Eternal Supreme

Chapter 279

In a hurry, the mountain peak was in sight, just as Ye Qianran was flying towards the top of the mountain with the woman, Yi Feixuan said at this moment: "It's down there!"

Ye Qianran was stunned when he heard this, the brilliance flowed under his feet, and when he turned over, he floated in a beautiful arc and circled directly.

Yi Feixuan said with surprise in her beautiful eyes: "You are the best person I have ever seen controlling the Giant Sword Sect! Besides, this sword of yours should also be the inheritance magic weapon of the Giant Sword Sect, right?"

Ye Qianran chuckled, but didn't say anything.

When Xiao Hei led the two of them down below, Yi Feixuan led him directly to a stone gate, where there was no one guarding it, Ye Qianran looked puzzled, where is this?

Yi Feixuan didn't say anything at this time, she spread her right hand, and a jade pendant floated out, her spiritual power flowed, and with a bang, the door opened instantly, and then she led him towards the inside.

After Ye Qianran came inside, he was suddenly surprised. He thought it was a small cave, but he found that he was wrong. The space inside was huge and extremely bright.

"Young Master!"

A respectful voice sounded, and Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and found two men walking up from both sides, their expressions were full of respect.

"Well, let's go!"

Yi Feixuan nodded, and looked at Ye Qianran who took the lead and walked inside.

Ye Qianran followed after looking at it. At this time, he was completely shocked. There were still trees planted in the cave, and they had already bloomed. It looked very beautiful. There was also a garden, which was completely beyond his imagination.

When he came to a stone bridge, Ye Qianran felt the scorching heat. He couldn't help but glanced down curiously. His pupils shrank instantly. There was red tumbling magma underneath. You can feel the hotness.

"Let's have fun!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's expression, Yi Feixuan said with a smile: "People who make mistakes here will be thrown in, and there are salamanders inside. If they go in, even if they are not differentiated, they will be fired." The lizard swallowed it..."

Ye Qianran's scalp was numb, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he said: "I'm not from your place, remember I'm just helping!"

Yi Feixuan smiled, didn't say a word, and walked directly inside with Ye Qianran.

When I came to the deepest part, it was a lobby, and there were already some people sitting in it, at this time, Yi Feixuan glanced inside and said: "It seems that Junior Sister hasn't come here yet, come in with me first, Remember not to talk nonsense when you are inside, otherwise don't blame me if there is a problem!"

"Got it!" Ye Qianran nodded and followed Yi Feixuan into the room.

After coming inside, Ye Qianran felt a lot of eyes on him, with curiosity, obviously wondering who he was.

Ye Qianran didn't care about these, after Yi Feixuan sat down, she also sat down.

"This is where my junior sister is. If you are not afraid of being beaten, just stand behind me!" Yi Feixuan laughed.

"Tch, you don't know when your junior sister will come. I can't stand all the time, can I?" After speaking, she continued to sit up there.

"You must give my junior sister a good impression!" the woman said.

"You don't understand this. When she comes, I give up my seat. This is a good impression!" Ye Qianran said.

"Too lazy to care about you!" Yi Feixuan didn't say anything, she was waiting for Ye Qianran to suffer.

Ye Qianran smiled, and looked around curiously again. It was strange to say that this was the inside of the mountain, but he didn't feel any oppressive atmosphere. On the contrary, he felt a little comfortable.

"Is there a vent?" Ye Qianran thought about it and looked carefully, but at this moment a cold voice sounded: "Who are you? Can you please get out of the way? This is Ruyan's position!"

Ye Qianran looked up for a moment, and found an extremely handsome man in a robe looking at him with a slightly indifferent expression.

"Oh, this is not your place, you are so nervous!" Ye Qianran muttered.

After the man heard this, his murderous intentions had already surged out, and when Ruouowu's spiritual power was floating, Yi Feixuan said from the side: "Sicong, he was brought by me, so don't worry about this matter! "

Liu Sicong frowned and said: "Master, I'm sorry, I can't listen to you this time. No one can sit in Ruyan's seat." After speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "I Don't like wasting time, let it go or not?"

As the voice fell, the people around looked at Ye Qianran at the same time, puzzled and interested at the same time, what an interesting scene.

Are you handsome? Ye Qianran snorted and told him to get out of his seat, can you see that Ruyan? Why? Thinking about it, he said directly: "Don't like to waste time and talk nonsense? Well, I won't let you because you are more handsome than me!"

"court death?"

After Liu Sicong heard this, his murderous intent became stronger, and his spiritual power surged out from his body.

Ye Qianran naturally felt it, his expression fluctuated, and the corners of his mouth turned up. Before Liu Sicong could make a move, he said directly: "Stop, do you know how to fight and kill all day long? You must know that women hate this kind of person the most, you must learn to be humble !for example……"

Ye Qianran blinked, looked at Yi Feixuan and said, "Beauty, give me a kiss!" Immediately, she leaned over and kissed that fair face.

The heartbeats of the two accelerated at the same time, Yi Feixuan's face turned rosy instantly, and she glared at Ye Qianran in embarrassment. However, this caused the surroundings to petrify at the same time.

Liu Sicong was also stunned, with a slightly surprised expression on his face. He once remembered that a person accidentally bumped into a woman, and then his hand was cut off on the spot. Ye Qianran?

"Hey, learn more!" Ye Qianran looked at Liu Sicong and said.

Liu Sicong frowned slightly, with murderous intent still surging: "I don't understand your little tricks. You were brought by my uncle. If you leave now, I will pretend it never happened!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows. With such a violent temper, he had sex with the man, but just when he was about to speak, a pleasant voice sounded: "What's going on?!"

After the words fell, the man raised his head, he was stunned for a moment, then his eyes instantly showed admiration, and he said directly: "Master, he took your place!"

Ye Qianran also raised his head at this time. When he saw that same alluring figure, his mouth grew wide instantly, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face. The latter was obviously stunned, but turned around. The Queen of God revealed a charming smile instantly and said, "Then let him sit down!"

The man was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face, but at this moment, Ye Qianran said with a chuckle: "Don't, I'm so sorry, or the beautiful sister will be on my lap!"

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