Eternal Supreme

Chapter 273

After Ye Qianran came outside, he turned around curiously and excitedly. This place is so big that people feel surprised everywhere.

The street is very big, and Ye Qianran turned around blindly. At this time, he found that the shops here are very large, and there are many attics around, which looks dazzling.

Seeing that the time was about to reach noon, Ye Qianran found a restaurant and went in. He first found out how high the consumption was here. After a meal, thirty or forty gold coins were thrown in. Needless to say, look All people who come to the Sunset Empire are rich.

But overall the food in the restaurant is not bad.

After eating and drinking enough, Ye Qianran turned around again. It was different, it was a completely different feeling, and it didn't take long for him to have the urge to have a bigger beast, I believe that would be quite domineering.

In addition, there are shops here, which have almost everything, such as pills, weapons, beasts, places for exchanging crystal cores, mercenary groups, alchemy unions, tool refining unions, everything...

Time passed very quickly, and before he could fully enjoy himself, night fell. At this time, he also found a residence and moved in.

After taking a bath, lying on the bed, Ye Qianran thought of Meng Meizhi, how could he find Han Youyu and the others? And the guqin still needs to be entrusted, tomorrow's task is quite heavy.

Sitting cross-legged and exhaling, Ye Qianran also entered the cultivation state at this time.

The next day, after Ye Qianran got up early, he came to the street again after eating. At this time, he wanted to find someone to ask directly, but he didn't think it was appropriate. He couldn't ask someone if he knew Han Youyu?

But at least you have to contact them?

At this time, he was melancholy, but he thought that since Han Youyu said he would know when he came, he felt calm in his heart, anyway, he was here too, and the next step would be much easier.

Thinking of this, he turned around leisurely again, and when he stopped at the door of a pet animal, he walked in. When he walked in, he found that it was very big, and then there were various cages, and each cage They all stuffed with a pet beast.

In the end, he went in with curiosity and came out with a smile. The pet beasts are all kinds of strange things, with thick hair, no hair on the body, a pig nose, and a rabbit body. In the end, he still decided that the little mink in his arms was cute. .

"Brother, the pet beast is good, do you plan to sell it?" At this time, a man stood in front of him, looking at the little mink beast in his arms with interest.

"Not for sale!"

“The price is negotiable!”

"Not for sale!"

Ye Qianran still said decisively, is he short of money? No shortage, he has a rich wife, and he has a lot of rings in his ring, so he didn't pay attention to the man and walked in another direction.

But at this moment, he was suddenly photographed, frowned, turned his head and said: "Damn, I said I won't sell it... Well, who are you?" Ye Qianran turned her head and found a strange man Looking at him, doubts emerged, and he said again immediately: "Do you have anything?"

After hearing this, the man said: "Don't talk, come with me!" After speaking, he walked in another direction.

Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts. At this moment, he suddenly drove from Yanjing. Could it be Han Youyu's people who came to look for him? Thinking of this, he quickly followed.

About half an hour later, Ye Qianran came to a place where many people gathered, and the figure also got into the crowd at this time, Ye Qianran naturally followed after seeing it, but how could it be possible at this time? I can see people's faces.

Just when he was full of curiosity, the people around suddenly said: "Come out, come out!"

Ye Qianran raised his head in doubt. At this moment, he clearly saw a pink object smashing towards him. At this moment, he didn't even think about it, and grabbed it directly.

Soft to the touch, with a faint fragrance, what? When in doubt, I retracted my hand and found that it was a ball. What is this thing for? While he was puzzled, two men came up, pushed away the crowd and came directly to his side.

"Congratulations..." The two said at the same time.

"Congratulations?" Ye Qianran's face was full of astonishment, and at this moment the two men held his arms at the same time and walked towards the attic.

The people around looked at each other in blank dismay, this is just the beginning and it's over? too fast?

But Ye Qianran was still a little confused at this time, when he recovered, he was driven into a room.

The room was very big, with a bed in the middle. The pink gauze curtain looked like a woman's boudoir, and there were some beautiful and exquisite vases around it, and the whole room was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

"What's the situation?" Ye Qianran was full of doubts about this matter, and then sat up from the bed and walked outside, but was stopped by the two men at the door.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, then sat on the bed again, is it Han Youyu? Isn't it just a meeting? Do you want to play so many tunes?

Seeing that no one came in for a long time, Ye Qianran simply lay down on the bed and started playing with the little mink.

Time passed, and when Ye Qianran heard footsteps, he sat up involuntarily. At this moment, his glasses widened instantly, and his expression showed a look of astonishment.

At this time, a woman walked over, wearing very few clothes, a top that resembled a bellyband, a skirt that didn't reach her knees, and a pair of... stockings? Pfft, are there still stockings in this world?

That's right, a pair of stockings on those beautiful legs looked heart-thumping, and the woman had no shoes on her feet.

After a long time of recovering, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "It's you?" That's right, what surprised him was that the woman was not Han Youyu. That woman from Karen.

"Yeah, little rascal!"

The moving voice was accompanied by bursts of fragrance, and the woman sat directly beside Ye Qianran, and then said: "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Yeah, very beautiful." Ye Qianran nodded heavily.

The woman pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes were a little shy, and then said: "Does he look good with clothes on, or without clothes?"

Ye Qianran's heart beat faster, and his expression showed a somewhat vigilant look. He said immediately: "Miss, I really didn't mean to see you last time. Besides, we don't have much hatred, right? Hey, I remembered Now, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!" After speaking, he wanted to stand up, but a pair of small hands were like soft snakes, directly hooking his neck.

Ye Qianran's heart beat quickened again. At this moment, he felt a soft feeling on his face. He turned his head and saw that woman actually kissed him on the face?

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