Eternal Supreme

Chapter 462


Ye Qianran took a breath, and looked at Cheng Yuling who was biting his other arm with a wry smile on his face, did this woman really bite...

After a while, Cheng Yuling opened his mouth, glared at Ye Qianran and said, "You are calling me... What are you looking at..."

While Cheng Yuling was talking, she suddenly saw Ye Qianran staring blankly in one direction, followed her eyes to look down, she was taken aback for a moment, then screamed, she got into the bed, and glared at Ye Qianran in embarrassment. With a glance, Qian Ran turned her head with a cold snort.

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, although Cheng Yuling was still wearing a bellyband, but the top was completely bulged, which proved that Cheng Yuling's development was still good, and the hand feeling...

"What are you thinking there?"

Seeing that Ye Qianran didn't speak, Cheng Yuling turned to see him in a daze, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"It feels good... Pfft, I mean, the beautiful master is really nice, and even helped me hide it!" Ye Qianran really wanted to slap himself, why can he say whatever he thinks?

In this case, how can his wise image survive?

Cheng Yuling's face suddenly became hot, thinking of the scene of Ye Qianran getting into the bed, he glared at Ye Qianran again and said: "You are not allowed to say anything about today's matter, otherwise... otherwise this lady will not let you go !"

"Don't worry!" After Ye Qianran nodded, he glanced outside, frowned when he saw that there were still people patrolling, and simply lay down at a certain distance from Cheng Yuling...

After Cheng Yuling looked at it, she held the quilt tightly and turned her head, "Hey, Miss Ben can't sleep now, chat with me!"

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Qianran said something casually. At this time, his spirit relaxed, and his physical exhaustion began to spread. After all, what he said, he also used eight physical skills.

"What did you do in the forbidden area?" Cheng Yuling asked curiously.

"I heard what you said about the seal of the sword god, it's quite mysterious, so I went in curiously and took a look, who knew I was discovered!" Ye Qianran said.

"But the fog inside is so thick, and there are many poisonous insects, how did you get in?" Cheng Yuling asked curiously.

"He got in with special abilities!" Ye Qianran said with her eyes closed.

When Cheng Yuling heard it, he started talking curiously there, but as time went by, Ye Qianran's voice became smaller and smaller, and only then did he realize that he had fallen asleep.

"This guy, he can fall asleep talking with Miss Ben." Cheng Yuling pouted, and finally turned his head, closed his eyes and rested.

On the other side, in the lobby, your elders gathered together, and Cheng Bo sat at the head. At this moment, he frowned and said, "Has the person who sneaked into the forbidden area not been found yet?"

"No, maybe I escaped!" An old man said.

"It's really unexpected that someone can sneak into the forbidden area. What's his purpose?" Cheng Bo asked curiously.

The people present shook their heads after hearing this.

"Forget it, fortunately there is nothing wrong with the forbidden area, but we need to send more people to the forbidden area! There must be no problems in the forbidden area now." Cheng Bo said at this time.

The people present nodded solemnly after hearing this.

"That's it, everyone leave!" After Cheng Bo waved his hand, the elders present also left one after another, but one of the elders stayed behind.

"Fifth Elder, do you have anything else to do?" Cheng Bo looked at the Fifth Elder with doubts on his face.

The Fifth Elder gave a dry cough and said, "Actually, I have guessed where the person who sneaked into the forbidden area is!"

Cheng Bo was taken aback after hearing this, and quickly said, "Where is it? I'll send someone to catch it now." But after speaking, he suddenly thought of something. If it was really easy, the Fifth Elder wouldn't look up, let alone leave him alone. After getting off, he opened his mouth again and said, "Is there something wrong with the Fifth Elder?"

The Fifth Elder nodded and said, "That person should be in Ling'er's room!"

"Linger's room?" Cheng Bo was stunned for a moment.

The fifth elder nodded and told what he saw and learned, and finally said: "Because it involves Ling'er's reputation, I didn't expose it at the time!"

Cheng Bo looked surprised, and then said: "You did the right thing!" After a pause, he said: "Linger will not let people enter the room easily, let alone..."

Speaking of this, Cheng Bo also coughed dryly, and then said: "So I guess, the chance of the other party is a woman is relatively high."


"But there are very few female disciples in Jujianmen, and even if there are female disciples, there is no way to sneak into the forbidden area!" Cheng Bo said.

The Fifth Elder nodded heavily, and at this moment the two looked at each other, tacit understanding.

"Ye Qianran has a special bloodline power, so it's not difficult to sneak into the forbidden area. In addition, you heard the voice of the hundred poisonous beasts. It seems that his goal is the hundred poisonous beasts, not the seal of the sword god... Ling'er promised Ye Qian Of course, I can hide with her, the main reason is that I asked Linger to betroth him..." Cheng Bo analyzed.

The Fifth Elder nodded again, in fact, he had doubts for a long time.

"Fifth Elder, this matter ends with you, don't spread it anymore!" Cheng Bo said solemnly.

The Fifth Elder also understood the reason, nodded and agreed, "Then I'm going out!" After speaking, he turned and walked outside.

Cheng Bo looked at the back of the five elders leaving. Cheng Bo sat there with a smile on his face. He knew that Ye Qianran's coming to the Jujianmen was not that simple. Now he knows that the target is the Hundred Poisonous Beast.

He didn't care about the hundred poisonous beasts. After all, the hundred poisonous beasts are unique to the top of the Misty Mountain. Although the number is limited, there are some...

In addition, Qian Ran hid at Cheng Yuling's place, so he had a very good excuse...

One night without talking, the next day, when Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, before he opened his eyes, he felt the softness in his arms, and the tangy fragrance, so comfortable to hold, that he couldn't help but close his eyes. The eyes rested again.

And after lying down for a while, he suddenly thought of something, something was wrong... He opened his eyes, and when he saw Cheng Yuling curled up in his arms sleeping sweetly, his eyes widened instantly, what's the matter.

Thinking back at this moment, his expression suddenly became weird. Why did he fall asleep while lying on the bed?

When his face was full of weirdness, Cheng Yuling's body moved, and his calf was placed on his body.

Ye Qianran swallowed, did this woman use him as a pillow? In this situation, even if he wanted to sneak out quietly... And looking at the pink mouth, his heart was really agitated, and he felt an urge to kiss...

And as time went by, this impulse became stronger and stronger...

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