Eternal Supreme

Chapter 376

At this time, Ye Qianran, who had refined the first batch of medicinal materials, did not know that many people had already paid attention to him at this time, and they were still carefully merging there.


At this moment, he had already forgotten the time, and if he was distracted, there might be problems.

When he carefully fused the first medicinal material and the power of heaven and earth embraced it, Youlan Accompanying Fire was withdrawn in an instant.

Those who followed Ye Qianran were stunned at the same time, what's going on? Did Ye Qianran voluntarily give up?

And just when they thought of this, their pupils shrank suddenly, because they clearly saw a group of golden accompanying fire surging out at this moment.

"Dual blood?"

You Wushuang and others who followed Ye Qianran thought of this possibility at the same time.

At this time, they also understood why Ye Qianran was affected, because the control is very difficult, and a little distraction may cause problems, but this situation can't help but also affect Ye Qianran's refining medicine. Curious, what kind of elixir actually needs to use two kinds of accompanying fire?

"Can he succeed this time?"

An old man standing on the high platform couldn't help but said.

"I hope it can be successful, this will save a lot of unnecessary trouble!" The old man standing in the middle said something, and his expression showed anticipation again.

At this time, Ye Qianran tried his best to keep calm, but soon he cursed inwardly, the golden accompanying fire was very domineering, under the impact of the flame, the cracks of the ding ding suddenly became bigger, and the crackling sound was shocking .

"His alchemy doesn't seem to last long!" Another old man said at this moment.

The old man standing in the middle and the old man on the right looked at each other, with wry smiles on their faces at the same time, it seemed that there was a need to trouble.

Taking a deep breath, he incinerated and refined more carefully. Due to the time delay, several more refined successfully. Everyone was paying attention to one person and looked at it curiously.

Qiao Xiaodi held his hands together involuntarily at this time, and his heart was full of tension...

Most of the people watching around also fell on Ye Qianran. After all, it was the first time they saw the three kinds of accompanying fire.

With the passage of time, Ye Qianran also refined the second medicinal material, and then began to try to fuse it. After finishing it carefully, he exhaled and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Taking advantage of this time, he took another breath , and then he noticed something and looked up.


Ye Qianran opened his mouth, and all the fuck looked at his dry hair, didn't he know that he was thin-skinned?

And being watched by so many people, he felt nervous inside, and the pressure suddenly increased again.

"What is he doing? Hurry up and refine it. He's still looking around!" Qiao Xiaodi stomped her little feet, her expression even more anxious. If she could, she really wanted to go up and beat Ye Qianran up. impulse.

Ye Qianran knew that going on like this was not the way to go, so she gritted her teeth, forced herself to calm down, and finally took out her fan and fanned it. At this time, most people felt a pain in the ass.

The three old men looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched. What was Ye Qianran doing? Knowing that the cauldron could not hold it anymore, he gave up?

At this time, not only the three of them thought so, but also the others.

After Ye Qianran took the fan and fanned it twice, he felt a lot more relaxed, then his eyes flickered, and he glanced at Dan Ding, narrowing his eyes slightly, then put away the fan, exhaled again, his expression changed Seriously, with all his eyes floating, he put away the golden accompanying fire. When the third medicinal material entered the Danding, he spread his right hand, and a transparent accompanying flame surged out again.

You Wushuang and the others were shocked and unbelievable in an instant. The third accompanying fire? The power of the three bloodlines? how can that be possible?

Under everyone's attention, Ye Qianran continued to cultivate the third medicinal material.

The ding ding was melting at this time, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and in the process of trying not to be affected by it, he sped up a little bit, after all, the ding ding was about to be useless...

The third medicinal material was incinerated very quickly, and when he fused it, the sound of cracking was very clear. At this time, the naked eye can see very clear cracks. At this time, it is likely that a slight impact will cause the cauldron to fall apart.

Many people have noticed it, but what puzzles them is that Ye Qianran is still cultivating there calmly at this time, and has not stopped. Regardless of success or failure, at least this mentality has been highly praised by many people.

You Wushuang was at the side, with admiration on his cold face, and admiration for Ye Qianran in his heart.

And there are not many people who can make her admire, especially among her peers, maybe Ye Qianran is also the first?

As time passed, the third ball of juice was also fused, and within this time, most of the people had finished refining alchemy, including the person who previously affected Ye Qianran's alchemy.

Ye Qianran has become the slowest person in alchemy invisibly, and maybe he may also be the first person to shatter the alchemy cauldron...

And Ye Qianran stood up suddenly under the attention of everyone: "Podan Ding, fuck you!" After speaking, he kicked up with his right foot.

"Touch!" Dan Ding fell apart in an instant.


The people present were stunned at the same time, their faces were full of shock and disbelief, Ye Qianran seemed to be doing something.


The three elders were also stunned at this time, and Ye Qianran gave up on his own initiative?

You Wushuang and the others were stunned for a moment, but they understood in their hearts that although the Dan Ding hadn't completely ruptured now, it would also rupture during the fusion of the three balls of juice.

"Damn bastard, I must kill him!" Qiao Xiaodi gritted her silver teeth. They coveted hope for Ye Qianran, but Ye Qianran ended with this, which really made people angry.

"Hey, that's not right!"

At this time, the old man standing in the middle suddenly raised his eyebrows, and after he spoke, the two old men also showed a little surprise.

"Okay, it doesn't matter now!"

Ye Qianran murmured, and sat down cross-legged. At this time, the power of heaven and earth surged, and three balls of juice emerged.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and Ye Qianran floated out. What he used was the power of heaven and earth, not Wu Yuan. According to what Elder Xing said, even without the assistance of Danding, he could still refine it.

Seeing such a scene, the people around were stunned at the same time, what is Ye Qianran going to do at this time?

And just when everyone was stunned, three groups of accompanying fire surged out... The people present were shocked again...

Don't you need Dan Ding to assist the rhythm of alchemy? Can this young man?

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