Eternal Supreme

Chapter 445

"Ling'er, why did you come in here!"

After seeing the figure, the middle-aged man couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "We're talking about business, don't mess around here!"

"No, anyway, he belongs to me, you are not allowed to rob me..." Cheng Yuling said anxiously.

When the people present heard that there was a strange look on their faces, what kind of situation is this?

"Ling'er, don't mess around there!" The middle-aged man's face changed slightly at this moment.

And Ye Qianran stood there quite depressed, with a helpless face, could this woman speak clearly, and said immediately: "Master, don't get me wrong, this is how it happened!" After finishing talking about Cheng Yuling finding him Speak up.

As soon as the middle-aged man understood, he frowned slightly, and finally said: "That's good, the fifth elder will be your master, and Ling'er will be your guide directly!"

"Well, he's my only apprentice!" Cheng Yuling bit her lip.

"Well, you can be his leader, and the fifth elder can be his guide!" The middle-aged man's voice was helpless, but it was also full of love.

Ye Qianran's eyes are slightly strange, is Cheng Yuling the daughter of the sect master? It's no wonder that many people are jealous.


When Cheng Yuling heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he said, "Then can I take him away now?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Qianran, finally nodded and said, "Go!"

"Yeah, good apprentice, come with me as a teacher!" Cheng Yuling said, pulling Ye Qianran to the outside, and the people present saw Cheng Yuling pretending to be an elder, and there were smiles on his face at the same time.

Everyone watched Cheng Yuling grow up, she is the princess of the entire Jujianmen, and everyone loves her very much, but Cheng Yuling's master is extremely strict with her...

They guessed what Cheng Yuling was planning to do, and hoped that Ye Qianran could persevere.

After the two left, the middle-aged man pondered and said, "What do you think of that little brother?"

"Maybe he can do it!" Fifth Elder spoke first, with a strange look on his face.

"That's right, I think he was able to copy it, and he burned it through his eyes!" The third elder also said beside him.

"Well, if that's the case, let him try it sometime!" The middle-aged man said with a smile, waved his hand, stood up and left the main hall.

On the other side, Cheng Yuling stopped when he pulled Ye Qianran to a very beautiful courtyard.

Ye Qianran noticed that it was just behind the main hall, looked at Cheng Yuling suspiciously and said, "What is this place?"

"This is where I am a teacher. You will come here every day in the future so that I can teach you something!" Cheng Yuling said with her hands behind her back.

"Well, thank you, Master!" Ye Qianran said helplessly, but Cheng Yuling, as the eldest lady in the palm of Jujianmen, must know a lot, maybe he can really learn from Cheng Yuling and others Woolen cloth?

While he was thinking, Cheng Yuling said: "The foundation of Jujianmen is very important, including Mingsheng Sword Technique, Mingsheng Heart Technique, Mingsheng Handprint, and Sword Intent. When the former three are penetrated, the latter will be strengthened." Sword intent, you can control a giant sword, attack with bare hands, and also bring the sharpness of a sword, now I will teach you the first basic Ming holy sword technique, you must watch it carefully!"

After the words fell, Cheng Yuling's right hand was spread out, and then a red light appeared, and a delicate long sword with red light appeared in his hand.

At this moment, after Cheng Yuling glanced at Ye Qianran, his body also moved, and the sword in his hand spun at this moment. The red light was like a snake, extremely sharp and sharp, and the flowers and plants were broken when the sword pointed at it. People startled.

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise at this time, he really never thought that Ming Sheng's sword technique would explode with such strength in Cheng Yuling's hands.

After Cheng Yuling finished showing it, the voice sounded again: "Just now that was the sharpness of the sword itself, now I have integrated the mental method!"

After the words fell, Cheng Yuling was silent for a moment, and at the next moment, an extremely fierce aura surged from her body, and it felt like Cheng Yuling's whole body was a sword drawn out of its sheath.

When Ming Sheng sword technique was displayed again, piercing breathing appeared. Ye Qianran was some distance away from Cheng Yuling, but at this moment, he felt a raw pain.

And Cheng Yuling was dancing there at this time, her heroic posture was moving, and it seemed that she had a very strong impact on people.

After practicing a set of Ming Sheng sword skills, Cheng Yuling's figure stopped, and then the voice sounded again: "Below is the handprint of the three!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Yu Lingyu tapped the long sword in his hand, and when it was suspended, his hands interlaced, and when a mark emerged, it directly covered it.

The next moment, the long sword surged at this time, and the fiery red light was revealed, and then the long sword trembled at this time, and then Ye Qianran saw that the giant sword became huge at this time .

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise. At this time, Cheng Yuling's handprint appeared again, and the giant sword returned to normal at this time.

"See everything clearly?" Cheng Yuling asked at this moment.

Ye Qianran looked at Cheng Yuling and nodded.

"Okay, now let's start with Mingsheng swordsmanship. If you don't perform well, you will be punished!" Cheng Yuling laughed.

Ye Qianran shrugged, he has learned all of Ming Sheng sword techniques, but he is still a little fuzzy about the mental techniques and handprints behind, but he didn't think much about it at this time, and spread his left hand, when a sword appeared in his hand , changing to the right hand in an instant, the figure has already been dispatched at this time.

At this time, his power of heaven and earth surged out, and the place where Jianfeng walked also felt fierce.

Cheng Yuling watched from the side, a look of surprise gradually appeared on her face, and then she pouted her small mouth, but she didn't speak, and watched Ye Qianran swim away all the time.

"Hey, beautiful master, can I do this?"

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Cheng Yuling's body, and he said something with a smile, and at this time, Cheng Yuling's surprised expression opened his small mouth, and he couldn't help showing a little loveliness.

"It's still a job!" Cheng Yuling wrinkled his nose, but Ye Qianran said something later: "Then I will teach you the mental method now!"

"Okay!" Ye Qianran nodded, he was very interested in this idea.

Cheng Yuling nodded and said: "Keep it natural, keep your dantian, breathe smoothly, use Wuyuan from Baihui, mobilize Wuyuan to circulate, impact the two meridians, inhale with both hands, one out and one in, one up and one down..."

When Cheng Yuling was explaining, Ye Qianran also followed Cheng Yuling's instructions. Because he had read the medical book, he naturally knew the acupuncture points and veins mentioned by Cheng Yuling. At this time, what he mobilized was also the power of heaven and earth. There is a very clear change...

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