Eternal Supreme

Chapter 1025

"What the hell?"

Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and then said: "Senior, you are joking!"

"You crow mouth!"

The man shook his head and said: "I underestimated the spiritual power of the magic crystal, it has already broken through the seal!"


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and said with surprise on his face: "The breakthrough is a breakthrough. You can't say that catastrophe just comes to me!"

"This is the arrangement in the dark!"

The man shook his head and said: "But it's nothing to find you. Although the magic crystal's spiritual power is terrifying, even if he can find someone quickly, he may not be able to control the magic crystal now, but you have to be careful when you control it." !"

"En!" Ye Qianran nodded and said, "Then what should I do now?"

"Wait!" The man simply said two words. Outside... Meng Yang and Zong Hongzhen looked at Wan Tianzong, who was covered in purple, with horror all over his face at the same time, what's going on? Why did Wan Tianzong suddenly become like this?

Seeing Wan Tian rolling all over the ground, the two of them didn't know what to do for a while.

After going on for a long time, Wan Tianzong also stopped at this moment, and the two of them also walked up at this time after seeing it, and then their eyes fell on Wan Tianzong at the same time, with worried expressions on their faces : "Brother Wan, are you okay?"


Wan Tianzong's voice was cold, and then he turned his head. Zong Hongzhen and Meng Yang were both stunned at the same time.

Because of the black air covering Wan Tianzong's face at this time, his eyes also turned purple, which looked extremely strange.

"This feels very good!" Wan Tianzong said at this time, spread his right hand, and a purple fist-sized spar floated out.

"What is this?" The two people looked surprised at the same time.

Wan Tian shook his head, then lightly held the spar with his right hand and submerged it into his body, closed his eyes and said, "I've never felt so good!" He said with a hideous look on his face, "Ye Isn't Qianran very strong? I'll let him die now!"

"Brother Wan, don't be impulsive, we are not his opponents now!" Meng Yang said hurriedly after hearing this, but his voice fell, his body trembled, then he lowered his head, and a hand with purple spiritual power penetrated him body of.

"I don't want to hear this!" Wan Tianzong's face was full of murderous intent and anger, and because of this, his expression became even more ferocious.

"Brother Wan..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zong Hongzhen was completely stunned, his face was full of astonishment and disbelief, and seeing Meng Yang lying limply on the ground, he swallowed the words that came to his lips at this moment.

"Go and accompany him too!"

Wan Tianzong's purple eyes also fell on Zong Hongzhen at this moment.

Zong Hongzhen's face changed drastically, and his body galloped out at this moment, but not far away, a sharp breath swept through him, and a sword glow penetrated his body.

Looking at Zong Hongzhen who was also lying on the ground, Wan Tianzong clasped his hands, and then his body trembled, and the color of excitement emerged, and then he turned his head, looking in the direction of the valley, murderous intent and coldness emerged again, his body Suddenly rushed up at this moment...


"What's coming?"

Ye Qianran looked up at the man and asked.

"Your catastrophe is coming!" the man said.

"What, so fast?" Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"That's right, go out and have a look, but remember to leave this little girl behind." After speaking, Ye Qianran's spiritual thoughts fluctuated, and everything in front of him also changed at this time, and he became completely clear. come over.

"Brother Qianran..."

Seeing that Ye Qianran's expression returned to normal, An Mengying immediately showed surprise, but she was still worried and said, "Brother Qianran, are you okay now?"


Ye Qianran shook his head, and then his divine sense fluctuated, and he felt something at this moment, his expression was stunned, and then he said: "Dizzy, is it such a coincidence?"

After saying a word, his eyes fell on An Mengying's body and said: "Mengying, you stay here, I'll go out for a while, remember, no matter what happens, you can't come out and find out?"

Seeing Ye Qianran like this, An Mengying became even more worried.

"You must remember my words!" After Ye Qianran finished speaking, his body also disappeared at this time.

An Mengying froze, and was about to run out, but at this moment, a ray of light enveloped her body.

"Little girl, you don't need to go out in a hurry!" A gentle voice sounded, and An Mengying was stunned for a while, but at this moment a figure floated out and said, "You will distract him instead!"

"What happened!" An Mengying said anxiously after hearing this.

"He is destined to die!"

The man said: "I thought I would avoid it, but he appeared with a crow's mouth..."

"What is doomed!" After An Mengying was stunned, the worry on her face became clearer.

"It's hard to say, but you should really want to help him, right?" the man said.

"Yeah!" An Mengying bit her lips tightly and nodded. She didn't know what happened now, but as long as it could help Ye Qianran, he was very willing to do anything.

"Then this is easy to say!"

The man smiled and said: "Then just wait now, and I will teach you how to do it later!"

An Mengying was startled, and then saw the man smiling and very kind, so she finally chose to trust her, because if the man in front of her wanted to do something, she would definitely kill her and would not tell her So many things to do.

On the other side, after Ye Qianran appeared, his eyes fell directly on a figure and said: "It's you!"

Wan Tianzong looked at Ye Qianran clenched his fists and said, "That's right, it's me!"

"Sick to death, why did the magic crystal run on you!" Ye Qianran's mouth twitched and said, "Do you feel now... um, feel 'great' 'great'?"

Wan Tianzong was startled, his face was full of doubts, and then he said in a low voice: "Stop talking nonsense, I will let you die today, and I will double the humiliation you gave me!"


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and then said: "It's so boring to fight as soon as we meet, otherwise... how about I take the initiative to admit defeat?"


"What about guessing punches?"


"Then how about we sit and see? Well, then talk about how to resolve our grievances?"


"Then what about hitting directly?"


"Okay, Wan Tianzong, you are really straightforward, then I will withdraw..." Ye Qianran frowned after hearing this, and said with a smile.

"Damn you!" Wan Tianzong came back to his senses at this time, his face looked even colder, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Qianran at this time. With the floating purple light, his figure suddenly disappeared, and When it appeared, the body had already come to Ye Qianran's body, and Ling Mang stabbed Ye Qianran's chest...

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