Eternal Supreme

Chapter 395

"I want to have a baby with you!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's bewildered face, the woman said with burning eyes: "If my bloodline has phoenix eyes, the offspring will definitely be very strong!"


Ye Qianran almost broke out in a cold sweat at this time, she shrugged helplessly and said, "Forget it, I'm still waiting to give it to my wife for the first time!"

After hearing this, the woman raised her brows, her interest grew deeper, and she said with a smile: "If it's the first time for both parties, the success rate will be higher. Just marry me!"

"You think too much……"

Ye Qianran was completely helpless at this time. He also wanted to break his virginity, but he was born like this. What can he do? He just hopes to increase his strength and speed, and then figure out how the seal on his abdomen returns thing.

In addition, he more or less felt that it might have something to do with the seal. If the seal was opened at this time, maybe his problem would be solved.

The woman's eyes flickered, and finally said hotly: "If you don't agree, I will kill this woman!" After speaking, she looked at You Wushuang, and the coldness appeared again.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and finally said: "Then you have the strength to say it!" After finishing speaking, he spread his right hand, and the accompanying fire surged out at this time, under the double accompanying fire, the palpitating strength also slowly emerged.

This is very difficult to control, but he has nothing to do now, this woman is too strong, and Meng Yang is also afraid of the woman in front of him, which proves that the origin should be very difficult, so what is the origin?

In addition, he only wants top-notch women, well, the requirements are a little higher.

The woman in front of her has a hot figure, extremely hot, although her face is ordinary, but her eyes are also very beautiful, and her personality... well, it's a bit extreme, too straightforward, and it's completely two extremes compared to the relatively conservative world.

Because if a woman is too strong, and she is excellent and has a strong personality, the man will always have a heavy burden, so he still denies it.

Seeing Ye Qianran's accompanying fire, the woman showed a strange expression and said: "The strange ability..." After speaking, her gaze became even hotter, and finally she bit her red lips tightly and said, "I will definitely make you like it!" Mine!" After the words fell, the spiritual power on his body dissipated, and he gave Ye Qianran another fiery glance, then turned and left.


Ye Qianran's face was full of weirdness. What kind of situation is this? He somehow provoked a woman. This woman's figure is so hot, it seems that he must withstand the next storm.

Looking at the accompanying fire in his hand, Ye Qianran shook his hand and directly merged into the pregnant spirit bead. It would be a waste to lose it.

After doing all this, Ye Qianran turned back, his eyes fell on the pale-faced You Wushuang, he spread his left hand, and a elixir appeared in his hand and said: "Healing elixir, take it, it will help your recovery." a little better!"


Looking at Ye Qianran with a gentle smile on his face, You Wushuang felt a little strange in his heart, but in the end he shook his head and chose to refuse, and without speaking, he turned and walked towards Danta.

Meng Yang looked at You Wushuang's leaving back, frowned slightly, and finally moved his lips, but he didn't say a word, then glanced at Ye Qianran, looked at Ye Qianran coldly, turned and left, because Ye He naturally listened to what Qianran said before.

Although he couldn't find anything wrong with it, he was on the opposite side of him.

Because the battle was over at this time, those present also dispersed one after another.

Ye Qianran stood there, still a little baffled at this moment, and finally shrugged helplessly, and walked in the direction of Danta, and when he was very close to Danta, a voice suddenly sounded: "Tsk tsk, it's a coincidence It's ruthless!"

Ye Qianran was startled, the voice was quite familiar, and when she looked back, her brows were instantly raised, and she said with a smile: "It's you!"

That's right, the man who appeared in front of his eyes was the man who was fighting for the bracelet with Qiao Xiaodi that day. He seemed to be the young master of the Blood Sect. He didn't expect that he would encounter two troubles along the way...

But this trouble, he has never taken it to heart, there is no You Wushuang, no Meng Yang, so he has nothing to be afraid of at all, even if he can't fight, he can still run away...

"Why, didn't you bring your monster this time?" The man looked around at Ye Qianran and said with a smile.

Ye Qianran shrugged and said with a smile: "I have it with me, should I let it out for you to see?"

The man frowned slightly. He deliberately brought people to look for Ye Qianran at the beginning, but they all returned in vain. Who would have thought that when he was wandering around this time, he found Ye Qianran and saw that he was alone, so he left up.

Hearing Ye Qianran's words now, he couldn't help becoming vigilant again. Just as he was about to say something, an old man standing behind him whispered something quickly in his ear.

The man was startled, and looked at Ye Qianran again. When he saw Ye Qianran's clothes, his expression changed slightly.

Ye Qianran was actually wearing the inner core disciple costume of Danta. When did he become a member of Danta? At this time, he suddenly remembered the alchemy competition before the Pill Tower. The top three would become inner disciples. Could it be that Ye Qianran participated at that time? Also got the top three?

Seeing the man's slightly changed expression, Ye Qianran raised the corners of his mouth. He was very interested in the blood beads of the Blood Sect. After scanning the man's eyes, he said, "Do you want to do it again? If you don't do it, I'll leave first!"

After finishing speaking, the man said nothing, shook his head, and walked forward.

Blood beads? He is bound to win!

And the man looked at Ye Qianran's leaving back, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. If the powerful people from the sect he brought were here this time, and if this place would be far away from the Dan Tower, he would definitely kill Ye Qianran here of.

Ye Qianran returned to the Dan Pagoda, entered the stone house, and directly entered the cultivation state.

In another stone house, a woman was sitting in the tub, her snow-white skin was exposed, and at this moment an illusory shadow appeared: "Miss, do you really plan to find that person to pass on to your offspring?"

"The power of the Phoenix-eyed clan is not as powerful as you think!"

The woman's red lips parted lightly, and her eyes once again showed hotness.

"But I think he seems to be thinking about that person in Qinghong Palace, and the young lady's current appearance..." The voice was fluctuating.

"I hate pretty women!"

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes slightly jealous, and finally snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for that exercise that made my original appearance, I wouldn't change that appearance..." The woman covered her cheeks, In the end, he said cruelly: "After I got the flame knife this time, I will go find the Holy Spirit Fruit..."

"Miss, but..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, only the Holy Spirit Fruit can restore my appearance!" After the woman finished speaking, her face was full of determination!

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