Eternal Supreme

Chapter 386

You Wushuang saw Ye Qianran's temporary astonished gaze and didn't know what he was thinking, frowned, and temporarily withdrew a little strength, for fear of hurting Ye Qianran.

At this time, Ye Qianran also came back to his senses, because he wasted a few seconds and missed the best time to dodge. He hastily rolled towards a carp beside him. Although he looked a bit embarrassed, he also dodged In the past, and after he stood up, his face was floating, and the spiritual needle was thrown out at this time.

You Wushuang saw the spiritual needle, but the speed was too fast, before he could react, the spiritual needle had already entered his body. At this moment, she clearly felt that one of her main veins was sealed.

He was stunned, his expression showed surprise, and there is such a mysterious thing?

And just when she was stunned, Ye Qianran stretched out his right hand and grabbed her body again. The sound of the roaring dragon's chant was extremely ear-piercing, and it sounded frightening.

You Wushuang took a deep breath, and did not forcibly mobilize his spiritual power, but a strange spiritual power surged out at this time, and when Ye Qianran's hand grabbed it, his body disappeared in an instant.

Ye Qianran caught the air, and looked stunned, this is definitely not Yi Feixuan's illusion, You Wushuang's body really disappeared in an instant, the power of blood?

While he was in a daze, another divine sense clearly saw a wave behind him. At this time, he also saw You Wushuang floating out from behind him without a sound, and his long sword surged directly towards him stabbed in the back.

Including now, he didn't even feel the slightest.

If the two were really enemies, if he didn't have Aolong Jue himself, maybe he would have fallen at this time.

And when he was about to react, his body froze again, because his other divine sense saw a huge black shadow rolling towards You Wushuang directly at this moment.

World of Warcraft?

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and without thinking about it for the next moment, his body suddenly turned around. At this moment, he did not dodge any, and his body rushed towards You Wushuang.

Pain came, and You Wushuang's sword pierced directly into his body, because the distance between the two was too close.

You Wushuang didn't expect Ye Qianran to jump up suddenly, and frowned slightly, just about to react, suddenly his body was hugged, and under Ye Qianran's strength, the two bodies turned sideways down.


When Ye Qianran was also on You Wushuang's body, there was a soft feeling from his lips, and he kissed You Wushuang's lips by a very coincidence.

You Wushuang's body tensed instantly, and her eyes widened unconsciously due to the feeling of electric shock, but after regaining her senses, extreme anger appeared coldly, and at this moment there was a loud noise, and when she looked up, she found that A tail smacked where they were.

At this time, she seemed to understand something. Seeing the black shadow rushing up again, You Wushuang frowned, but at this time Ye Qianran rolled over to the side holding her body, and then pushed her body away. He went out, while Ye Qianran himself resisted the black shadow.

At this time, Ye Qianran also saw clearly what it was. It was an extremely large monster. The most outstanding thing was the huge tail, and it was also the tail that attacked them.

Seeing the huge tail swinging up again, Ye Qianran's eyes showed coldness. When the Aolong Jue swept across, the overbearing appeared again, and he hit it directly with his right hand. Under the rage, there was a loud bang During the riot, Ye Qianran's body also flew upside down at this time, because the strength of the opponent's tail was too great.

Ye Qianran took a breath, glanced at You Wushuang, and finally said: "You go first, I will carry this guy."

At this moment, You Wushuang still had an unnatural expression on his face, and when he glanced at Ye Qianran, he felt strange in his heart.

Frowning slightly, after biting her lower lip tightly, her eyes fell on the monster, and she recognized it directly at this time, the middle-level monster of the mysterious rank, the savage-tailed beast, is a powerful existence in this area , should have felt the spiritual power of the two of them fighting.

Now if it wasn't for the veins in her body to be sealed, even though such monsters are difficult to entangle, they would definitely not be seen by her.

Ye Qianran was hit by her sword at this time, and his body is still injured, can he resist it?

While she was thinking, the monster rushed towards Ye Qianran again. Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly. He desperately hoped that You Wushuang would leave quickly so that he could perform well. If you can't perform well, otherwise you will be able to see through your identity by You Wushuang.

If his identity was exposed, he touched him before but kissed him again this time, even though it was not intentional, he could imagine how angry You Wushuang would be.

Taking a breath, Ye Qianran's body rushed up again. At this time, he had mobilized the original strength in his body, but with a bang sound, Ye Qianran's body was thrown out again in a daze.

Falling to the ground in a state of embarrassment, Ye Qianran cursed secretly, and suddenly saw the monster throwing towards You Wushuang again, frowning slightly, and rushed over quickly again, embracing the soft waist and facing outside rush away.


There was a huge roar, and the monster chased after it, and the speed was very fast.

Ye Qianran glanced back, and said to You Wushuang with an unnatural face in his arms: "Miss You, stay here and don't move, I will lure that monster away!" The body was put down, and the body was tossed and galloped towards the other side.

When the monster saw Ye Qianran's figure, it naturally followed.

You Wushuang is safe at this time, but she is very sorry in her heart. After frowning again and again, the spiritual power in her body is agitated at this time. She must Ye Qianran seal her veins and let it go. .

Ye Qianran's strength is indeed quite strong, but now that he has been hurt, how can he resist?

On the other side, after Ye Qianran took the monster away from the distance where You Wushuang was, the eight doors opened at this time, and the aura on his body soared infinitely at this time, and then his body stopped, his body was floating, and his right hand spread out, The accompanying fire surged out at this time. Under the flexibility, when dodging the attack of the monster, he hesitated for a while, and finally burst out the golden flame. The double accompanying fire intertwined, and a palpitating breath floated out .

Ye Qianran felt the restlessness in his right hand, and his breathing was a little short, because after the flames fused together, he felt as if he was about to explode at any time.

"Damn, do you really think the young master is easy to bully!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly, and the fused flames directly covered the past...

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