Eternal Supreme

Chapter 294

Injecting the power of the stars into the source of the wind is a temporary idea of ​​his, because the power of the stars can add to various things, so can it also be added to the source?

So at this time, he had the heart to try, to see if it was really possible.

And during his frenzied injection, he found that the source of the wind had undergone a huge change in an instant, and powerful spiritual power flowed out, and the attacking pressure of the old man was reduced in an instant.

Taking advantage of this effort, Ye Qianran directly threw the origin of the wind out, and at the same time, Xiao Hei rushed out quickly.

He took a fancy to the origin of the wind, which would give him time to leave.

The big one and the small one collided together, the big one swallowed the small one, but the moment the two strands of spiritual power came into contact, the big spiritual power instantly spun, and the surrounding spiritual power was instantly stirred up.

When the speed was getting faster and faster, there was a light buzzing sound, and the terrifying spiritual power instantly rippled around, perhaps because the source of the wind broke the balance of the old man.

And this was unexpected by Ye Qianran, because the explosion was very fast, and his body was instantly wrapped in it, but after about a second of contact, Ye Qianran's body also rushed out.

Even so, his breathing was a little short, but he didn't have any injuries, but he was a little surprised.

Because under the cover of the spiritual power, he felt the absolute oppression, but in an instant, his body felt warm again, which instantly reduced his pressure.

On the other side, the old man's face was full of shock and disbelief, how did Ye Qianran do it?

And he couldn't figure it out, Ye Qianran's strength didn't seem strong, how could he shake his attack?

Being made like this by a junior? If this is seen by outsiders, it will lose all face.

The murderous intent became stronger again, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and said: "Boy, I must keep you today!"

Ye Qianran, who galloped out, was stunned for a moment, and secretly became anxious in his heart, why hasn't he come here yet? If it goes on like this, he probably won't be able to resist for long, because the opponent's strength is really too strong.

And the use of the original strength just now made him feel a little uncomfortable now, maybe it was because the twitch was too big, and he hadn't gotten used to it yet. Seeing that the other party was about to charge up again, Ye Qianran's face changed, and he began to let Xiao Black dodged.

While he was dodging, Xiao Mei also re-entered Ye Qianran's body.

"Want to run?"

The old man's indifferent voice sounded, and when the voice fell, he raised his pen suddenly, and an irresistible force rushed towards Ye Qianran in an instant.

The ear-piercing voice sounded, and Ye Qianran's scalp went numb for an instant, and he quickly let Xiao Hei dodge, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an air force lock onto his body in an instant, and that fierce force also made a high-speed turn in the air.

As the distance got closer and closer, Ye Qianran's heart trembled. How did this old man do it?

At this moment, he understood that Xiao Hei's speed was fast, and he was still too weak under the super strong hands. The possibility of him escaping was too low, just like now.

And with the approaching of that fierce breath, he felt that his body became a little painful. You must know that he still has the technique of being beaten, but now it has reached such a level that the fierce and important thing fell on him. , he will definitely be separated instantly.

Although he has the ability to heal, if his body is cut off, he may not have the ability to heal...

But he knew that he couldn't just sit still at this moment, he spread out his right hand, enduring the twitching discomfort, the origin of the wind appeared again, and the power of the stars was injected into it, and when a mass of spiritual power surged out, he threw it up .

A strange scene happened to him, that Ling Li dodged in the past, not resisting his spiritual power at all.

Ye Qianran's face showed panic, and he knew in his heart that this must not be the case, because the more flustered, the easier it is to make mistakes, he must remain calm, and at this moment, his mind suddenly moved, Jingguang flickered in his eyes, he grinned and laughed, Xiao Hei trembled, drew a graceful arc and galloped towards the old man, at the same time he spread his right hand, and the power of heaven and earth gathered at this time.

The old man saw that Ye Qianran dared to come to the door by himself, a look of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, the spiritual power in his body slowly surged out, and as the distance got closer and closer, a force of heaven and earth burst towards the old man in an instant.

The old man ignored it directly, spread his right hand, and grabbed Ye Qianran directly.

Ye Qianran was completely naked. At this moment, he really had a feeling that he wanted to dodge, but the distance was still not enough, and he wanted to get closer...

When the distance was getting closer, just as he was about to react, Ye Qianran suddenly felt the sharpness on his back disappear in an instant. What's going on? In a daze, a cold voice sounded: "Are you still trying to deceive the old man with this little trick?"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "Hey, do you really think I'm so stupid?" He looked behind the old man and said, "Elder, kill him!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, his aura weakened a little, and he looked back. At this moment, Xiao Hei accelerated again. Under the momentum, Ye Qianran floated naked, and said coldly: "Open the door, open the door!" ! Hugh door, open! Hurt door, open!”

Ye Qianran opened three death gates at once. Under the explosion of the three-layer gate acupoints, Ye Qianran's whole body had endless strength, so he felt nothing to be afraid of?

The next moment, the whole person jumped out from Xiao Hei's body, and in less than a second, he arrived in front of the old man, passing by Shi Shi who was still holding the big box, the light was floating, and he stretched out his hand to hold it. At the same time, both feet kicked up Shishi's body.

"court death!"

The old man realized that he had been deceived, his eyes were instantly furious, and suffocating spiritual power surged out instantly.

"Shanpao, this is just in time."

Ye Qianran laughed loudly, and chopped off his right foot. With the assistance of Bamen, the strength of his whole body was extremely terrifying, and borrowing the strength that the old man burst out in an instant, he directly hugged Shishi and backed away. Going out, at the same time, he threw his right hand, Xiao Hei caught it directly, and galloped out quickly.

"Let you feel how powerful I am!" Ye Qianran said in a cold voice, his body was like a cannonball, and he galloped towards the old man. At the third door, the speed reached a limit, and the moment the phantom was outlined, he hit the old man directly on the old man.

The falling of a fist brings countless shadows of fists...

The old man's face was full of shock and disbelief, he gritted his teeth at such a fast speed, he was angry, he was really angry, and his amazing spiritual power surged.

"Hey, it's too slow! Phantom!" The eight-door exercise was activated, and amazing spiritual power was gathered instantly. Under the horror, the old man came back to his senses, and his body was already retreating in a panic.

"Boy, this old man is going to kill you!"

The old man took a deep breath, trembling all over with anger, rage leaked from his eyes, first he was deceived, then the girl in his arms was pulled out helplessly, and just now he was beaten by Ye Qianran so hard that he couldn't fight back? And this is all done by a young man. If it spreads, how will he gain a foothold?

This son must die!

Murderous intent, extremely strong murderous intent appeared, grabbed the void, and a long sword exuding scorching breath appeared in the palm of the hand in an instant, and the next moment, the body also arrived in front of Ye Qianran, and directly stabbed at Ye Qianran's chest... …

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