Eternal Supreme

Chapter 407

"This bead is interesting!"

Ye Qianran looked down at the red spider, raised her foot, and stepped on it to death.

And after being trampled to death, he glanced at the red lump, his expression unavoidably full of surprise, was this spider rendered by the bead?

Frowning slightly for a long time, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on his right arm. At this moment, he found a red line rising rapidly, and his right hand became more and more numb at this time.

His complexion changed slightly, and at the same time as the surge of spiritual power suppressed it, Ye Qianran also covered the box and put it in the ring. This bead is very good, so go back and study it carefully. Now it is important to leave quickly, and there is also You Wushuang Woolen cloth.

After thinking of this, Ye Qianran also quickly got out from here.

Returning to another room, Ye Qianran carried You Wushuang out of the sack. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of what the man said. According to what he said, when he saw You Wushuang, she was seriously injured. Did something happen on the way?

Could it be Rong Silan?

When thinking of this, Ye Qianran's expression became weird, because Rong Silan was the only one who dared to confront You Wushuang at that time.

He sighed secretly, what kind of woman is that?

And what is her identity? Even Zong Hongzhen, who is Qiyaozong, is afraid, needless to say, it is definitely not easy.

When he was about to take You Wushuang out, there were footsteps outside, presumably the man's father and others came back, knowing that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, and just when he was about to jump up and leave, the door he was at But it was pushed away.

Looking up, he found an old man standing at the door. After seeing him, his expression froze for a moment, and he asked, "Who are you?"

"Hmph, you blood sects are so brave, you dared to kidnap our Miss Qinghong Palace here, and I will settle accounts with you later!"

Ye Qianran spoke quickly at this time, and said something to the old man with a furious voice, then walked over directly, and then said again: "Get out of the way!"

The old man was stunned, stepped aside, and Ye Qianran also walked out at this moment. He was definitely sweating profusely at this time, but since he was pretending to be aggressive, he must have enough confidence, and what he was playing with was this heartbeat.

If he chooses to rush out directly from the roof, the opponent will definitely rush up. At that time, he will definitely be surrounded by many people, and he will also bring You Wushuang, which will definitely be inconvenient.

After he walked a few steps and was about to leave the courtyard, when he thought it was safe to run, an angry voice sounded: "The blood is gone!"


Ye Qianran glanced back and saw another room, a middle-aged man came out from it, with a furious look on his face, and at this moment his eyes just fell on him: "What are you people?"

"Hey, your uncle!"

Ye Qianran said something quickly, the eight doors opened at this moment, and his body rushed out at this moment.

"Damn it!"

A furious voice came from behind Ye Qianran, at this moment Ye Qianran turned his head, and when he saw many people rushing towards him, his eyebrows twitched, he stomped his right foot, and his body bounced up At this time, Xiao Hei appeared at this time, and at the moment of becoming bigger, he also galloped out with his body.


The middle-aged man said something furiously again, and took the lead to follow.

After seeing it, the people behind were stunned at the same time, and finally gritted their teeth and followed closely.

There is no way, the blood bead disappeared, and at this time a stranger Ye Qianran appeared, who else is there besides him?

After half an hour, Ye Qianran looked back from time to time, after making sure that the other party did not catch up, he turned a few angles and landed in a place. At this time, he first put You Wushuang aside, there was no way, His arm now feels completely numb, as if he has no consciousness.

Pulling his arm away, it was red at this time, his brows were frowned, and then the phoenix eyes were opened, and he began to guide with the spiritual needle.

At this time, he discovered that it was not an ordinary toxin, but existed in spiritual power, and his expression inevitably showed surprise.

If it is said that the spider was infected by the blood bead, isn't the blood bead a poisonous bead?

Even at this time, he felt that if he hadn't been suppressed at the time and was continued to be exaggerated by the toxin, maybe the origin of his body would be exaggerated by the red color, even the blood?

What a weird bead?

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and before he understood the bead, he still decided to get rid of the toxin.

Thinking of this, the spiritual needle appeared at this moment, and when the phoenix eye opened, it began to clear up.

At this time, he found that the toxin was very sticky, and it took a long time to remove part of it. Finally, with a dark sigh, he could only get Xiaomei out, pulled it away, and began to bleed.

Then he was depressed again, the wound was opened, not much was left, the wound healed, and then he began to self-mutilate without limit.

When the crimson blood was drained and became normal, it stopped.

After moving his arm, he found that he had regained some consciousness at this time, and then he started to move, and when the Qi and blood were dredged, he gradually returned to normal.

In half an hour, Ye Qianran's arm also fully recovered. At this time, he wiped off his cold sweat. The toxin was really strong enough. If he didn't have the magic needle and hyacinth eye at this time, maybe this arm would still be useless. Maybe.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry before, but now he has lingering fears when he thinks about it, because he really didn't expect that the spider's poison would be so difficult to make.

Having settled himself, Ye Qianran also turned his attention to You Wushuang at this moment, took out a elixir and stuffed it into You Wushuang's mouth, and leaned to the side to rest. Be vigilant, what if the blood sect finds him?

But after one night, he was quite safe.

As the sun rises, the morning dew begins to evaporate.

Ye Qianran stretched his waist. At this time, his eyes fell on You Wushuang, and he found her leaning there. Although her face was still a little pale, her complexion had obviously recovered. At this moment, he found that something really happened. It's very coincidental.

If he hadn't come to the Blood Sect today, maybe You Wushuang would be harmed by the young master of the Blood Sect?

Seeing that her eyes were still closed, Ye Qianran couldn't help taking a closer look at You Wushuang, and found that she was indeed very beautiful, her whole face looked very delicate, and her skin was also very fair...

He thought about a question at this time, why did he save downstream Wushuang? If he doesn't save him, maybe he won't be threatened by You Wushuang...

After thinking about it for a long time, he still felt that maybe it was a pity that a girl he thought was so beautiful was killed by another boy!

Summoning Xiao Hei, Ye Qianran hugged You Wushuang in his arms again, the lingering fragrance floated, he couldn't help but take two deep breaths, it was indeed very comfortable.

Jumping onto Xiao Hei, Ye Qianran galloped directly towards Xuanwu City. It was still too dangerous here, but when he arrived in Xuanwu City, he would not have so many scruples. At worst, he would go to the Pill Tower, damn it, who would dare to mess with it?

After galloping for a while, when he thought that there was no danger, the sound of whistling suddenly sounded, and when the surging force swept from behind, a cold voice also sounded: "Leave the blood beads behind!" , or die!"

Ye Qianran's face changed slightly, has the other party been looking for him? Had he known this, he shouldn't have been riding Xiao Hei, because he would have become more conspicuous in the air, didn't he expose himself?

After manipulating Xiao Hei to dodge quickly, Ye Qianran glanced back and found an old man galloping up, looking at him with indifferent eyes, but when his eyes flickered, Xiao Hei quickly fell down, at the same time eight The door also opened suddenly, and the moment it landed, the body swiftly galloped out...

Let's chase him, he will let Qiqi come out and bite him to death after a while...

And just when he was thinking this way, You Wushuang in his arms moved his body, but his eyes slowly opened. When she saw herself in someone's arms, her pretty face suddenly changed, and her spirit As the force gathers, it shakes towards the surroundings...


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, is he going to be so unlucky, and this woman doesn't care about people?

In addition, if You Wushuang wakes up, his idea of ​​letting Qiqi come out will be directly killed, and he will be so depressed.

He gritted his teeth and endured it coldly... At this time, he should really be thankful. Fortunately, You Wushuang is in a weak stage at this time, otherwise he might not be able to resist...

Seeing that You Wushuang was still struggling, Ye Qianran quickly said: "If you don't want to die, be safe!"

After the words fell, You Wushuang heard the familiar voice and saw clearly that it was Ye Qianran. After a daze, his face became rosy and unnatural, but his body calmed down at this moment.

Ye Qianran glanced back, his eyes flickered, and at the same time, his body was tossing and turning in the jungle.

You Wushuang has a lot of questions right now, why did she suddenly find herself in Ye Qianran's arms? What happened when she was unconscious? Was he saved by Ye Qianran?

While she was thinking, Ye Qianran's voice rang in her ears: "Stay here well, I will lure him away, remember not to wander around, I will come back to find you!"

When You Wushuang was in a daze, Ye Qianran quickly tossed and put her down, and turned around again and rushed towards another direction.

And when Ye Qianran rushed out, she also saw an old man closely following him from a distance, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression was a little worried. She could tell that the old man's strength was not bad , Can Ye Qianran solve it alone?

After thinking about this question, You Wushuang was stunned. When did she worry about a person so much?

His brows were frowned again, and his expression appeared somewhat flustered...

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