Eternal Supreme

Chapter 378

When the old man announced the end, the people present also left the venue one after another.

When Ye Qianran was about to leave, You Wushuang stopped him and said directly: "Master Ye, I want to fight with you!"

Ye Qianran looked at You Wushuang with a burning face, and found that she was full of heroism in such a state, her eyes flickered and she politely refused: "Miss You, I just have something to do, how about another day?"

You Wushuang frowned after hearing this, and finally said: "Okay then, but you have rejected me twice, I hope there won't be a third time!" Then he turned and left.

Looking at You Wushuang's back, Ye Qianran shrugged. In fact, if they were not standing opposite each other, from the perspective of a friend, maybe she is a good person, but unfortunately, there is a grievance between them.

Shaking his head, Ye Qianran also walked towards Qiao Xiaodi's direction. After hugging the little mink beast, he looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Student Qiao Xiaodi, I didn't disappoint you!" He smiled when he said this.

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "It's barely enough!" After speaking, he looked at Gao Yi, and took the lead to walk outside.

Ye Qianran smiled and followed out.

In the alchemy tower, the three elders also began to review the pills at this time. The pills of each level were divided, and the lower ones were directly ignored. Then they were first screened in the five layers of pills. After the screening, at the same time Concentrated on the fourth floor.

At this time, they first opened Ye Qianran's pill bottle.

"It really is a three-color pill!"

One of the old men looked at the blue, gold, and white elixir, and was surprised at the same time. This kind of elixir is usually made by a combination of three people, or with the use of beast fire. And Ye Qianran took care of everything by himself.

"Well, the fourth-grade elixir has a very rich color and aroma, and it is considered to be of high quality. It is really surprising that this elixir was refined from a young man. !” Another old man nodded,

"This kid is so good, he should be classified as a candidate. After training well in the future, he will definitely be able to replace Danta to participate in the Hundred Clans competition." The last person also nodded, and then took the pill Ye Qianran refined After taking out the medicine first, I picked the others again.

After a comprehensive review, they left here with the three most outstanding pills and the remaining relatively good pills.

When they gathered in a stone room, there were already eight people waiting there.

"What's the result of this refinement?" The old man in white long-distance running was still the one who spoke, with a peaceful expression.

"Well, they are all excellent this time. We have selected ten of the best!" The old man standing in the middle stood up.

"Where are the top three? Who are they?" The old man in the white robe asked again in doubt.

"The top three, we checked the information, one is Ye Qianran from the Kamikaze Empire, the other is You Wushuang from the Qinghong Palace, and the other is Chang Ao, the grandson of the third elder of the Outer Sect." The old man in the middle was exhausted. Floating said: "These three people can all be included in the candidates, and Ye Qianran's performance is the most outstanding one. He successfully refined the three-color pill by himself."

The expressions of the people present were moved at the same time.

Tricolor Dan?

That is an extremely cumbersome pill to refine. Not only are there many medicinal materials, but also three types of fire are needed to refine it. Can a young man control it?

"In addition, he had a pill explosion during the refining process, and the furnace cracked in the second refining process. In the end, he succeeded in refining without the alchemy cauldron!" The old man in the middle said bluntly.

"how could be?"

The faces of the eight people were full of puzzlement. It was unbelievable that they could do this at such a young age.

"Hehe, I really want to meet this person named Ye Qianran, you can arrange it tomorrow!" the old man in the white robe said, his face full of surprise.

"Yes, the Second Supreme Elder!"

The three looked at each other, nodded and chose to leave.

"If this Ye Qianran is really so good, maybe it's okay to let him try?" the old man in the white robe said slowly after the three of them left.

The other seven nodded, expressing that they had no opinion.

On the other side, Ye Qianran returned to the inn, and was called out by Qiao Xiaodi not long after he rested.

"Your task has also been completed, go ask my aunt, what are you going to do next!" Qiao Xiaodi said coldly, and led Gao Yi out first.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and followed out.

Two hours later, they left Xuanwu City and came to the place where the old woman and the others were. When they heard that Ye Qianran was done, they smiled at the same time.

At this time, Ye Qianran also took the initiative to ask: "Senior, what should I do next?"

After hearing this, the old woman smiled and said: "Don't worry now, you can get familiar with it first, and besides..." At this point, the old woman spread out her right hand, and an ancient book appeared in her hand, handed it to Ye Qian and said: "This book will be It's the cultivation method of that bloodline..."

"Aunt, why are you giving this bastard now, what if he runs away?"

Qiao Xiaodi saw that the old woman handed the exercise to Ye Qianran, and her handsome face suddenly showed anxiety. From here, it is not difficult to see that Qiao Xiaodi still never believed in Ye Qianran.

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, and he took it, then he glanced at Qiao Xiaodi proudly, then looked at the old woman and said, "Don't worry, senior, I, Ye Qianran, am a gentleman, hehe, so I am definitely not an ungrateful person. This time you trust me, first give me the practice method, and I will complete the instructions you give later!"

The old woman nodded with a smile after hearing this, and then said: "The results should come out tomorrow. If there are no accidents, you can be selected. Go back earlier. We will also enter Xuanwu City in these two days!"

Ye Qianran nodded, looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Student Qiao, let's go back."

Qiao Xiaodi gave Ye Qianran a cold look, turned around and walked out first.

Ye Qianran was also used to Qiao Xiaodi's hostility towards him, so after bidding farewell to the old woman, she also turned and walked out.

And after the three of them left, an old man standing next to the old woman said: "This little brother is really good, he actually refined the three-color pill, but can he take out that thing from the Danta?"

"Hehe, I originally planned to take it out in a coordinated manner, but now it's his words, so there's no need for it at all. Maybe he can handle it by himself?"

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