Eternal Supreme

Chapter 297

"Little brother killed King Pill?"

Elder Mei couldn't help but speak out first, and his face was full of shock.

Not only him, but almost everyone present showed expressions of disbelief at the same time. Elder Liangjiu Mei said, "I didn't expect that little brother to have such means, and I can't blame him for getting the command!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, glanced at Shishi in her arms and said: "Little brother is injured, it seems that the mission can only be delayed for two days."

The people present naturally had no objection, and nodded in agreement.

Liu Ruyan paused and said again: "There should be an inner ghost in the organization, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence that they just happened to come to take Shishi away the day before. It seems that we have to report it for investigation!"

The people present nodded at the same time, their brows were slightly wrinkled, and at the same time, their expressions also appeared solemn.

In the room on the other side, on the bed, the two embraced each other. Ye Qianran also completely regained consciousness at this time, but after regaining consciousness, feeling the tenderness and sweetness on his lips, he also immersed himself in the next moment, and The hand was slippery, which made him unspeakably restless.

Yi Feixuan felt something, and her body couldn't help twisting, she really wanted to push Ye Qianran away at this time, but the graceful feeling made her a little obsessed.

And the friction between the skin caused ripples in her heart.

As time passed, Yi Feixuan's beautiful eyes, which were opened from time to time, became blurred, and after a long time, when both of them were breathing rapidly, they separated at the same time.

Looking at each other, Yi Feixuan's chest heaved, and then she quickly sat up, her watery eyes quickly glanced at Ye Qianran, stuck out her pink tongue and touched her lower lip, and then said: "Little's all right now." Bar?"

Ye Qianran blinked, felt the injury on his body at this time, and found in astonishment that he had recovered to a seventy-eight eighty-eight degree at this time, and the negative effects brought about by his eight sects also completely disappeared at this time. It's unbelievable.

Seeing Ye Qianran's shocked look, Yi Feixuan smiled and said, "This is one of the benefits of Linking Heart Gu, it can heal both sides at the same time!"

After hearing Yi Feixuan's words again, Ye Qianran also came back to his senses, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at that perfect figure, and then he had an urge to take off Yi Feixuan's bellyband .

After Yi Feixuan noticed Ye Qianran's gaze, she lowered her head for a look, her beautiful eyes showed obvious shyness, she raised her head and gave him a charming look, "What are you aiming at, little villain!" I put my clothes on my body and said: "You have a good rest, I'm going out first!" Said my protruding round beautiful feet, came under the bed, put on my clothes, and then went out.

"What a fairy!"

Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze, with a strange expression on his face. At this time, there was still a sweet and fragrant feeling on his lips. At this moment, after feeling the injury in his lower body, he sat up cross-legged...

In the mountains, piercing sounds passed through the void and stopped.

Those were two old men, at this time one of them said: "Here is the aura of Alchemy King, it seems that he was intercepted halfway!"

"It's no wonder, he hasn't come for a long time!" Another voice sounded, not tepid, without any fluctuations.

"It seems that there is no fate with Tianaxe!" The indifferent voice sounded again, and the piercing voice sounded again, and the two disappeared into the sky and the earth in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes and felt the sufficient spiritual power in his body. He couldn't help but think of the Lianxin Gu, which is really magical. Thinking of this, he also got off the bed, stretched his waist , took out a new set of clothes from the ring and put them on, then walked out, and a white shadow followed closely at this time.

When I came to the small courtyard, I just moved my body, and a figure walked in. After looking at each other, a pleasant voice sounded: "Young master, you are fine!"

"never mind!"

Ye Qianran looked at the happy Han Youyu, and couldn't help but put a smile on his face, and then asked curiously, "Where's Guoguo?"

"Guoguo is still resting!"

While Han Youyu was speaking, she had already come to Ye Qianran's side, her beautiful eyes took a look at him, and she was completely relieved when she saw that he was fine.

Ye Qianran laughed immediately after hearing this, and at this time Han Youyu said: "Master, are you hungry, I'll go and prepare some food for you!" After speaking, he turned and walked outside.

After watching Han Youyu leave, Ye Qianran became active in the yard, and during the activity, he couldn't help but think of the scene where he fought the old man yesterday, what happened to him? Is it dead?

It seems that he has to really improve his strength, the opponent is too scary, right? What level is that? Now I can't help but shudder when I think about it.

Fortunately, Liu Ruyan rescued him later, otherwise he might have stayed there, right?

Not long after, Han Youyu came back, behind her, Guoguo was still following, still in the same attire as before, she looked very cute, cute, and her little face was flushed, making people want to kiss her a feeling of.

The three of them came to the room. During the meal, Han Youyu looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Master, after the meal, the master asked me to take you to the lobby!"

Ye Qianran raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it for that mission?" After a pause, he suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, Shishi is alright?"

As soon as the voice fell, he regretted it. Sure enough, Han Youyu's smiling face disappeared immediately, and he turned his head with a cold snort.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, stretched out his hand and squeezed that little hand and said, "If you are like this, I will care about you even more!"

Han Youyu frowned, and finally said: "She's fine, she's awake now!"

Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief after hearing this, and didn't say a word, and began to eat sullenly, because if he didn't eat, he was covered by the snacks of Mengmeizhi...

After eating, Ye Qianran followed the two to the lobby. At this moment, he felt a lot of strange eyes on him, making him full of doubts. What happened?

After the three of them sat down, Elder Mei said, "Little brother, how is your recovery?"

"Well, it's good, there's basically nothing to do now!"

Ye Qianran glanced in Yi Feixuan's direction as he said that, and when they met those charming eyes, their hearts beat almost instantly, and when a strange feeling appeared, the two of them flashed in unison. opened his eyes.

"Is it?"

Elder Mei looked slightly surprised, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect that little brother is so young, and he can kill a master like King Pill. The future is limitless!"

"Huh? Pill King? The old man? He died?"

Ye Qianran's mind was full of doubts, and why is Pill King so familiar?

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