Eternal Supreme

Chapter 308

Ye Qianran's heart became more and more agitated. At this time, he closed his eyes, and when he felt the pregnant spirit bead, he spread his left hand, and a bead floated out at this time.

Looking at the bead, Ye Qianran couldn't help but think of the picture of kissing Liu Ruyan, a strange look appeared, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the origin of the condensed right hand, and then at the Yunlingzhu. When his brows were raised, he tried to blend in.

When the two came into contact, the Pregnant Spirit Orb instantly burst into a dazzling light, and then directly wrapped the source inside, and blended in very smoothly the next moment.

Surprise appeared in his eyes. At this time, he put the pregnant spirit beads into his body, tried to draw the pregnant spirit beads into the source of entry, and the spiritual power that was incorporated suddenly floated out.

Ye Qianran's eyes were bright, he realized that he was too smart, he could think of all of this, and now he merged into it again, and then tried to integrate the power of the nine secluded world, the power of the divine wind, and the power of the stars together, and successfully got it done Afterwards, it merged into it again.

The little mink next to him looked at this scene, and his nimble eyes were full of surprise.

Then there are four kinds... He still wants to try the next five kinds, but he is a little dizzy at this time, knowing that it has been too long to integrate, and he is mentally exhausted.

Re-introducing the Yunling Pearl into her body, Ye Qianran lay on the bed, stretched out comfortably, hugged the little mink beast in her arms, and then turned her head to look at Qiqi under the bed again. Spread it out, the elixir appeared, and threw it directly.

When seeing Qiqi lying down to take the elixir again, Ye Qianran's face was full of smiles, he was really refreshed on happy occasions...

Elixir? Since the last time he searched at Wushuangmen, it seems that there is no shortage of this.

The sound of the piano was still surging, and Ye Qianran was too lazy to practice at this time, so he took a rest listening to the sound of the piano, and soon he fell asleep unconsciously.

When the next day came, Ye Qianran opened his eyes, and first felt two different fragrances, one with sweetness, and the other with fragrance. Looking around, there was a strange color, only Han Youyu and Guo Guo was lying in his arms on both sides, and they were both soundly asleep at this moment.

Han Youyu didn't wear any clothes, but Guoguo's pink arms were stretched out, and his skin was extremely smooth, which made him restless in the morning.

Why did these two girls come to be with him? After you asked this question, I suddenly thought that this thatched cottage seems to have only two rooms. It must be that the old woman used to be alone, so the two of them ran to this room.

The corner of the mouth was raised, and he turned his head to look at Han Youyu's pretty face, hesitated for a while, and kissed that soft mouth directly.

At this moment, Han Youyu moved her body, her beautiful brows frowned, and then she opened her eyes. When she saw Ye Qianran who was close at hand, her brows relaxed, and finally closed her beautiful eyes, and then closed them again. Actively opened his mouth.

When Ye Qianran touched the fragrant softness, he immediately put it in his mouth, and began to sigh lightly, feeling the sweetness, and couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

Han Youyu coaxed her small face to respond, but at this moment she suddenly snorted softly, quickly put her small hand on her chest, opened her beautiful eyes, and shyness flashed, because at this time a big hand was placed on his chest, warm When the heat covered her, her whole body was in an uncontrollable strangeness.

Ye Qianran's throat was moving, Han Youyu's was pretty good, moderate in size, very sensuous to the touch, thinking about it, he pinched it, and a soft hum sounded, Han Youyu's face became even hotter, and his little hands unconsciously The hand pressing Ye Qianran became tighter.

Ye Qianran's heart was beating, damn it, it's probably over, because he thought of his own situation, now he really sees but can't eat, that depressed, he doesn't know what he is doing When can I solve my own problems?

"Well, Sister Yu'er, are you injured?" At this moment, a murmured voice sounded, and the heartbeats of both of them accelerated at the same time. Han Youyu also pushed Ye Qianran away at this time, and Meimou quickly looked at Ye Qianran. After taking a look, she lowered her head, while the big hand was still on her chest.

While looking at Guoguo, after muttering a word, he fell asleep again.

Ye Qianran's face was full of helplessness, and he couldn't help stroking the smooth skin with his right hand. At this moment, he really had the urge to touch it through the bellyband, but he suppressed it in the end, without such a shameless.

At this moment, Han Youyu leaned on him to rest for a while, and then said: "My lord, I'll get up first!"

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Young master's hand!" Han Youyu bit her pink lips and said.

"Hey, I just remembered!" Ye Qianran smiled, and let go of his hand. At this time, Han Youyu also climbed up from his arms, with long black hair venting, and she looked really beautiful at that moment.

Han Youyu came under the bed, glanced at the two of them again, and walked out with a rosy face.

Ye Qianran exhaled, turned her head and looked at Guoguo, stroking the purple hair, it seemed like it was the first time she fell asleep with a cute girl in her arms, right?

Seeing that cute look, he couldn't help kissing that little face, he really didn't have any resistance to this cute girl.

And the cute girl Zhi was kissed, her small mouth moved, and after her body moved, a calf actually rested on his body.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and put down the other hand, it was still smooth...

Dying, dying...

Ye Qianran smiled helplessly, hesitated at last, and carefully pulled out her arm, then got up from the bed, looked at the snow-white skin that emerged, and pulled the quilt over again.

When he came under the bed, seeing that the cute girl was still sleeping soundly, he didn't bother him at this time, and walked out directly.

Outside, the old woman was still sitting there. Ye Qianran took the initiative to say hello after seeing it. After sitting down, the old woman's eyes fell on him and said: "What is your nearest target?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, at this moment he first thought of his father, his eyes flickered and he said: "Rescue my father!"

"Your father?" The old woman was startled.


Ye Qianran nodded, narrated the general story, and finally said: "I don't know why they came to me, but I did implicate my father!"

The old woman also understood, nodded lightly and said: "The people in the Nine Nether Lands are very strong, and they seem to have not been out for a long time, I advise you not to look for them before you have no strength, otherwise you go, It's just a wolf entering the tiger's mouth!"

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