Eternal Supreme

Chapter 343

After the old man took the letter and looked it over, he spread his right hand, Wu Yuan surged at this moment, and saw that the letter was suspended at this time. The texture becomes brighter at this time.

At the same time as it circulated, a dazzling light also burst out, and then the space distorted, and the letter disappeared at this time, and the lines also dissipated at this time, Ye Qianran's face was full of astonishment.

He has gained a lot of knowledge, so he couldn't help but ask: "Can this thing teleport people?"

"Yes, but there are limitations in strength." The old man nodded and said, "And more money will be needed!"

"Strength limit? How much strength is needed?" Yezhi Rena couldn't help asking.

The level that needs to break through the spiritual realm...

Ye Qianran was stunned, the realm of the spirit... Well, it's no wonder that this thing can't be eaten... because since he came into contact with the Tao, the most amazing thing is the level of Nirvana in the realm of the sky, the realm of the spirit? That's really out of reach...

Han Youyu next to him smiled and said, "Master, practice hard, and sooner or later you will reach it!"

"Yes, but how long will it take!" Ye Qianran shrugged and pulled Han Youyu away.

And when I left with Han Youyu, I also got a general understanding of this kind of place, and then I realized that every imperial city has it, and it needs the support of the royal family, otherwise it is futile, and of course there are some powerful forces. , but very rare.

Ye Qianran nodded in understanding, and didn't think about it any more. Taking advantage of this time, he accompanied Han Youyu around the imperial city.

In the kamikaze empire, in the attic near the imperial city, an old man opened his eyes, and with his right hand, the space surged. A letter appeared in his hand, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it for the Li family?" With a sound, a man came over, took the letter, and galloped out towards Li's house.

In Li's house, Li Muyun was sitting on the gazebo and chatting with Gu Ruolan, but she somehow felt that the topic would be shifted to Ye Qianran. Every time at this time, there would be deep thoughts on the faces of the two of them.

"Sister Mu Yun, do you think that bastard is okay now? It's been so long since he left, and he hasn't come back yet!" Gu Ruolan couldn't help but say.

"I don't know!" Li Muyun shook her head lightly, her expression somewhat worried at this moment.

Gu Ruolan sighed, at this moment Li Muyun said: "My husband is auspicious, he should be fine, well, let's go see Miss Bai now!"

"En!" Gu Ruolan nodded and followed Li Muyun to stand up, but at this moment, a servant came over and said respectfully after seeing Li Muyun: "Miss, this is from the Sunset Empire. It says Miss Kiss, it should be for you!"

After hearing this, Li Muyun's face was full of curiosity, and then he took it, and when he saw the signature, he was stunned for a moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and then said: "It's from my husband! "

After the words fell, Gu Ruolan also showed disbelief on his face, but then looked forward to it, curious about what was written in the letter.

When the two sat down, Li Muyun also opened the envelope, and after taking it out, the two also read it together.

"Wife, hey, I miss you, don't worry, I'm fine now, I eat well, I sleep well, and I got a small magic weapon, which will protect me. , a senior said that it is a nine-day beast, and it bites people very badly..."

This is the beginning of the article. To put it bluntly, what Ye Qianran meant was mainly to make them feel at ease, at least not to worry about his safety, which was Ye Qianran's ultimate goal.

The content behind it is: "My wife misses you so much, she still misses stupid girls, and Bingbing, but I must become stronger now, so that I can better protect you, and my father's matter, I will investigate Yes, so it may take a while before I can go back... When I go back, maybe my problems will be solved, and maybe I will have a baby..."

When she saw this, Li Muyun's face immediately became rosy, and she knew it best, because when she and Ye Qianran met for the first time, Ye Qianran couldn't last.

Feng Ruolan was beside her, her face was also rosy, and her heartbeat unavoidably accelerated.

And looking at the back, there are some concerned content, pay attention to the body, don't miss me too much, just think about it when you breathe. When seeing this, the two of them laughed at the same time, and their expressions looked happy up.

But when I saw the back, I was moved. When I finished reading it, Ye Qianran also emphasized that I would send them letters every once in a while.

The two looked at each other, and at this moment Li Muyun said: "My husband is under a lot of pressure, I believe my husband will definitely succeed!"

Feng Ruolan also nodded.

"Let's go and find Miss Bai!" After Li Muyun finished speaking, she took the letter and walked out with Feng Ruolan.

Maybe it's just a letter, but it entrusts a lot of things, at least it makes their thoughts dilute a lot...

At nightfall, Ye Qianran closed her eyes and began to practice...

This night was fine, Shishi didn't come over, and he practiced quietly all night. His current preparation is to condense the second divine sense of Aolong Jue before he leaves, so that he can There is one more guarantee.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes early. Although he practiced all night, he didn't feel any fatigue at this time. On the contrary, he was very energetic.

Stretching down, he moved his body and told the little mink to go out, and Qiqi also followed out at this time.

In the yard, Ye Qianran breathed the fresh air. While joking with Qiqi, he also thought about it. This trip must not be blind, at least one goal is needed.

It seems that he hasn't visited the other two empires, so he can consider visiting. The other is his father's Ye family, should he also visit...

And while he was thinking, Han Youyu also came out from inside, looked at Ye Qianran thoughtfully and said, "What are you thinking, my lord?"

Ye Qianran recovered, raised her head and said, "It's nothing!"

After hearing this, Han Youyu hesitated and said: "My lord, when do you plan to leave?" She said with a lonely expression again. In fact, she never wanted to ask this question, but at least she had a mental preparation in her heart.

"Hey, it's still a few days away!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile: "And at least I have to accompany you well these few days!"

Han Youyu nodded with a ruddy complexion, and then leaned on Ye Qianran's shoulder, showing a rare look of attachment at this time.

Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu beside him, his eyes flickering. At this time, he thought of what Long Wushuang said again. If he has no strength, how can he protect the people around him? His father is an example. At the moment, he clenched his fists and looked Become extremely firm again.

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