Eternal Supreme

Chapter 262

"No way!" Xiao Mei shook her head after hearing this: "Unless my brother specially passed it on to Xiao Mei, then Xiao Mei will feel it!"

Ye Qianran let out a breath, if you want to know everything, then you will lose your desire, looking at Xiao Mei's happy face, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to pinch that little face, she also loved it very much, but recalling Xiao Mei's What Mei said before, she couldn't help but ask again: "Xiao Mei, why did you say that your spiritual power was suppressed?"

"Because Xiao Mei's spiritual power is very strong, while my brother is weak, so my brother's blood suppresses Xiao Mei's spiritual power, so that it won't hurt you!" Xiao Mei said.

"Pfft, then wouldn't I be able to walk sideways in the future?" Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, but after thinking about it, Xiaomei is still a heavenly weapon, so even if she suppresses it, she won't be too weak, right? Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the soft hair.

Xiaomei's expression was full of strangeness, her little face was rosy again, she liked this feeling very much.

Ye Qianran smiled again at this time, then pulled Xiaomei to sit down, and then expressed her doubts: "Xiaomei, why were you in that seal before, and what happened before?"

After hearing this, Xiao Mei blinked her eyes and thought about it, and then said: "I don't know too well, I just remember that someone bullied Xiao Mei, and then Xiao Mei couldn't beat them, then fell asleep in one place, and then woke up The time is here with my brother."

After hearing this, Ye Qianran made a rough analysis. It should be done by the Xingchen Clan, right? After hesitating for a while, he pinched that little face and said, "Don't worry, my brother will protect you from now on, and no one will bully you anymore."

"Brother is so kind, Xiaomei won't let others bully her brother!" Xiaomei said firmly again.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, the innocent girl is really easy to coax, but it would be nice if there is such a sister, thinking about stretching out her hand to put it on that little face and pinching it again, a smile appeared on her face.

At this time, Xiaomei hesitated, and held Ye Qianran's hand on her face with her outstretched jade hand, then put it on her chest again, bit her lower lip lightly, her little face was flushed, she seemed to like it of……

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Xiaomei did not hide her likes and dislikes at all... But the feeling of the hand is still nothing to say... Thinking about pinching it again...

Xiao Mei's body trembled, she bit her lips lightly, her little hands tightly covered her chest, her little face became even more rosy, like a ripe apple.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, blood connection, if he and Xiao Hei also have blood connection, wouldn't it be more convenient in the future? Immediately looked at Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, I'll go out for a while!" After the words fell, his thoughts drifted, he opened his eyes, and then pulled Xiaohe out directly.

At this time, he looked at his hand, and then spread out his right hand, and Xiaomei appeared in his hand instantly with a silver light flowing. There was a sound in his mind: "Well, Xiaomei doesn't want to hurt brother..."

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment and then said: "Xiaomei is obedient..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianran looked at the extremely small gash on his finger, and the corner of his mouth twitched. In this situation, the brand didn't bother to let it heal... Looking helplessly at Xiaomei, he coaxed her again. At this moment, Xiao Mei made a stroke, although it was small, Ye Qianran squeezed it out a little, and he quickly wiped it on Xiao Hei's body.

At this time, the black lines flowed, and a connection appeared again in an instant, Ye Qianran's eyes lit up, and at this moment Xiaomei's voice sounded: "Well, Tianzhu is so annoying, why does my brother like it, I hate it to death..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei trembled, and a wave of spiritual power surged instantly. Xiao Mei said again that she hated it, and then got into Ye Qianran's body.

Ye Qianran couldn't help laughing, and then tried to let Xiao Hei wander through that connection, and found that it could be done, but at this time he considered a problem, Xiao Mei's ability was suppressed, and Xiao Hei's ability Maybe he was also suppressed, thinking about making Xiao Hei bigger, but found that it was still possible, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, it's okay... okay...

After a night of nothing to say, Ye Qianran broke away from the mental space the next day, first stretched his waist, but although he stayed with Xiaomei all night, he found that he was still very energetic. Ye Qianran walked out.

When you come to the yard, you can feel the fresh air, and feel that the whole person is in a comfortable state, but how long can it last? After two days of rest, he will set off for the Sunset Empire.

While he was thinking, the door of the room on the other side opened, and he turned his head to look, with a smile on his face. From his clothes, he could tell that it should be Xiangrou, who walked over immediately, and quickly touched the little face. After kissing him, he was about to speak when his feet hurt, and he saw a pair of beautiful eyes glaring at him.

"Xianglian?" Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, with some disbelief on her face, because Han Xianglian was wearing a traditional long skirt at this time, but shouldn't she be wearing another kind...

"Brother Qianran..."

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, and a figure walked out of the room again, with a happy face.

"Hey, I got the wrong person, but why did you all change into this kind of clothes!" Ye Qianran asked.

"Yesterday's clothes were all broken." Han Xiangrou explained.

"That's no wonder!" Ye Qianran thought of yesterday, and once again his face was full of embarrassment. Just when he was about to say something, Han Xianglian said, "Sister, ignore him!" Walking outside, leaving behind Ye Qianran with a depressed face.

At this moment, he thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth turned up, allowing Xiao Hei to swim out at this time, and then jumped up with the little mink beast in his arms, and galloped directly towards Phoenix City...

At noon, Ye Qianran turned back and landed behind the yard where he was, and found Han Xiangrou and Han Xianglian sitting in the yard.

Han Xiangrou's expression was lonely, her eye circles were a little rosy, and Han Xianglian was comforting at the side.

Ye Qianran was puzzled, what happened? Immediately walked over, and at this moment he heard Han Xianglian say: "Sister, that guy just left, don't think about him in the future, my sister will always be with you..."

"Sick to death..."

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, comforting others, maybe he didn't do that, but he also understood the reason, it should be that he left without saying anything, Han Xiangrou probably thought that he was the reason for leaving completely, thinking about it slowly Walked over slowly, and then said: "Hey, who is bullying my two wives?"

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