Eternal Supreme

Chapter 398

Ye Qianran woke up in a daze. First of all, he quickly got up and touched his clothes with both hands. He was relieved when he found that there was no problem. Then he looked up and found that the woman was sitting on the other side of the bed, Sitting there cross-legged, with a pair of eyes looking at him?

"Um, gone?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, with a strange look on his face.

"Yeah, you will be mine from now on!" the woman said with her lips curled up.

"Stop it."

Ye Qianran shrugged. He had just asked casually before, but now that the woman was normal, he didn't feel anything, and knew that the woman had failed.

angry? He really didn't have anything to be angry about, at most he was just a little depressed, he was almost pushed by a woman, and he was almost caught.

"Okay, now you can tell your secret!" Ye Qianran said helplessly.


The woman nodded, and then said: "The first contact, let me know that the soul of the flame knife has been in a deep sleep, the first thing to get its approval is to wake it up, the second time, I use the accompanying fire to want to I failed to wake it up, so I need to go to an extreme, the spiritual power that can resist it, such as water or ice!"

Ye Qianran frowned, and said with great interest: "Then what's next?"

"What's next? The next step is even easier, just use your bargaining chip to negotiate!" the woman said with a smile.

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "Okay, then you won't rob me?"

"I won't rob you!" Rong Silan nodded.

"Good man!" Ye Qianran nodded heavily, with a smile on his face, in fact, he was still a little worried, if Rong Silan snatched it, maybe he really has the ability to get it?

"But..." Rong Silan hesitated at this moment.

"But what?" Ye Qianran asked with a vigilant face.

"Let me... let me kiss again!" Rong Silan's eyes were full of strangeness and anticipation.

"Um, what's going on?"

Ye Qianran felt like being struck by lightning at this time, why did Rong Silan say that the roles of the two were reversed? When his face was full of helplessness, the fragrance suddenly wafted into his nostrils, but when Rong Silan got into his arms and hooked his neck with both hands, she took the initiative to kiss him.

Ye Qianran's face was full of astonishment when the softness of fragrance appeared, what is this, sacrificing himself for the sake of profit?

After the kiss fell, Rong Silan also walked down from the bed, looked at Ye Qianran with satisfaction, lowered her lips, and then said with a smile: "I will make you mine!" After speaking, she turned and walked outside go.


Ye Qianran had no choice but to say something, but after thinking about it, the touching feeling was really memorable. If Rong Silan was more beautiful and had a softer personality, she would definitely be a top-quality woman. Maybe I really like it, now...

Shaking his head, while thinking, Ye Qianran also entered the state of cultivation and practiced.

Early the next morning, Ye Qianran opened his eyes, and under the call of the four elders of the outer gate, he gathered in another huge stone house on the thirty-fourth floor.

He may have come earlier, there were not many people, and one of his acquaintances was Chang Ao.

But after all the calculations, he seems to have never seen him since he came in, maybe he has been practicing hard, and now he suddenly sees it, but he finds it is not bad.

Chang Ao naturally also saw Ye Qianran, a smile appeared on his face, and then he walked over and said, "Qianran, you are here!"

Ye Qianran nodded, at this time, Chang Ao said mysteriously: "Do you know what is the reason for calling everyone over this time?"

"I don't know!" Ye Qianran shook his head, there was no way, with Chang Ao's appearance, he would say he didn't know if he knew it.

"It is said that we are going to try to get the Heavenly Artifact to recognize us!" Chang Ao's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but said excitedly: "If you can get a Heavenly Artifact, it will definitely be of great benefit to you in the future!"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. When he was about to say something, he saw Chang Ao raised his head. He also looked up and found that You Wushuang walked in from the outside. His expression was as cold as before. It attracted the attention of everyone present.

You Wushuang? The most outstanding master of the younger generation in Qinghong Palace, I am afraid that everyone present will recognize it.

After You Wushuang came in, he also saw Chang Ao and Ye Qianran, his expressions fluctuated a little, but they returned to normal in the end.

After Ye Qianran noticed You Wushuang, his expression also showed a strange look. In the past month, he has hardly seen her, is it because he has been practicing for a long time? still……

He always had a feeling that You Wushuang was avoiding him on purpose, that feeling was very mysterious, but very clear.

What is You Wushuang doing while hiding from him? This can't help but make people think about it. Of course, he didn't think about it at this time, because at this time the other two figures walked in from the outside.

It was Rong Silan, and the other person was the man who had been following her. Judging from his demeanor, maybe it was Rong Silan's follower?

After Rong Silan came in, he glanced around, and landed directly on Ye Qianran. While his eyes were floating, he walked over directly. When the fragrant wind hit his face, Rong Silan had already arrived at Ye Qianran's side .

Chang Ao was stunned, with a slightly strange expression, and then said with a smile: "Let's chat!" After speaking, he turned and left, walking towards You Wushuang.

But when he came to You Wushuang, just as he was about to speak, he found that You Wushuang was looking in Ye Qianran's direction, his brows were slightly frowned, and finally he turned his head with a little irritability...

"what's the situation?"

Chang Ao's mouth moved, but he still didn't say anything in the end. It's better not to ask this kind of question...

"Young master Ye, remember what I told you yesterday, so that your success can be improved!" Rong Silan looked at Ye Qianran and said with a smile.

Ye Qianran shrugged, and nodded casually, because he didn't know the identity of the woman, so he was always on guard against Rong Silan at this moment, putting aside those who had babies or not, who knew that this woman would Wouldn't there be another purpose? The interest is to be greedy for his handsomeness... This kind of thinking must be cut off by her...

Seeing Ye Qianran's appearance, Rong Silan's eyes were slightly strange, it would be better this way, if it was easier to get her hands, maybe she would not be interested... She still had the same idea, and Ye Qianran would definitely fall in love with her Yes, and still desperate...

"Is everyone here?"

At this time, an old voice came from outside, and everyone present looked up at the same time. When Ye Qianran saw the three old men who led them walk in, he couldn't help feeling restless in his heart. Are we going to start?

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