Eternal Supreme

Chapter 456

"Did you come to me for something?"

The old man forcibly suppressed his emotions and said something helplessly.


Ye Qianran smiled dryly, now that the old man was here to help, he really couldn't open his mouth, and finally thought about it and said: "That's it, I understand the power of refining weapons, and I want to worship you as my teacher!"

Since the old man wanted to accept him as an apprentice so much, then he said that, it was his own guilt to find some comfort.

The old man was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up immediately, and when he was about to speak, Cheng Yuling shouted from the side: "No, you are my apprentice, how can you worship him as your teacher!"


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, why did he ignore Cheng Yuling? Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Cheng Yuling and said: "Two masters, you are my unique beautiful master, and this senior is a teacher..."

"Is it unique?" Cheng Yuling frowned, her expression was slightly suspicious, she was not stupid, who knew if Ye Qianran would deceive her.

"Of course, because you are my only beautiful teacher!" Ye Qianran nodded heavily.

Cheng Yuling thought for a while, and finally nodded and agreed, because she also knew that if the old man really went to find her father, Ye Qianran would be sure to study with him.

Seeing Cheng Yuling nodding his head in agreement, Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief, then his eyes fell on the old man again and he said directly: "Teacher, before studying, can I ask you one thing?"

When the old man heard this, he naturally nodded in agreement and said, "Then tell me!"

Ye Qianran nodded and said: "It's like this, I can't carry this sword like this all the time, can I? So please make me a scabbard, teacher!"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with this!"

The old man nodded in agreement, and then said: "However, this ice sword is too cold, and ordinary scabbards and beast souls can't bear it!"

"What should I do?" Ye Qianran asked.

"Materials and beast souls are available in the Giant Sword Sect, but only with the consent of the Sect Master!"

The old man's eyes flickered and he said: "At that time, some of the cold ice that was used to forge this sword was still left over. As for the beast soul, it needs the spirit beast level. We also have this beast soul, but both of them are very precious. The door master should not agree!"

"I agree!"

When the old man finished speaking, a voice came from outside, Ye Qianran looked back and found Cheng Bo came in with two elders.

At this time, Cheng Bo's eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "But you must promise me one thing!"

"What is it?" Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it.

"I will betroth the little girl to you!" Cheng Bo's eyes flickered. The Supreme Elder should know Ye Qianran's identity, and from their expressions, he could see that Ye Qianran was not simple.

He knew that it was difficult to keep such a person, and his dream all along was to make the Giant Sword Sect resurface instead of hiding in the world.

If there is a relationship between Cheng Yuling and Ye Qianran, when Ye Qianran becomes a top master in the future, Jujianmen can use this relationship to let the world know.

Because for such a long time, Jujianmen has only been known by the established sects, and there are very few people of the younger generation...

Moreover, the marriage of Ye Qianran and Cheng Yuling has another benefit for the Jujianmen, that is, their heirs.

Needless to say, Ye Qianran's bloodline is extremely powerful. If the future children inherit Ye Qianran's bloodline, the development of the Giant Sword Sect will have great potential...

Ye Qianran's eyes widened, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face, little girl? Isn't that Cheng Yuling? Will Cheng Yuling be betrothed to him?

There is an extra girl for no reason? Is the beautiful master going to become a wife...

Cheng Yuling also stayed there, and then quickly glanced at Ye Qianran, her face flushed rapidly at this moment, but her face was also full of disbelief at this moment.

"how is it?"

Cheng Bo spoke at this moment, with a smile on his face and said: "Although Ling'er is usually naughty and has the temper of a young lady, her talent is also ranked high in the sect, and she is not bad looking, The most important thing is that she has never been engaged!"

Ye Qianran came back to his senses, glanced at Cheng Yuling, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, although he likes girls very much, but this is nothing, he didn't pick it up, it always feels like something is missing, another point, the two Even if people were really together, it was because of interests, which made him very upset.

Thinking of this, he said directly: "Master, this is not good, she is also my master, and besides, we don't have any feelings now..."

"The name of the master can go away, and if you don't have feelings, you can develop feelings!"

Cheng Bo's eyes flickered, and then he landed on the ice sword in Ye Qianran's hand and said: "The ice sword and the scabbard behind it are my betrothal gift for Ling'er!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, Cheng Bo is really smart enough, the meaning is very clear, he can disagree, but Bingjian must be kept...

"You can think about it, I'm waiting for your answer!" Cheng Bo smiled, then looked at Elder Li in the Artifact Refining Pavilion and said: "Elder Li, you can make the scabbard first, no matter what, the ice sword will You need a scabbard!"

The old man nodded in agreement.

"Okay, that's it!"

Cheng Bo smiled again, glanced at Ye Qianran and walked out with the two old men...

After Cheng Bo came outside, an old man who followed him said: "Master, everyone knows that Linger and Futian are a couple, isn't that bad?"

"Fu Tian is indeed very good and outstanding among the younger generation, but in terms of potential alone, Ye Qianran is a bottomless pit..." Cheng Bo said with a look of confidence on his face. can go wrong.

Inside, Ye Qianran glanced at Cheng Yuling with a slightly stiff expression. Although they are not related yet, it feels weird now...

Cheng Yuling bit her lower lip tightly, then frowned beautifully, and said, "I... I also have some things to do, so I'm going out first!" After speaking, he quickly ran outside, and the huge Artifact Refining Pavilion was instantly destroyed. Only two people are left...

"Hehe, good thing, good thing!"

The old man's eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Ling'er is indeed good, and I am also very optimistic about your development!"

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and he was at a loss for a moment, how should he choose? ice sword? Cheng Yuling? An ice sword he likes, a girl he also thinks is good... Is it possible to accept them all?

What is a word called? Fame and fortune?

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