Eternal Supreme

Chapter 270

Gradually going deep into the forest over there, the surrounding quietness makes people a little scared.

The people of the mercenary group looked around vigilantly with the help of the small light that came in, for fear of any problems, because this kind of environment was the most unfavorable for them.

The old man also had a dignified expression, his body already had some spiritual power floating around, perhaps the two of them were the most relaxed among them, one was Ye Qianran, and the other was the girl.

When walking halfway, Ye Qianran whispered: "Now I can feel that there are four people on both sides, and there are two more people in front, four middle-aged people, two old people..."

As the voice fell, the members of the mercenary group tensed up instantly, and the old man slapped the iron-toothed beast with his left hand, because he clearly felt a little fluctuation on both sides at this moment.

What surprised him was, could Ye Qianran really feel it?


The iron-toothed beast let out a low growl, breaking the tranquility of the surroundings. At this moment, dazzling lights floated from both sides, and under the surging spiritual power, four figures fell down instantly.

"Go!" The members of the mercenary group rushed forward at the same time after seeing it.

The old man's cold light flowed, his right hand spread out, and a strange force surged. A middle-aged man was instantly attracted by him, and he slapped it with a palm, and his spiritual power burst out instantly.

The middle-aged man was not simple either, he also had strong strength surging from his body, and the moment the old man slapped it, a palm print surged instantly.

"Little junior, your strength is still too weak!"

The old man said lightly, and his spiritual power suddenly became stronger. Under the explosion, the man's body shook, and his body fell backwards. At this time, he did not love to fight, but rushed towards the mercenary group.


The roar of the monster sounded, and the voice was full of pain. The old man looked up and his face changed drastically. At this moment, he thought of Ye Qianran's words, and rushed over immediately. When he came there, he found the iron-toothed beast He was already lying on the ground, his breath had disappeared, and he was looking at the chest, but he was slapped to death with a palm.

With his eyes fixed, he raised his head again, accelerated and galloped out again.

When he left the forest, a huge long sword was suspended in the air, Ye Qianran and the girl were sitting on it, and at this time a huge light group enveloped the two of them, and in front of the light group , Two black men covered in black scarves were suspended there.

At this time, the old man heard an old man say from a distance: "Good boy, you run very fast, Jujianmen? It's interesting, hand over the little girl, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

Hearing the giant sword gate again, Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly. Although he didn't show any panic, his eyes were full of surprise. When he saw the two people rushing up, he asked Xiao Hei to lead them to the After going out, what he didn't expect was that these two people could catch up so quickly. The speed of these two old men is really not easy.


The sound of crying made Ye Qianran look even more helpless, and then said: "Shishi, you cry first, don't worry, I will protect you!" After the voice fell, he raised his head, looked at the two people and said : "Hey, do you think a broken mask can trap us? It's too whimsical!"

After speaking, Xiao Hei's heart moved, and Xiao Hei trembled instantly at this moment. A ray of light enveloped the two of them in an instant, and then Xiao Hei rushed out with the two of them, breaking through the prison of the two of them with almost no obstacles. Sleepy.

The people around were stunned for a moment, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

"Don't let them escape!"

A deep and old voice sounded, and the two chased after them instantly, but at this moment the old man was lying in front of them, and at that moment, the two separated as if they had agreed.

The old man was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the other party had already calculated it. He cursed secretly, blocking one person is one person, and immediately stopped one of them. What he wanted now was to solve it as soon as possible, so that he could support him, but in the battle , his expression showed a dignified look, and he could only secretly pray that Ye Qianran could take the girl safely.

And Ye Qianran was riding on Xiao Hei, hovering in the air nimbly, seeing the old man behind him chasing so closely, his heart trembled, at this moment he regretted having a blood relationship with Xiao Hei.

Because he had already discovered that although some of Xiao Hei's abilities hadn't changed, his speed had dropped a lot. Otherwise, how could the old man follow so closely?

"Boy want to run?"

A cold voice sounded, and a surge of spiritual power came from the back in an instant.

Ye Qianran was already in his heart, and he manipulated Xiao Hei to dodge quickly. Although it was successfully done, he knew that going on like this was not an option, and he frowned slightly, not knowing what to do for a while.

The man behind him also frowned, with an anxious expression on his face. At this moment, his eyes flickered, his strange spiritual power floated in an instant, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, with a face full of disbelief, what about the old man?

In a hurry, the phoenix eyes opened instantly, and at this moment he clearly saw the figure of the old man, but at this moment the old man had arrived in front of them, his pupils contracted, and quickly made Xiao Hei change direction, but at this moment the surging spiritual power It swept over in an instant.


Ye Qianran's mind instantly went blank, and at this moment, a silver dagger surged out of Ye Qianran's body, showing a dazzling light.


The huge floating spiritual power made Xiao Hei tremble, Ye Qianran's face changed drastically, and Xiao Hei quickly stabilized. At this time, the old man appeared beside them with a little surprise, stretched out his hand and directly Grabbed towards the box.

The speed was so fast that neither of them could react.

The girl naturally noticed that the little hand was very close, but it was still snatched by the old man. At this time, Ye Qianran's mind moved, and the silver light flashed away, and the old man's right hand was cut off by the sharp edge.

The old man screamed in pain, and the box instantly fell down.

The girl quickly jumped down after seeing it, the old man endured the pain, his face showed a murderous look, his spiritual power flowed, and he followed closely, and the blood was flying all over the sky...

After Ye Qianran regained consciousness, Xiao Mei was floating in front of him. At this time, Ye Qianran also let Xiao Hei rush up, because the box was hit by the resistance of the wind when it fell, and it opened instantly. At this time, he could see clearly The thing in the box is a dark red ax that is not full of fine lines, it looks extremely beautiful and luxurious...

"What weapon is this?"

Ye Qianran's eyebrows twitched, and at this time the girl also grabbed the axe.

"Looking for death!" A furious voice sounded, the old man who lost his right hand spread out his left hand, gathering palpitating spiritual power, and a huge palm print directly slapped the girl...

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