Eternal Supreme

Chapter 260

"May I have your name?"

Hearing the silver bell-like voice without stopping, Ye Qianran directly asked her own question.

"Name?" The voice paused, and then said: "You all call me Three Charms Star Dagger!"

"Four words, and it's too ugly, how about this, I'll give you one!" Ye Qianran said.

"Okay!" The voice was full of joy.

"Seeing how beautiful and gorgeous you are, call me Huahua!"

"Not nice!"


"Not nice……"

"Eh... nothing sounds good, so let's call it Eggy..."

"Hate you……"

"Hey, just kidding!"

Ye Qianran chuckled, thought for a while and said, "I'll call you Xiaomei."

"Xiaomei? Well, that's fine!" The voice seemed to agree.

"Well, Xiaomei, your voice is beautiful, can you become like us? Let me see?" Ye Qianran said.

When Xiaomei heard it, the light flowed, and then flowed into Ye Qianran's body. At this time, Ye Qianran's mind went blank for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he found himself in a vast white space. Where is it?

Surprised, silver light flowed, a naked girl appeared in front of his eyes, and Ye Qianran's eyes widened instantly.

The girl's skin is also extremely white, tender and delicate, and her pride is also extremely charming. He swallowed his saliva when he saw it. In addition, the girl is also very beautiful, with big eyes, a straight nose, a small pink mouth, and long black hair hanging loose. Like a cute little fairy.

"Well, Xiaomei can't take shape like a dzi bead, but it can be in your spiritual space!" Xiaomei saw Ye Qianran staring at her with doubts in her eyes, then spread her right hand, and a bead It floated out, and Ye Qianran was also very familiar with that bead, wasn't it the bead that was with that dagger at that time?

"Your mental space is very small, so the little Meibang will help you!" Xiaomei said, the bead in her hand exuded a dazzling brilliance, instantly filling the entire white space, and the bead trembled. It was also suspended in the space.

Ye Qianran opened his mouth, feeling his mind go blank again.

"Well, this is much better!" The silver bell-like voice sounded again, at this time the little girl blinked her eyes, walked towards Ye Qianran curiously, then circled around Ye Qianran, and then said: " Ah, what is this?" After speaking, he squatted down and looked at Ye Qianran's bottom.

Ye Qianran looked down, only to realize that she was also naked.


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and just about to speak, the girl looked at Ye Qianran's body, raised her eyebrows and said, "Hey, what are you here?" After speaking, she reached out and touched it, when he put it there When she was proud of herself, she saw that Xiaomei's whole body became rosy.

Xiaomei covered Ye Qianran's hand with her small hand, then raised her head to look at Ye Qianran and said, "It's a strange feeling..." He hesitated for a while, stood up, then held the other hand, and put it on the On the other side, the instant rosiness became deeper.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and squeezed it without hesitation.


Xiao Mei suddenly exclaimed, took a step back, her face was rosy, but there was liking in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this woman is very innocent...

The cute girl Zhi Guoguo in front met an innocent girl this time, oh my god, do you want to torture me like this?

And while he was in a daze, Xiao Mei walked over again, with a blushing face, she took Ye Qianran's hand again, and then placed it on his chest. At this moment, Ye Qianran had decided to have a conversation Spiritual love without breaking up...

But think about it, Xiaomei seems to be a weapon, what's wrong with the weapon, it's a good thing to conquer such an innocent weapon, but such an innocent girl, is he ashamed to do it, yes, he is ashamed , because when I pinch it again at this time, it feels slippery, absolutely nothing to say.

Xiao Mei opened her mouth and hummed again, her face was flushed, extremely cute.

But at this moment, he thought about a question, how would he get out, and when he thought of this, his mind suddenly went blank. When he came back to his senses, the surrounding scenery had changed, and he returned to reality in an instant. At this time, the silver light was flowing, Xiaomei levitated out again, and the voice like a silver bell sounded again: "Why did you leave, did Xiaomei annoy you?"

"Where will it be!"

Ye Qianran was startled, then smiled and said: "You like me, and I like you too!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Mei's body was full of brilliance, and she looked very happy.

Ye Qianran stretched out his hand at this time and held Xiao Mei in his hand. At this time, the silver-white spiritual power surrounded his arm, which felt extremely comfortable. At this time, Ye Qianran couldn't help but said: "Xiao Mei, you are also a What kind of ability does a weapon have?"

"Well, Xiaomei can protect you!"

"Farewell to you, I will call you brother from now on..."

"Brother? Well, what a strange name..." Xiao Mei said.

"Hey, isn't that strange, you can just call me brother from now on!" Ye Qianran said with a chuckle.

"Understood, brother!" Xiao Mei said instead.

"Isn't Xiaomei going to protect my brother in the future? Come and show me what abilities you have, show me!" Ye Qianran laughed.

Xiaomei's body exuded brilliance again, and the complicated lines circulated on her body, and then she broke away from the bondage of Ye Qianran's palm, and surged out directly.


There was a trembling sound, and the spiritual power flowed instantly. At this time, he heard more creaking sounds. After scanning around, the next moment, he rushed out with the little mink in his arms, and his room was almost instantly shattered into pieces. The dregs don't take the rest.


Ye Qianran came to the yard with a face full of astonishment, is this Xiaomei so powerful? Damn, if you get on it, you can walk sideways in the future, no, no one dares to take care of you even if you walk around...

Xiao Mei was still circulating at this time, the brilliant brilliance was extremely charming, and then he saw Han Xiangrou and Han Xianglian's room also shattered in an instant, Ye Qianran was stunned, and then heard two exclamations, The two fell off instantly because of the disappearance of the bed, and the snow-white skin suddenly appeared, and then Ye Qianran's eyes widened, it was so beautiful...

"what happened?"

At this time, an old voice sounded, Ye Qianran looked up and saw a few black shadows galloping over, he was slightly startled, spread his clothes with his left hand and appeared instantly, and then rushed towards the two of them, when two exclamations sounded , Ye Qianran was directly sent flying by a wave of spiritual power...

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