Eternal Supreme

Chapter 438

"Hey, you're awake!"

When Ye Qianran was thinking, he felt movement in his arms, looked down, and saw a pair of beautiful eyes slowly opened at this moment, and when his heart beat faster, he also spoke.


The screams sounded again, and then the tender little feet appeared, and the next moment, Ye Qianran came under the bed again gorgeously.

Ye Qianran had a wry smile on his face at this time, he was provoking someone... His body didn't move at all, it seemed that Qiao Xiaodi got in by himself.

"You pervert!" Qiao Xiaodi glared at Ye Qianran and said viciously at this moment.


Ye Qianran stood up and stared at Qiao Xiaodi helplessly, and said, "Miss, can you see where you are now?!"

After Qiao Xiaodi heard it, she turned her head and looked at it. Suddenly, she became stunned, her face was full of disbelief, and finally she gradually turned red and said, "You must have brought me here!"

"Okay, let's say what you say!"

Ye Qianran didn't bother to tangle with Qiao Xiaodi on this issue, everyone was kicked off, could it be that he is still going up to kick him off?

There is a saying that when a man is magnanimous, it is a good man who does not fight with a woman, because if you continue to fight, you will be the one who suffers.

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned rosy again, and after biting her lower lip, she also got off the bed. At this moment, she thought about the feeling of yesterday, could it be that she really went there?

"Are you okay?" Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran who was full of depression and asked.


Ye Qianran said something, then looked at the slightly embarrassed Qiao Xiaodi and said, "You didn't mean it either!"

Hearing what Ye Qianran said, Qiao Xiaodi became even more embarrassed, and stood there not knowing what to say.

"Hey, are you feeling embarrassed?"

Seeing Qiao Xiaodi's appearance, Ye Qianran smiled immediately, and then said: "It's okay, I'm pretty good, I slept with a big beauty all night!"

"Go to hell..." Qiao Xiaodi was startled, and then screamed.

In the morning, more than a hundred people gathered again. Ye Qianran originally thought that Cang Jingkong would be teaching something, but he didn't expect to be asked to practice Mingsheng swordsmanship, and he suddenly felt a little bored.

He desperately hopes to enter the inner door as soon as possible. It's already the second day. Why hasn't that man looked for him yet? Is he really planning to break the appointment?

But thinking about it again, it's only the second day, what's there to worry about, isn't there still one day left?

While he was thinking, Cang Jingkong came to his side and said, "Ye Qianran, come with me!" Then he turned and left.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, what kind of situation is this, telling himself to go to the inner door? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel agitated, and after taking a look at Qiao Xiaodi, I quickly followed.

When he followed Cang Jingkong to a lobby, Ye Qianran took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Cang, why did you come to me?"

Cang Jingkong glanced at Ye Qianran and said, "Well, someone is looking for you!"

Ye Qianran's heart was agitated when he heard this. It seems that the man's work efficiency is still good, and he found him so quickly. Thinking that he will be able to enter the inner door soon, he can't help showing excitement.

"Okay, just wait here, someone will look for you later!" Cang Jingkong turned around and walked out after finishing his sentence.

Ye Qianran glanced around until he was not in a hurry and waited patiently there.

But as time passed, he didn't see anyone for a long time. When he frowned slightly, he suddenly felt a strong wind sweeping from behind, raised his brows, and at this moment, his body quickly dodged out, and at this moment a figure appeared, He rushed towards him again, extremely fast.

"What kind of situation is this?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise at this time, and he confronted the figure here with flickering eyes, but at this time the opponent's speed accelerated again, and the surging force suddenly became stronger.

Frowning, the Aolong Jue broke out again, and punched it with a fist, the domineering breath was extremely astonishing.

But the opponent's reaction speed was very fast, his right hand was instantly stuck by the opponent, and then the figure directly stuck to it, at this time he breathed a strong fragrance.

"Eh? Woman?"

In astonishment, his arm was bent by the opponent's guidance, and the next moment his body flew out directly. However, relying on the flexibility of his body, he supported the ground with one hand, and after turning over beautifully, his body also stood there firmly.

At this time, the figure stuck up again, and spread his right hand towards his chest.

After Ye Qianran saw this movement clearly, he also grabbed it. After he grabbed it, the figure did bend down, and suddenly kicked up from behind.

A look of astonishment appeared, and Ye Qianran's face was suddenly shocked, such a flexible body.

As a last resort, he stepped back, and the figure put his hands on the ground, and his graceful posture turned around. The next moment, the speed accelerated, and he was close to him again.

After Ye Qianran looked at it, he hit it with his right hand again with whistling, but this time, it was like typing on cotton, and it also had the strength of rebounding.

"what's the situation?"

When Ye Qianran was stunned, a flexible body appeared again, restraining his body instantly, and then a force appeared, and Ye Qianran bounced back again.

"It's so strong!"

Ye Qianran stood firm, and couldn't help but widen her eyes at this moment.

"Hmph, that's all there is to it. I really don't know, Brother Hao Bo lost to you!" A pleasant voice sounded, and Ye Qianran also saw the opponent's appearance.

Long hair like a waterfall, a standard oval face, dressed in... so avant-garde, a small skirt, a pair of black underwear, red pantyhose underneath, and a pair of boots on her feet...

It feels a little hot, not to mention the graceful figure, very slender, revealing the innocence and youthful demeanor of a girl all over her body.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qianran frowned and couldn't help but say something.

"My lady's name is Cheng Yuling, what's your name?" Cheng Yuling asked after looking at Ye Qianran.

"Ye Qianran!"

"Ye Qianran?"

Cheng Yuling blinked and said, "I heard that you can see through others, miss?"

"How did you know?"

Ye Qianran was surprised, and then said strangely: "Yeah, do you want me to see it?" As he said that, he looked at Cheng Yuling, who had a good figure, and it should be good to take a look...

"Okay, let's see..."

Cheng Yuling nodded curiously, because she really couldn't believe it, how could there be such a person?

"You really let me see?" Ye Qianran's eyes widened.


Cheng Yuling nodded slightly, thought for a while and said, "I'll show you a skill now, and see if you can learn it!"


Ye Qianran understood at this moment, and at the same time exhaled, it seems that he misunderstood...

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