Eternal Supreme

Chapter 422

"No, he is summoning his companions!"

A hurried voice sounded, and an old man rushed up first, and the surge of spiritual power directly slapped the monster's body.


The beast let out a low growl, the thud disappeared, and it aimed at the old man again.

"Sure enough, the defense is very strong!" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise. Although he looked at it from a distance, he could feel how powerful the old man's explosive power was, but the monster's body just trembled a little. , unexpectedly resisted down.

The old man frowned, spread his right hand, concentrated his strength again, and patted the monster's head again. Then, borrowing the momentum brought by the monster, he retreated. At this time, the three old men behind him After rushing up again, one of them took out a weapon, and under the surge of strength, a fierce aura also floated out.

This time, with the joint efforts of the four old men, the monster's body was also stained with blood, which looked quite shocking.

"I'm subduing him!" A cold voice sounded, Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and found that Gao Yi rushed up at this time, and his body became extremely strong at this time, Ye Qianran vaguely remembered, as if a What did the old man say Gao Yi was? Mad blood?

While he was thinking, there was a bang sound, and when he looked up, his mouth suddenly opened wide, and he saw Gao Yi grabbed the horns of the bullfighting beast with his bare hands, and while his body was shaking, he suppressed the monster's body stunned. down.

"So strong!"

Ye Qianran's eyes widened. How much strength does this require?

At this time, the old man with a weapon rushed forward, exuding a fierce aura, and directly pierced the throat of the monster.

Ye Qianran let out a breath at this moment, and when he was about to go over, the sound of bumping suddenly sounded, and he froze for a moment. At this moment, the phoenix eyes opened, and when he looked up, he found a dozen monsters rushing towards him from one direction. Like a broken monster.

And there are still three or four stronger existences among them.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, it is difficult to solve it at one end. Isn't it troublesome if there are so many people coming?

Just as he was about to summon Xiao Hei and run away with everyone, a streak of Ling Mang swept over from behind, and quickly dodged, but a long edge slammed into his previous position fiercely.

Looking back, he found that Qiao Xiaodi was looking at him angrily in the distance. His little face was beautiful, but he hadn't changed his disguise at all.

"I think those just now were coincidences and misunderstandings, I really didn't mean it!" Ye Qianran said with a wry smile, does he want such a tragedy?

"Who will believe you!"

Qiao Xiaodi gritted his teeth and said, the long whip in his hand swung towards Ye Qianran again.

Ye Qianran's eyebrows twitched, and she quickly galloped towards the old woman. Now only Qiao Xiaodi can save him.

"Stop running!"

After seeing it, Qiao Xiaodi followed closely, whipping the whip in Ye Qianran's direction all the time.

Ye Qianran really had a wry smile on his face at this time, and when he landed on the side of the old woman and the others, he saw more than a dozen monsters rushing out at this time, and after seeing them, the roar sounded , and sprinted directly towards them.

The old woman frowned slightly, and with a wave of her right hand, the majestic spiritual power swept out immediately. When it covered it, she was directly charged by several monsters. The scene was indeed quite astonishing.

"Get out of here quickly!"

The old woman quickly said that if you encounter so many pit bulls, they are not suitable for fighting. They have strong impact and strong defense. Even if they stay, they can kill these monsters, and I am afraid they will also leave some injuries.

Some injuries may be nothing, but this area is a dangerous area after all, so safety comes first.

When the old woman gave this order, Ye Qianran also quickly summoned Xiao Hei. When it became huge, Ye Qianran was just about to jump on it, but found that he rushed towards Qiao Xiaodi, and the speed Extremely fast.

His complexion changed slightly, and he rushed over quickly, pushing Qiao Xiaodi away, and he was sprinted by the bullfighting bull, and his blood suddenly surged, but fortunately, his physical fitness itself was relatively strong, so he gritted his teeth and persisted. , grabbed Qiao Xiaodi again nearby and jumped out, at this time Xiao Hei also automatically landed below them.

The old woman and others also followed after seeing it, but a white shadow was faster...

"It's dangerous..."

Ye Qianran took a breath, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Are you okay?"

Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of unnaturalness, and he shook his head with a slight frown.

Ye Qianran sighed secretly, then looked at the old woman and said, "Senior, what kind of monster is that, so strong!"

"That's a bullfighting beast. It has strong attack power and strong defense. It's hard to hurt with normal attacks, and it lives in groups..." The old woman explained at this time. Tongue-smacking, it really is a very strong monster, no matter who the opponent is, as long as it is provoked, it will go up and do it...

After galloping for a while, Ye Qianran stopped, and they were considered safe now, but at this moment, he felt a vicious gaze looking at him.

He didn't dare to turn his head, and directly moved his body and said, "Ah, I suddenly feel very tired. Let's go to rest early, and we have to leave tomorrow!"

"No, you must give me an explanation today!" Qiao Xiaodi glared at Ye Qianran.


Ye Qianran had no choice but to smile bitterly, turned her head to look at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Student Xiaodi, I really didn't do it on purpose, as you can see, I was pushed over by that pit bull."

"Then you saw it too, I'm going to gouge out your eyes!" Qiao Xiaodi gritted her silver teeth and said.

"Xiaodi, that's enough!"

At this time, the old woman frowned and said it, her voice was a little cold: "Look at what you are now, if it wasn't for others, you would have been seriously injured..."

"But he... woo..."

After hearing the old woman's words, Qiao Xiaodi's eye circles turned red immediately, and she said something tremblingly, and after glaring at Ye Qianran, she rushed out in one direction, obviously also angry.

"This girl..." The old woman frowned even deeper, at this time Ye Qianran coughed dryly and said, "Senior, let me go and have a look, I have an inescapable responsibility!" As she spoke, her body followed closely .

"Princess, should we still use it to see?" An old man said at this time.

After all, this is a dangerous area, Ye Qianran is injured, if there is any danger, the two of them may not be able to deal with it.


The old woman hesitated for a while, shook her head, and finally sighed: "Give them a chance to chat..."

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