Eternal Supreme

Chapter 493

"Game start!"

Cheng Bo glanced at the two of them, and without saying anything, he directly announced the start.

With the fall of Cheng Bo's voice, the whole scene became extremely serious in an instant.

Do you want to start? But the people present didn't want to see Yang Yi admit defeat again, then the whole game would be meaningless.

At this time, Fu Tian glanced at Yang Yi and said: "You should admit defeat like last time, I don't want to waste time!"

Fu Tian really really wanted to fight Ye Qianran again this time, and then get back the humiliation from Ye Qianran.

If Yang Yi admits defeat again at this time, then he can also directly fight Ye Qianran.


Yang Yi smiled lightly, is this still a genius of Jujianmen? Now that he lost once, he has become like this, can't even control his mentality?

Fu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression turned cold instantly at this moment, sad? These two words sounded so harsh to him, it seemed like it was the first time someone said that to him, right?

Yang Yi naturally noticed Fu Tian's expression, but he still looked very calm, and said directly: "I have been second for so many years, and this time I will be the first!"

Fu Tian was surprised when he heard this, and then he showed a smile on his face and said, "The number one is not just a mouth, you can get it if you just say it, use your strength to speak!"

After the words fell, a gloomy expression appeared on Fu Tian's face. After taking a deep breath, the momentum on his body soared at this moment.


When the turbulent voice sounded at this time, Fu Tian's body also galloped towards Fu Tian abruptly. His current thought is to end the game as soon as possible with some reservations, so that he can still fight Ye Qian. Let's compete again.

As the distance drew closer, Fu Tian suddenly stretched out his right hand and grasped it for an instant, a majestic force surged towards Yang Yi with afterimages one after another.

"This offensive, you have the nerve to take it out!"

Yang Yi smiled indifferently again, and spread out his right hand as well, and at this moment, a burst of rage spread instantly.

"call out!"

A dazzling light emerged, and when a laser lingered, it roared away.

"Cut knife!"

Feeling the extreme spiritual power, Fu Tian's complexion showed a solemn look in an instant. When it changed slightly, he naturally didn't dare to neglect it, and when it was cut out in an instant, when the monstrous Wu Yuan burst out, it was Cut it up.


A muffled voice resounded in the air, and suddenly a circle of ripples rippled towards the surroundings. Finally, when he pinched his right hand, the extremely terrifying power burst out again.

After offsetting Yang Yi's attack, the more violent spiritual power covered Yang Yi.

"So strong, Fu Tian is Fu Tian!" When the people around saw such a scene, their faces were full of shock, and when they came back to their senses, they couldn't help but burst into excitement.

This kind of battle is extremely exciting, and the top three competitions all have extremely strong abilities.

Although it was a bit special for Ye Qianran to defeat Ye Qianran at that time, many people also admitted that if Ye Qianran had no ability, he would definitely not be able to defeat Fu Tian. After all, it also caused a lot of harm to the people present Big shock.


A piercing voice sounded, and all the assistants gathered in an instant.

At this moment, Yang Yi's body moved, and the figure that rushed out was extremely fast. When the afterimages passed by, his right hand shook, and then he slapped towards the majestic force in a daze.


The muffled voice was like rolling thunder, rippling around, but Fu Tian's attack was scattered by Yang Yi coldly at this moment.

And the next moment, the body stopped, and the hands were spread out at the same time, and the marks began to change one after another. Suddenly, a mark was suspended in front of the body. The next moment, a roar came out.

Afterwards, an illusory shadow emerged from the mark, covering Fu Tian with majestic force.

"Moon Reflection Blade!"

Seeing Yang Yi's attack, Fu Tian's heart skipped a beat, but his expression showed surprise, but after recovering, the majestic Wu Yuan's ear-piercing voice resounded through the world at this moment.


When a several zhang-long spiritual power blade condensed, it strangled the illusory shadow directly.

Everyone present swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time, which was much better than the previous match between Fu Tian and Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's red light was floating, and his face was full of surprise. He could see the mobilization of spiritual power between the two of them very clearly, and he was even more curious about Yang Yi's mysterious seal.

Judging by the whistling sound, it should be something like a monster. How did he make it?

And when he was thinking like this, the ear-piercing voice sounded again, the voice made one's scalp tingle, and many people frowned at this time.

This also completely disappeared in a burst, and the huge aura Wu Yuan surged towards the surroundings again.

The elders present showed expressions of admiration at the same time, no matter whether it was Yang Yi or Fu Tian, ​​they were all very dazzling existences in Jujianmen.

But can Yang Yi really win this time?

"Crack mark!"

"Excalibur Palm!"

When the spiritual power dissipated, the two figures flashed across in an instant, and collided again with a bang. During the violent turmoil, the surrounding space seemed to be a little distorted.

At this moment, everyone blinked their eyes, and envy was on their faces, because when will they reach this level?

When everyone can be so loud, the monstrous spiritual power soars to the sky again, touch!

During the violent spiritual impact, the bodies of the two suddenly separated at this moment and fell to the ground.

Fu Tian looked dignified, while Yang Yi narrowed his eyes with calmness. In the beginning of the contest, the two seemed to be evenly matched. It seems that Yang Yi has also broken through to a very high level...

Of course, these are public opinion, Ye Qianran can see clearly with the phoenix eyes, from the fight just now, Yang Yi seems to be higher than Fu Tian.

"Is Fu Tian going to fail this time?"

Ye Qianran murmured involuntarily, the corners of his mouth curled up, that's fine, he fought Fu Tian once, and he really wanted to try a new one...

Because he didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that there were many things hidden in this Yang Yi...

But this is interesting, after all, if it is too easy, it will not be fun, after all, he still has a lot of cards in his hole, and what he is waiting for is the moment when he gets the first place.

In this case, he came to Jujianmen, and he did not come in vain...

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