuo's figure came to Long Wushuang's side, his lips moved, and he said two words with a trembling voice, then took a deep breath and said, "Wu Shuang, I know that you hate me, and I know too. I have done a lot of mistakes, and I am also very responsible for your mother's death, if you want to kill me now, do it!"

After hearing this, Long Wushuang's figure trembled, bit his lip tightly and remained silent.

After she left yesterday, she has been thinking about Ye Qianran's words, indeed, if Ye Qianran is the Dragon Emperor, she will also choose to leave, and will not make Ye Qianran feel any embarrassment.

Because she loves Ye Qianran, she is willing to choose to give.

Her mother used to be the same way, right?

In addition, after she left with Longyuan, her father never sent anyone to look for her. He once thought that her father could not find her.

But her sister wanted to find it, didn't she come here? To put it bluntly, I still don't want her to be in danger, so I have been taking it all the time.

"I'm not a good father, but I hope to be a good father. I hope I can take good care of you and Yingying in the future..."

Long Tianshuo sighed, and his expression fluctuated more intensely.

"elder sister!"

Amidst the surging light, Long Ying came to Long Wushuang's side at this time, after a change of expression, she stretched out her hand to hold Long Wushuang's hand, then moved her mouth and whispered: "Sister, don't blame father, okay? "

After hearing Long Ying's words, Long Wushuang's expression fluctuated again, then he bit his lip lightly, his eyes fell on Long Tianshuo and said: "I won't forgive you now, but I will stay Dragon Clan!"

Long Tianshuo's surprise immediately appeared after hearing this, and Long Wushuang actually forgave him by saying this.

Naturally, seeing Long Tianshuo's surprise, Long Wushuang had a strange expression on his face, and then lowered his head.


Ye Qianran smiled at this time, he likes this atmosphere very much now, how nice...

Looking up at the setting sun in the distance, the Aolong Jue dissipated at this moment. At this moment, Longyuan moved a little bit, and the Shenlong wandering around him screamed, and directly submerged into his body, and finally disappeared completely... …

"See Dragon Emperor!"

The patriarch of the fire dragon clan took a deep breath at this moment, his expression slightly agitated.

Under the leadership of the patriarch of the Fire Dragon Clan, the rest of the Dragon Clan patriarchs also said respectfully at this time.

Accompanied by the sound of unison, after the excitement of the dragon clan present, their eyes fell on Ye Qianran at the same time and they respectfully said: "See the Dragon Emperor!"

Suddenly, that neat voice resounded through the world...

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