Eternal Supreme

Chapter 358

"Want Want..."

Qiqi yelled at this time, and ran towards the old man.


The people around looked at the complex relationship, but when they didn't know what was going on, they saw Ye Qianran let the pet beast charge up, and they burst into laughter. It's the first time I've seen Ye Qianran grow so big. ?

"Want Want..."

Qiqi yelled again, and when he was five meters away from the old man, his body had already jumped up. Just when the people around thought that Qiqi would be instantly killed, they suddenly saw an unbelievable scene.

I saw that when Qiqi jumped up, his body was covered with gray spiritual power, his originally small body suddenly became gigantic, his thick body, bloodthirsty aura made everyone around him petrified instantly .


When the roar came, Qiqi's eyes turned crimson red, and the aura of madness revealed, and the huge claws directly slapped it.

The old man didn't take Qiqi seriously at first, but when he saw such a scene, his expression became shocked, and he responded quickly, but when accompanied by a domineering spiritual force, his body still retreated go out.


Qiqi yelled again, his body fell down, and then he jumped up nimbly, at an extremely fast speed, directly threw the old man on the ground, and the next moment, ignoring the violent spiritual power of the old man, swallowed a mouthful, and directly bit on the ground. on the neck of the old man.

The scalps of the surrounding people instantly went numb. The old man was familiar with many of them, and they were very strong. Didn't expect to be killed by an unknown monster?

When they were thinking about what kind of monster that monster was, they found that Qiqi bounced back, and after coming to Ye Qianran, he squatted down halfway, wagging his tail, looking excited.

Ye Qianran smiled, and threw a pill in the past, Wang Xingren is mighty...

The handsome man watched from the side, with disbelief on his face, maybe if Ye Qianran had let that monster bite them in the first place, they would still be here at this time? But what he couldn't figure out was, why would Ye Qianran be willing to let her beat him even though he had such a powerful monster?

And when he was curious, Ye Qianran also came to her, stretched out his hand and hugged him in his arms. At this time, the streamer was floating, and the huge long sword was floating at this time. At this time, the handsome man felt the pain in his hand. The flutter of the long whip.

"Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

Ye Qianran said something quickly, and lifted the big man who had fainted up, and after Qiqi jumped up, he let Xiao Hei also gallop out at this time.

"It turned out to be someone from the Giant Sword Sect, so it's no wonder there are such powerful monsters guarding it!"

Seeing the direction Ye Qianran left, many people around showed surprise, and after Ye Qianran disappeared, his eyes fell on the old man at the same time, sighed secretly, shook his head, The crowd quickly dispersed at this time.

On the other side, the handsome man looked at Ye Qianran with anger and said, "Don't touch me, or don't blame me for being rude!" The first time I met him, I was unlucky, and this time it was still the same. It was enough to see that his resentment towards Ye Qianran had reached a peak.

"Halo, you think I think, if you want to fall down, I don't mind!" Ye Qianran shrugged and said.

After hearing this, the handsome man glanced down, his face changed slightly, and he could only hold back with gritted teeth.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, and after leaving Xuanwu City for a distance, he said, "Where was that old senior last time? Send the Buddha to the west!"

After hearing this, the handsome man said coldly, "You would be so kind?"

"Hehe!" Ye Qianran laughed and said, "If not, I still have to save you? And this buddy must find a place to heal his wounds!"

The handsome man thought of something after hearing this, and began to give directions.

Just as Ye Qianran thought, they were not in Xuanwu City, and they galloped out in the direction guided by the handsome man.

Half an hour later, at the foot of a mountain, Ye Qianran controlled Xiao Hei to land.

When Xiao Hei was submerged in the scabbard, Ye Qianran glanced at the cave, and just as he was about to speak, five figures rushed out of the cave.

"Auntie!" When the handsome man saw one of them, his face was filled with surprise, and he rushed up quickly.

Ye Qianran looked up and found that it was the old lady who arrested Gu Ruolan that time.

"what happened?"

Seeing that the handsome man's breath was so unstable, the old lady's face changed slightly, and then she also saw the bulky man lying on the ground.

Just when Ye Qianran was about to explain, the handsome man's angry voice sounded: "It's all this bastard!"

After the words fell, the four old men beside the old lady directly surrounded Ye Qianran, and the suppressed breath also fell on Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's hatred at this time, that handsome man is really ungrateful, and a person with a good attitude is somewhat angry at this time, he glanced at Qiqi beside him and said: "Tmd bite them all to me!" Already!"

"Want Want..."

Qiqi yelled, and his shrunken body became huge again amidst the gray spiritual power, bloodthirsty, violent aura was revealed, and ferocious gazes fell on the four of them.

Only then did the handsome man think of something, and his face immediately turned pale. He had seen with his own eyes the scene where the monster bit an extremely skilled person. If the monster really broke out, then he would be a sinner.

When he thought of this, Qiqi had already rushed towards one person.

The ferocious aura leaked out, causing the man's pupils to constrict, and his spiritual power surged, but when it burst out, he found that he was directly bitten by the monster.

When his face was full of astonishment, Qiqi also threw him down directly, and the blood type opened his mouth wide. When he bit it, Ye Qianran had a little unbearable expression on his face. "Come back Kiki!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiqi's originally extremely ferocious appearance suddenly became excited, jumped off the old man, and then came to Ye Qianran and squatted down in front of Ye Qianran.

Seeing the shocked look on the scene, Ye Qianran raised the corner of his mouth, and threw a pill.

Although Qiqi committed the second offense, he was mighty enough. At this moment, he felt very majestic and had a lot of face.

Hehe smiled and said: "First of all, I declare that the matter was provoked by this chick herself, and it has nothing to do with me. Okay, that's it, I have to leave beforehand!" flowed out.

When he was about to leave, a hurried voice sounded: "Little brother, wait!"

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