Eternal Supreme

Chapter 239

"The little guy is not bad, he actually knows the secret realm!"

The old man said something, and then said: "The Land of Nine Nethers is actually similar to the Secret Realm, both of which exist in the same category, but the Land of Nine Nethers is relatively more mysterious than the Secret Realm! I remember that this place was once occupied by the Secret Realm and another ...cough cough, I suppressed it anyway, but I didn't expect it to pop up again now!"

"How should I put it, the brand in your body is a sacred object of the Land of Nine Nethernesses, which is usually only qualified to be worn by the young master of Nine Nethernesses, but unexpectedly, it ran to you. Hey, this is equivalent to There is an extra big treasure! We can teach you to control that brand, I wonder if you want to learn it?"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, he was trying to control the spiritual power, but the feeling was uncomfortable, he said immediately: "It seems that the spiritual power is beyond my control, why do you have a way?"


The six people nodded at the same time, at this time the old man who spoke earlier said: "Open a gap in the seal in your body, let your..."

"In short, we have a way. As long as you agree, you can control the power of the stars and the power of the boss's wind better. Do you want to do it or not?" At this time, the third child directly planned his words.

Ye Qianran was still confused at this time, in fact, he was quite worried that these guys would sell him, so he coughed dryly and said: "Hey, I don't mind, I feel pretty good, then what, I'll go first !"

Now he can be considered to understand some information, the Land of Nine Nethers? He just investigated carefully, so there is no need to play risks with these six people.

"Oh, I want to go, let me tell you, you have to do it today or not!" At this moment, the fifth child stood in front of Ye Qianran, and said with a smile.

Ye Qianran clasped her hands in front of her chest and said, "What are you guys doing? If you're there, I'm going to call you!"

"Oh, you are screaming, but no one can hear you!" The fifth child laughed, and Ye Qianran opened his mouth. At this moment, he felt his head sinking, and he fainted, and he finally My thoughts are: "Playing, chastity is lost!"

In another room, six people looked at Ye Qianran with solemn expressions. At this time, an old man said: "This kid's seal is very strong, it will be difficult to open the gap. It seems that we must cooperate with the six of us." Yes! Also, remember that it is a gap, it must be a gap, if this kid's blood is fully opened, he will definitely be coveted!"

"Don't worry, if this kid doesn't have enough strength, letting go of all the blood is death!"


At this time, an old man pondered for a while, and finally said: "The sealed thing is..."

"Don't worry about it, it's not protected by the Heaven's Artifact." An old man shrugged and said, "Besides, with such a strong seal, it's difficult for us to break open even a single trace. Although that thing is terrifying, it has been sealed for a long time. , It’s not that easy to open!”

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I can't wait!"

"Well, let's start..."

After the six people said a few words, they looked at each other, and the vast spiritual power surged out at the same time. At this moment, the sound of clothes being broken, Ye Qianran's abdomen was torn apart, and with the pulling of an old man, the complicated lines Immediately appeared.

At this time, the six people looked at each other, spiritual power surged, and multiple mysterious seals appeared...

After the little guy on the side looked at it, anticipation also appeared in his nimble eyes...

As time passed, the entire room was filled with extremely terrifying spiritual power, and Ye Qianran's figure was completely blurred at this time, completely wrapped in the spiritual power of the six people, and the six people had sweat on their foreheads at this time , frowning tightly, in fact, from this point, it can be seen how difficult it is to break a trace of the seal.

Time was still passing, at this time Ye Qianran, who was wrapped in spiritual power, suddenly frowned, and the color of pain appeared, and the imprint on his abdomen rippled, at this moment, an extremely evil breath was revealed instantly, this time Xiao Hei, who was behind Ye Qian at that time, trembled suddenly, and his spiritual power also circulated at this time, and the evil breath flowed and submerged in it in an instant.

One hour, two hours, when the third hour passed, the six of them looked at each other and withdrew their strength at the same time. The spiritual power floating on Ye Qianran's body disappeared instantly, and they sat down on the ground.

As for Ye Qianran, after the imprint on his abdomen gleamed with dazzling light, he also quietly hid in it at last...

"You're done, this seal is really awesome, it must have been set by this kid!"

"Well, it should be, and only a person with such a powerful bloodline can set such a powerful seal..."

"Tsk tsk, he probably wanted him to be an ordinary person, hey, but we let him down..."

"Yeah, aren't we too...well?"

"Well, that's right, our hearts are too good, be more careful next time, we can't be so kind!"

"On the top floor..."

While the six were panting and talking, the little mink excitedly jumped into Ye Qianran's arms, and his nimble eyes were full of joy.

"Lao Liu, go wake this kid up and see how it works!"

"No, I'm too tired, take a rest, fifth brother, you can go..."

"Get out, I'm tired too, fourth child, you go..."



Pushing one by one, everyone finally fell on the boss, and the boss shrugged helplessly and stood up. Just as he was about to wake Ye Qianran up, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, spread his right hand, and placed it on Ye Qianran's. On the chest, when the eyes were slightly squinted, the huge suction appeared again.

"Well, it works, that brand is not even willing to come out now, haha, the Land of the Nine Nethers will be dumbfounded this time!"

When the other five people heard it, they laughed happily at the same time.

At this time, the boss didn't talk nonsense anymore, he tapped Ye Qianran's eyebrows amidst the surge of spiritual power, and then withdrew his hand.

At this time, Ye Qianran frowned, and then opened his eyes. When he sat up, he saw six pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Wipe, my clothes... what did the six of you do to me!" Ye Qianran's face flushed, he knew that he would not come to the fifth floor, and now he is regretting it to the point of death.

"Hey, good job kid, now see if you can try to control the spiritual power of that brand!" The boss said, and the other five also showed anticipation.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, his face full of doubts, but seeing the expressions of the six people, could it be that he has been studied again and can be manipulated? Thinking of this, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then the power of his blood surged. At this moment, his whole body shook, and unspeakable feelings came from all around his body.

Almost instantly, his temperament also changed, with an indescribably domineering...

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