Eternal Supreme

Chapter 346

"My son is so annoying!"

After Han Youyu finished speaking, she quickly got out of Ye Qianran's arms, covered her chest with her small hands, and looked at him with a flushed face.

Ye Qianran smiled. In fact, he knew that girls in this world were more traditional. For example, he said that when he saw Han Youyu's figure, she would be very angry.

At that time, I remembered that Han Xianglian was going to kill him... After thinking about it, I thought of Xiao Mengyao again. When there was a smile on his face, he was full of confusion.

Sigh, Xiao Mengyao... When will he be able to achieve that goal?

After breakfast, Shishi also came over, at this time Ye Qianran also took the two of them out for a walk, the imperial city is so huge, there is always a place to turn around.

But today, he came to the Imperial City Academy with great interest.

But when he saw the majestic gate, his expression showed surprise, which felt stronger than that of the Kamikaze Empire, but judging by the guards outside, he probably couldn't get in, so he just looked outside.

But just when he was about to take the two of them away, Han Youyu said, "Young master, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Can you?"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran's face suddenly showed curiosity, including Guoguo.

"Of course!" Han Youyu took the lead and walked over while smiling, but when she was stopped by the leaders on both sides, she took out a token from her body.

The guard was shocked when he saw it, and there was no way to stop him.

"Brother Qianran, let's go in!" Han Youyu took the lead and walked in after finishing his sentence.

At this time, Ye Qianran was full of surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Youyu, what are you holding?"

"Nameplate!" Han Youyu said, then blinked and said, "Nameplate!"

"What other identity do you have?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity.

Han Youyu said with a smile at this time: "I have been studying in this school since I was a child!" Said Perfect's eyes flickered.

"Oh!" Ye Qianran nodded understandingly, but he felt that it was not that simple, but since Han Youyu didn't want to say it, he wouldn't force it.

When he came inside, Ye Qianran found that it was quite big, and there were also many layouts, but there were not many things that should be there...

When he came to a martial arts arena, Ye Qianran couldn't help but stopped, looked inside, and found that many people were fighting inside, which looked quite spectacular, and everyone's strength seemed They're all pretty strong.

Ye Qianran walked inside at this time, then looked at Han Youyu and said, "Are there any masters in this school?"

"Of course there is!" Han Youyu nodded and said, "Although they are not as strong as the four younger masters, they are not so weak!"

Just after Han Youyu finished speaking, a slightly surprised voice rang out, "Miss Han..."

Ye Qianran looked up and found a tall and handsome man walking over. When he confirmed that it was Han Youyu, his face was full of joy, and his eyes also burst into light at this time.

"Young Master You!"

Han Youyu was a little surprised when he saw the man, and perhaps he did not expect to meet him here by such a coincidence.

"Several meanings..."

Ye Qianran was stunned, but then he figured it out. Han Youyu is beautiful, and she performs well. It is within the normal range to be pursued by many people. But it is a pity that Han Youyu is now a famous woman. Holding Han Youyu's soft waist, he said, "Youyu, who is this? Why don't you introduce me?"

After hearing this, Han Youyu said, "Young Master, his name is You Minghao, and he used to be in the same class as me!"

Ye Qianran nodded and said: "Hello, Ye Qianran!" When he was speaking, he clearly saw the other party's frowning and slightly surprised eyes. It was obvious that holding Han Youyu made him feel uncomfortable and surprised. I am afraid that a flower like Han Youyu was picked by him...

Ye Qianran did not make any mistakes in guessing, because Han Youyu was pursued by countless people during school, many of them were geniuses, but it was a pity that none of Han Youyu fell in love with him.

And he was also one of Han Youyu's admirers. Now that he suddenly saw Han Youyu being hugged by an unattractive guy, he was definitely upset.

"Aren't you happy?"

Ye Qianran chuckled, and held Shishi in her arms again, is Shuangmei in her arms? Now he wants to tell this man named You Minghao that picking up girls is not based on looks, but on charm...

You Minghao was obviously stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face, but he was looking at Han Youyu with a calm expression, acquiesced? By default, the person he likes is another woman. Instantly You Minghao saw Ye Qianran's eyes full of envy and hatred, and said immediately: "Brother Ye, I just came here, and I haven't found a match yet. I don't know if I can ask for advice?"

Ye Qianran shook his head after hearing this and said, "I'm not good at fighting. I usually run away when I see a fight, so I'm not your opponent!"

You Minghao was startled, he was the first one to admit that he was not good in front of a woman, but seeing Han Youyu's face, it was because of Ye Qianran's smile.

What is wrong with this world? Shouldn't women worship the strong? His world view changed in an instant, what kind of rhythm is this?

"Hey, so Brother You Minghao, I'm really sorry, I'll go and look elsewhere, and we'll have a good chat when we have a chance..." At that moment, he dragged the two of them away, leaving You Minghao with a surprised face.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran turned his head to look at Han Youyu and said, "Yu'er, there should be a Buddhist scripture pavilion in your imperial city, right? I want to check the information!"

Han Youyu nodded, and led the way to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Along the way, Han Youyu met many suitors. Ye Qianran's eyes were full of hostility and envy...

When he came to the Sutra Pavilion, Ye Qianran found that it was quite big, so he walked in curiously.

There are quite a lot of people inside. Ye Qianran first looked at the first layer. After finding the bloodline area, he didn't see how the bloodline should evolve and cultivate. The classification and introduction are similar to those of the Kamikaze Empire. , so they went to the second floor again at this time, and found that it was still the same, there was no way... the third floor.

On the third floor, he was also blocked by a wave of spiritual power. Ye Qianran was not in a hurry, and asked Xiao Hei to wrap the three of them up... But there was nothing they wanted on the third floor, so continue...

When Ye Qianran entered the fourth floor, just as he was about to look for it, a surprised voice sounded again: "Youyu, is that you?"

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