Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1011

Well, this is fine, and it's 'very' good to resolve this matter as soon as possible! "Su Kunlin said with a smile. Ye Qianran nodded slightly, then looked at Rong Yiming and Nie Qingcheng and said, "Father-in-law, senior Nie, I have something to discuss with you? "

"whats the matter?"

After hearing this, the two of them had doubts on their faces at the same time.

"Hey, here's the thing!"

Ye Qianran smiled, and immediately told about the Nine Nether Land and the Spirit Blood Clan.

The two looked at each other after hearing this, and then Nie Qingcheng said: "We will take the initiative to communicate with them about this matter!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran put on a smile again on his face. If so, it is really relaxed.

"When does little brother plan to leave Dragon Valley?" Su Kunlin asked at this time.

"In two days!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

After hearing this, Su Kunlin nodded his head in agreement.

Ye Qianran thought about it at this time, to see if there was anything else he had to say, but just as he was pondering, a voice sounded at this moment: "As far as I know, there is still a dragon token in the Dragon Clan. Tongtian Pavilion, isn't the Dragon Emperor going to take it?"

Ye Qianran was startled when he heard the voice, then looked up and found that it was Song Lu who spoke, and he knew about it, but what did the other party mean by saying this?

When he was confused, Long Wushuang, Yi Feixuan, including Liu Ruyan showed surprise at the same time. They knew this matter most clearly, but they also wondered why Song Lu suddenly Say this.

"Well, there is indeed such a thing!"

Long Tianshuo's eyes floated on this, and then he said: "It's just lost in the Dragon Tomb, and it's not easy to get it, because the Dragon Tomb does not allow people from the Dragon Clan to enter..."

After he said this, his voice suddenly paused, his face showed a strange 'color' at this time, and then said: "But it seems that you can enter, but you can take it out!"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and then he nodded lightly and said: "Well, I'm going to Tongtian Pavilion anyway in two days, so I should just go and have a look!"

What he thinks now is very simple. Anyway, he has to go, so it's better to make the things of the Dragon Clan more comprehensive.

Long Tianshuo nodded, but he didn't speak, and Song Lu's mouth was raised, and he didn't say too much at this time.

Ye Qianran glanced at Song Lu at this time, and narrowed his eyes slightly, he always felt weird, but at this time he didn't think too much, wasn't it just to get a dragon order? This doesn't seem too difficult.

"so be it!"

Ye Qianran thought about it at this time but didn't come up with anything, so he waved his hand and said: "Then let's go, if there is anything in the future, let's make another announcement!"

After hearing this, the people present also left the venue one after another. Ye Qianran also took the lead to Long Ying's room while everyone was there.

Sitting on the side of the 'bed', Ye Qianran raised his head and glanced around, then said with a smile at this moment: "Okay, let's all sit down!"

Long Wushuang, Long Ying, Xiao Mengyao, Liu Ruyan, Yi Feixuan, Rong Silan, and Zhong Chuchu also sat down at this time. At this time, Ye Qianran pulled Long Wushuang and introduced Xiao Mengyao, Rong Silan and Zhong Chuchu. Chuchu, because of the three of them, Long Wushuang had never met.

At this time, he found that it was still very good. After chatting with a few people, he still felt very comfortable.

Kong'dong, Qiqi, and Wutian at the end, the more he thought about it, the more urgent Ye Qianran became, but in the end he suppressed it forcibly, now he should stay for two days.

First, it is not appropriate for him to leave just after sitting on the Dragon Emperor. Another point, from the bottom of his heart, he really wants to accompany these people.

After eating that night, Ye Qianran took a few people for a stroll in Longgu. In the evening, he dragged Long Wushuang into a room alone.

His purpose was also to have a deep talk with Long Wushuang.

After taking a bath, Ye Qianran looked at Long Wushuang who was thinking in his arms, and understood something in his heart, and asked at this moment: "Wushuang, are you still thinking about you and your father?"

Long Wushuang was startled, then raised his head at this moment, nodded slightly and said, "I really don't know what to do!"

"Want to hear my opinion?"

Ye Qianran smiled and said, in fact, he wanted to talk about this matter when he was alone with Long Wushuang today. Before leaving, he didn't want to leave with worry.

"En!" Long Wushuang nodded after hearing this.


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up again, and then he said with a smile at this time: "I still said those words, your father is actually very good, and I believe you know a lot, I think If possible, you can try to forgive your father, maybe there will be a good result? After all, she is your relative anyway, isn't she? "

Long Wushuang was stunned, then bit his lip lightly and leaned into Ye Qianran's arms without saying anything.

Ye Qianran patted Long Wushuang on the back lightly after watching it, and fell silent temporarily. He said everything he should say, and now it's up to Long Wushuang to make a choice.

With the passage of time, Long Wushuang bit his 'lip' lightly and raised his head again. Before he could speak, Ye Qianran said at this moment: "Tomorrow I will accompany you to find your father!"

"En!" Long Wushuang nodded again.

The smile on Ye Qianran's face inevitably reappeared after seeing it. This woman has a hurdle in her heart, and she can definitely overcome it as long as she faces it.

Exhaling, Ye Qianran lowered his head and kissed Long Wushuang's cheek: "Okay, then don't think too much about it now, well, let's rest early now!"


After hearing this, Long Wushuang nodded again, leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and closed his eyes at this moment.

Maybe it was because she felt very stable in Ye Qianran's arms, so she fell asleep very quickly.

Ye Qianran still had his eyes open at this time, and after seeing Long Wushuang really fell asleep, he lowered his head and kissed her face again, then closed his eyes and rested again.

After a night of nothing, the next day, when Ye Qianran opened his eyes, Long Wushuang had already woken up, and his eyes were looking at him.


At this moment, Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said, "Isn't your husband very handsome?"

After hearing this, Long Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran seriously and then nodded slightly.

Seeing Long Wushuang's appearance, Ye Qianran's smile suddenly appeared. This woman is actually quite cute. After her eyes fluttered, at this moment, she kissed those soft, fragrant lips 'superior.

As the strange feeling spread, Long Wushuang closed his eyes and responded...

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