Eternal Supreme

Chapter 255

"Artificial respiration?"

"Yes, it's for saving people!" Ye Qianran explained.

"Do you think I'll believe you!" Han Xianglian pursed her lips, her face turned red and then pale, and finally spiritual power had already flowed out of her body.

"I go!"

Ye Qianran said helplessly: "It's unreasonable. I saved you. Are you repaying your kindness with revenge? Besides, your sister is outside. If you don't believe me, go out and ask her later!"

"Is it fragrant?"

Han Xianglian was taken aback, and at the same time as she frowned slightly, her expression also changed slightly, and finally she glanced around and asked, "Where is this?"

"Hey, it's a good place!" Ye Qianran looked forward, his eyes were full of curiosity, then he looked at the woman and said, "Go out in this direction, I'll go inside and have a look!" After speaking, he walked inside go.

Han Xianglian was taken aback for a moment, and covered her mouth with her little hand. Does this bastard want to run away after kissing her? Immediately followed quickly.

"Hey, why did you keep up!" Ye Qianran frowned when she heard the footsteps and looked back.

At this moment, Han Xianglian gritted her silver teeth and said, "Why did you kiss me!"

"Didn't I say that I saved you, or did you think you would wake up? After all, I'm your savior. It's not bad if I didn't ask you to promise me with my body!" Ye Qianran said helplessly.

When Han Xianglian heard this, her expression became even more indifferent, and her eyes became more murderous.

Ye Qianran also noticed it at this time, and said directly: "I'll take you out later to talk about it, if there is a fight here, this cave may collapse!" After finishing speaking, he continued to walk forward.

Although Han Xianglian was extremely angry in her heart, after a cold snort, she still followed.

Not too far away, Ye Qianran's eyes suddenly opened up, a circular space appeared in front of him, and a light curtain appeared in front of him at this time, his eyes flickered, and his right hand touched it .

The source of the stars in the body was restless for a moment, and then the power of the stars was involuntarily drawn out. When it covered the light curtain, the ripple-like spiritual power immediately spread to the surroundings, and then the light curtain was also completely at this time. dissipated.

Han Xianglian was a little dazed at this moment, how could Ye Qianran have the power of stars? Are you also from the Star Clan? But among the younger generation, she had never met Ye Qianran.

At this time, Ye Qianran stood in a daze, and then followed closely. When she stepped into the entrance, she found that the surrounding stone walls had completely disappeared in front of her eyes, and countless stars appeared in front of her eyes. The whole person seemed to be in the starry sky general feeling.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva at this time, what was the situation, this weird side made him unable to fathom it at all, but after looking at the surrounding stars again, he found that the stars were arranged regularly, but the mystery in it was not It's not that he can understand it, maybe someone from the Xingchen family is needed.

"This is the Xingxuan sealing technique of our Xingchen family..."

A pleasant voice sounded, and Ye Qianran turned her head to look at Han Xianglian. Just as she was about to speak, a pair of angry eyes looked directly at him, and she gritted her silver teeth and said, "You actually brought me into the forbidden area!"

Knowing what Han Xianglian found, Ye Qianran coughed dryly and said, "I didn't bring you in, someone put you here before, and as for coming to this place, you came here by yourself, and I can't bear it." It doesn't matter!"

While speaking, Ye Qianran walked towards the exit that he came from at that time, but found that the space seemed to be infinitely large, and his face was instantly full of astonishment.


Looking at Ye Qianran's back, Han Xianglian became even more angry, then gritted her teeth and said: "Now I have entered the seal, according to the data, I can only enter, and then I cannot get out!"


Ye Qianran stopped, then turned her head and said, "Then we are going to hang here?"

When Han Xianglian heard this, she said angrily: "How would I know, if I knew this is a forbidden place, I wouldn't come here with you?"

"Uh, miss, you're blaming me now!"

Ye Qianran's face was full of helplessness. After the words fell, the phoenix eyes tried to open, but found that they couldn't see through the surroundings at all. Suddenly, he smiled bitterly again, and finally sat on the ground and thought about it. After a long time, he suddenly thought of something, since this is the power of the stars. It's opened, so are you going out with the power of the stars?

Thinking of this, she spread her right hand, and the pure power of the stars surged out again, and Han Xianglian was shocked once again.

How did Ye Qianran achieve the original spiritual power of the stars?

And just when Han Xianglian was about to ask, she saw a ray of light shot out from the suspended source instantly, going straight to the depths.

"Hey, there really is a reaction!" Ye Qianran was full of surprise, then looked at Han Xianglian and said, "Let's go!" After speaking, he walked towards the direction guided by the light.

After seeing it, Han Xianglian also followed closely. She didn't know how long time had passed. When they came to a place, they found a bright bead floating there. The dagger, that dagger is like a miniature sword, it is extremely beautiful, and it is a mark that exudes brilliance.

"Seiya Dagger? Star Pearl?"

Han Xianglian's face was full of surprise and disbelief, her small mouth opened even more, and Ye Qianran felt restless when she saw it, thinking of the taste of kissing before, if she was sober at this moment, it would be great to kiss Of course, he was just thinking about it at this time.

Turning his head, he looked at the sword and the bead again, and couldn't help saying: "My dear, these two things are so beautiful!" Ye Qianran walked over, but a figure stood in front of him in an instant: "These are two sacred objects of our Star Clan, you must not touch them!"

Seeing the pretty face so close at hand, Ye Qianran smiled and said, "If you don't touch it, you won't touch it, but what is that mark?"

After hearing this, Han Xianglian turned her head to look, with curiosity in her eyes. It seemed that there was no record in the family's classics, so she naturally didn't know much about it.

"Hey, then you can touch it!" Thinking of Ye Qianran walking over quickly, Han Xianglian's face changed and blocked the past again, but Ye Qianran walked quickly, and she didn't expect that Han Xianglian would He blocked it and hit it directly.

When Han Xianglian lost her balance, Ye Qianran also hugged that soft waist, and then the source of the stars in her body moved again, raised her head, and the inertia was relieved, and the two of them bumped into each other helplessly.

And just when the two collided, a dazzling light suddenly appeared, the imprint spun instantly, and the suspended beads and the gorgeous sword over there trembled instantly, and the beads were directly imprinted on Ye Qianran's eyebrows and the dagger also sank into his body. Almost instantly, Ye Qianran's mind went blank, and Xiao Hei on his back trembled quickly...

When the two were enveloped by the spiritual power of the mark, and the mark returned to its previous appearance, the bodies of the two also disappeared completely, and the surroundings instantly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

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