Eternal Supreme

Chapter 425

"Is it a calamity system?"

The old woman also spoke at this time, and obviously heard the words of some people beside her, her expression was somewhat surprised, and then she said solemnly: "It seems that we have to act in advance, if Jujianmen really intends to use the hundred poisonous beasts, then we It will fail this time too!"

Ye Qianran nodded lightly and said: "Then let's go tomorrow, get it as soon as possible!"

The old woman nodded slightly, her eyes showed a little thought, and finally said: "Tianyong City is the closest to Auer. I guess if there is a calamity system, maybe it will be in Auer!"

Ye Qianran was full of doubts after hearing this.

The old woman glanced at Ye Qianran at this time and said: "Because there are not only extremely powerful monsters in Orr, but also many poisonous insects, poisonous fruits, and highly poisonous monsters. This is another meaning of being called a fierce place." .”

"It is said that Auer's monster is in turmoil, is it resolved now?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"Is it turbulent?"

After hearing this, the old woman couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and then said: "If there is no turmoil, how can I find the place where my brother and my father are detained?"


Ye Qianran's eyes widened. Could it be that the old woman and others did the brother's turmoil? Thinking of this, his eyes widened instantly, but how did they do it?

"The Beast Controlling Clan..."

The old woman saw Ye Qianran's doubts, said four simple words, then said after a pause: "The beast control clan has the ability to control monsters, we are asking them for help!"


Ye Qianran's eyes widened. The world is so big that there are many wonders, but isn't this beast-riding clan against the sky, possessing such a powerful bloodline.

And when he was surprised, the old woman said: "The beast-controlling family is not that simple, not any monster can be controlled, and even if it is controlled, it is only for a short time!"

Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief when he heard it, and it was indeed true when he thought about it, if the beast-riding clan were so powerful, they would have established an empire long ago...

After eating, several people also returned to the inn, and in the early morning of the next day, Ye Qianran followed Qiao Xiaodi and others to buy a lot of food supplies on the street, mainly for entering Orr, because Orr The perils are not unattainable.

The whole morning passed, and at noon, after a brief meal, they set out on the road again, aiming directly at Tianyong City.

Two days later, Ye Qianran came to the so-called Tianyong City. This place is very strange. The whole city is close to a huge mountain top, and the city just happens to be at the foot of the mountain top. According to what the old woman said, in that mountain Above the top is the Giant Sword Gate.

Jujianmen, the top power of the old brand in the past, but now it is hidden from the world, but its influence still exists...

Perhaps it is also the influence of the Giant Sword Gate. Tianyong City is also extremely prosperous, with lively streets, clear rivers and streams, manors, the entire Tianyong City looks very beautiful, surrounded by mountains and rivers...

And according to what he knew, beauties usually come out in this kind of situation. Facts have proved that he did see a lot of beautiful girls along the way... But when he looked at them, he could feel a pair of vicious eyes from time to time. Look at him, what rhythm is this?

On the same day, Ye Qianran, Qiao Xiaodi and others walked around Tianyong City and learned about the recruitment of the Jujianmen. At this time, they found that there was still a month before the end.

In the Night Inn, several people gathered together, at this time the old woman said: "You are only disciples of the outer sect when you enter Tianyong City, you have to enter the inner sect if you want to have real contact, and to enter the inner sect requires outstanding performance !"

"After one month's recruitment is over, the outer sect will conduct an inner sect assessment for the newly entered disciples, and your chance is there! Remember that one of the three of you must enter!" the old woman said solemnly at this time.

Several people looked at each other, nodded and agreed, but Ye Qianran was a little helpless at this time, would he still delay a month in Jujianmen? Thinking of this, he began to feel melancholy.

"Go and sign up tomorrow!" The old woman said with twinkling eyes.

The three looked at each other and nodded again, expressing that they had no opinion.

On the second day, Ye Qianran, Qiao Xiaodi, and Gao Yi also walked in the direction of Tianyong City.

After inquiring, they arrived at the place of registration very quickly. It was just at the foot of Tianyong City. There were still quite a few people who signed up. It took about half a day to sign up.

After the simple registration, the problem came. The first assessment was to let them climb directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and they had to climb up at night.

"Do you want to go up?" Ye Qianran looked at the long stairs, and the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly.

"What do you think? It is said that going up is the first assessment of this giant sword gate. If you don't even have the willpower to go up, how can you join the giant sword gate?" Qiao Xiaodi said coldly from the side.

"Hey, I'm fine. I'm a man. I'm strong. You're a girl. I'm worried about you!" Ye Qianran laughed.

"Who cares about you!"

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned red when he heard it, turned his head coldly, and walked up.

"Then let's go too!" Ye Qianran looked at Gao Yi and said something, and walked up first.

Needless to say, Gao Yi's physique, strengthening his physique itself is very powerful and terrifying. Although his physique was trained later, it is not too bad.

Counting the weakest one was Qiao Xiaodi. She was fine at first, but she was already out of breath halfway through, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and finally came to Qiao Xiaodi's side and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

"Need not!"

After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi decisively chose to refuse.

"Halo, we're going to go up there in the evening. If the three of us fail because of you, don't expect to complete this mission!"

Ye Qianran sighed and said, "Now is not the time to be brave!"

Qiao Xiaodi naturally understood Ye Qianran's meaning, her complexion inevitably changed, and she was at a loss for a while.

"Then what should I do?" Qiao Xiaodi frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking at this moment.

"Then needless to say, I'll carry you behind my back!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"No!" Qiao Xiaodi refused with an unnatural face.

"Okay, let brother Gao Yi carry you!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned rosy, and he shook his head again.

"Well, then we can only use the third method, you can rest here, you don't go in Jujian Gate, brother Gao Yi and I will do!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"don't want……"

Qiao Xiaodi bit her lower lip tightly, and finally her eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Then...then...ah, you bastard..."

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