Eternal Supreme

Chapter 476


Ye Qianran exhaled and closed his eyes. At this moment, he began to mobilize the source of energy in his body.

Thinking of Yuanyuan Yuzhu, he couldn't help thinking of the ferocious old man who assisted him to complete it at that time. Is he still there? After all, he has helped him a lot. Should he be rescued if he has a chance?

After the thought flashed away, Ye Qianran's expression also became serious.

During the mobilization of the original source of spiritual power, pale golden spiritual power covered his body.

According to what the old man said, this original bead will also develop with the growth of the Aolong Jue. He could clearly remember the old man's strength at that time, so he couldn't help but feel a little restless in his heart.

Because of the stimulation of the original bead, the blood that Long Wushuang gave him became restless at this time, and the temperament of his body began to change, with a domineering and royal aura.

At this time, his mental power was floating, and under the impact of the intertwined impact of the source beads and the power of the blood, his mental power became more violent.

When his mind was completely immersed, his mind began to go blank, and before it went blank, he also felt a differentiation of mental power...

But Ye Qianran, who was immersed in it, didn't notice that a blue light was blooming on his body at this time, a blue dragon was looming, and an illusory shadow on his back also emerged, and the whole body looked full of... weird.

With the passage of time, the blue dragon and the illusory shadow behind him gradually disappeared, and Ye Qianran's spirit also returned to a clear state at this moment. At this moment, he actually felt three of himself, and a touch of strangeness emerged. Did you break through?

The third layer of Aolong Jue, Tianchong!

He closed his eyes, and at this moment he felt the original knot beads again. He found that the golden color on the top was a little deeper, and it looked thicker. Could it be that he could mobilize the spiritual power of the original knot beads in future battles? up.

Although the senior didn't say anything at the time, he knew in his heart that the Aolong Jue might be able to erupt with even stronger strength under the bead of origin, right?

He has been using the power of heaven and earth before, and it seems that he will perform well in this competition.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth turned up, he closed his eyes, and directly integrated his mind into the third divine mind, and immediately he could feel Yuanyuan Yuzhu standing up agitatedly, his whole body was covered with golden light at this moment, looking extremely bright .

When he opened his eyes, both pupils turned golden at the same time, and he looked even weirder for a while.

"This feeling..."

Ye Qianran took a breath, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were filled with scorching heat, and his heart was agitated to the limit. Now he has an urge to find an opponent to fight crazily, because After he integrated into the third divine sense, that feeling was too strong...

Taking a deep breath again, the suppressed restlessness, his two divine senses were also mobilized at this time, and then moved towards the two times...

Ye Qianran was so excited at this time, now that there is no dead angle at 360 degrees, even if someone sneaks up on his back in the future, he can turn around quickly and kick the opponent's penis to death...


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up. This time, he never thought that breaking through the Aolong Jue would be so fast. It seems that after dividing according to the level of spiritual cultivation, it will be much more convenient.

But when he was about to take back those two divine thoughts, he saw a looming blue dragon with his own eyes. The divine thoughts looked at him, and he looked at him. The feeling reflected in his mind was extremely strange. .

But he also understood the reason, because when he tried to pull out the ice sword, the first divine sense entered the ice sword, but the blue dragon was combined with his divine sense.

With a helpless smile, he also took back the two divine thoughts, and he himself withdrew from the third divine thought. Suddenly, the origin of the beads stabilized at this time, and his eyes were also at this time. Reverted to normal black.

"nailed it!"

Ye Qianran breathed out, his expression was full of confidence at this time, he once killed a master of Nirvana level, who seemed to be called Alchemy King, but he used Jiuyouhuo, now Futian's strength is very strong, he To rely on oneself to do the other party...

If he can really do it, can he also defeat Wan Tianzong and others? But after thinking about this, he felt that it was impossible. Wan Tianzong's strength at that time was still fresh in his memory, and he didn't have any ability to fight back at all.


Thinking of that scene, Ye Qianran couldn't help cursing inwardly, just wait, when his strength becomes stronger, he will definitely get this place back, and then beat Wan Tianzong severely.

But he also understands that this world is so big, there are many geniuses everywhere, and there are many hidden masters. Take the woman who is going to have a baby with him as an example. Knowing that even You Wushuang is no match...

In addition, it is enough to be bullied by Wan Tianzong once, he doesn't want to come again, but if he doesn't want to, he has to work hard.

Letting out a sharp breath, Ye Qianran got off the bed, straightened her clothes and walked outside.

He originally expected to use the whole morning to break through the Aolong Jue, but he really didn't expect it to be so fast this time. It's still early anyway, so he'll join in the fun...

When I came to the registration place, I was a little surprised when I saw the people gathered there. There were quite a few people who signed up, but the person in charge of registration was calm, and they came one by one anyway.

The corner of his mouth was raised, and Ye Qianran also walked in that direction.

When he came there, just when he was about to find a line to line up, a voice sounded from the side: "Are you really here?"

Ye Qianran turned his head to look after hearing this, and when he saw a familiar figure, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Isn't this all thanks to the help of my senior? Otherwise, how could I have come to the inner sect so smoothly? Woolen cloth?"

That's right, the person who spoke was Hao Bo who was defeated by him when he was at the outer gate.

After all, he hadn't seen him since he came to the inner gate, presumably he had been in retreat all the time, because at this time, he clearly felt that Hao Bo's momentum became stronger.

Seeing the fighting spirit in the other party's eyes, he also understood in his heart that Hao Bo wanted to defeat him on the battlefield this time, but the difference was that last time he was in front of all the outer disciples, but now he was in front of all the inner disciples. He was defeated in front of his disciples.

However, Hao Bo made a breakthrough, and he also made a breakthrough. It is not certain who will lose at that time...

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