Eternal Supreme

Chapter 371

"A companion fire?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and he began to consider which one to use.

"Companion fire assessment!" The old man said with a slight frown, seeing that Ye Qianran couldn't understand.

Ye Qianran raised his head, glanced around, and found that there were many strange eyes looking at him around him. After coughing dryly, he spread his right hand, and the fire associated with the blood of the phoenix eye surged out at this time.

And when the surge appeared, he also incorporated the power of the stars into it, and suddenly when the purple flame surge appeared, it turned into a faint blue color that looked extremely bright.

When the old man saw the accompanying fire, his expression was a little surprised. He had never felt how hot it was at such a close distance. What kind of flame?

When he was curious, Ye Qianran also brought the accompanying fire close to the suspended beads controlled by the old man.

After full contact, Ye Qianran found that the bead began to emit a faint light, but it was very faint...

At this time, the corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. Could it be that the flame didn't even meet the qualification requirements?

When he was full of weirdness, many people around laughed out loud. Ye Qianran and Yuan Fan were extremely domineering before, but now they really can't even meet the requirements of the companion fire assessment? The gap between before and after is too big...

Ye Qianran's expression was also embarrassing at this time...

"Hehe, although the strength is good, the accompanying fire is so weak!"

"Yeah, I don't know who gave him the courage to let Danta compete!"



Ye Qianran also heard the voices of discussions all around, and the embarrassment on his face deepened at this time.

"Sorry, the accompanying fire assessment..."

The old man spoke at this time, but in the middle of the voice, a moving voice sounded: "Elder, wait!"

After the voice fell, many people looked at it and found that it was You Wushuang who spoke.

Ye Qianran also heard it, with a slightly surprised voice, what does You Wushuang mean?

You Wushuang didn't speak at this time, and a pair of people stared at the bead closely.

The old man was full of doubts, and then looked at the bead. At this time, he found that the bead gradually became brighter at this time, and finally became dazzling, and the brightness continued to increase at this time.

"What a pure accompanying fire!"

The old man who spoke just now couldn't help saying: "The uniformity is so high!"

After the voice fell, the old man was not in a hurry, and waited patiently there.

And the accompanying fire became so dazzling at this time, it can be regarded as blocking the mouths of many people, and they can see the amazement on the old man's face very clearly, which is enough to prove the difference of Ye Qianran's accompanying fire.

At this time, Ye Qianran actually wanted to put away the accompanying fire. Anyway, he had reached the qualified standard, but seeing that the old man was still watching carefully, and looked expectant, he was a little embarrassed instead.


When the light had become extremely dazzling, the bead trembled, looking extremely unstable.

And after this unstable state lasted for about ten seconds, the dazzling light disappeared in an instant.

"Uh, what's going on?"

Many people around have doubts.

Ye Qianran was also full of surprise, his eyes flickered for a while, and he restrained the accompanying fire. At this moment, the suspended beads instantly turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

The people present opened their mouths wide after seeing it, their faces full of disbelief, including the old man.

After a long time, the old man said: "What a strong companion fire, passed the assessment!" When he was speaking, Ye Qianran's eyes were full of admiration, even with appreciation.

Yuan Fan and Chang Ao were also shocked. The accompanying fire and blood are also directly related. Ye Qianran's accompanying fire is so strong, which means that Ye Qianran's blood is also very strong.

You Wushuang, who was standing behind Ye Qianran, was also surprised. At this time, he couldn't help but look at Ye Qianran more, and was a little curious about who Ye Qianran was, and it was the first time she had such curiosity about a person. , There is a heart that is eager to know.

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Qianran exhaled, in fact, he knew that it was You Wushuang who he should thank, because if it wasn't for her, maybe he would have been judged as a loser...

The old man nodded and said: "Next is the control test!" When he said this, he was actually a little worried. Ye Qianran's accompanying fire was very powerful, and it was the most even accompanying fire he had seen so far. It is a natural alchemy material.

But what if Ye Qianran's control is not enough? Make an exception once?

With flickering eyes, he looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Let's get started!" Now no matter what, let's take a look first.

Ye Qianran nodded, and the accompanying fire surged out at this time. With the help of the divine cultivator, the power of heaven and earth surged. He felt that the division was very simple. The speed of the accompanying fire was slow, but he had the power to control it. very fast.

In an instant, a group of accompanying fire was divided in an instant. When it was suspended in front of him, it was as high as more than twenty. In fact, he could still divide it, but he felt that it could be done now. There is no need to be too high-profile, and he has won the first place so far It's ok...

More than twenty beams in an instant? What kind of concept was that, and everyone also noticed Ye Qianran's relaxed state.

"So strong!" The people around couldn't help exclaiming at this moment, so it seems that Ye Qianran's talent has surpassed Chang Ao.

Chang Ao also had a dull face at this time, how did Ye Qianran do it?

Standing behind Ye Qianran, Long Wushuang looked astonished. She really couldn't believe it. When did such a powerful person appear in the Sunset Empire?

The old man who tested Ye Qianran was full of shock. Ye Qianran could do this easily, but what is his current age, and what is Ye Qianran's age?

Taking a deep breath for a long time, the old man looked at Ye Qianran with burning eyes and said, "Congratulations, you passed the examination!"

After Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, she walked to the other side.

He was actually quite calm in his heart at this time, looking at the surprised eyes around him, he didn't feel much complacent, because he also understood the characteristics of the accompanying fire, and it was easy to control it with the help of spiritual cultivation.

And his humility, gentle personality, and most importantly, his handsomeness also made some of the girls shine in their eyes, or they had noticed it before, but the girl's reserve is rare, but what about now?

Ye Qianran stood aside, glanced at You Wushuang, and found that her accompanying fire was also very strong, which instantly stimulated the bead that the old man took out again to reach a dazzling state, and then her control power also showed amazing Performance.

After passing the examination, You Wushuang also came to the side. After coming to Ye Qianran's side, he looked at Ye Qianran with burning eyes and said, "Hello, my name is You Wushuang!"

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