Eternal Supreme

Chapter 504

"Well, all right!"

Ye Qianran nodded with a smile and said, "Let the beautiful master worry!"

Cheng Yuling nodded slightly, then walked over, turned around Ye Qianran to see that he was fine, and then said with complete relief: "My father said that after you fully recover, you will take the top three to the forbidden area, because Yang Big brother Yi is gone, so I am the third, but let the next one!"

Ye Qianran nodded lightly, Sword God Seal? After finishing this, he will also end his mission here, so the time delay is really not short.

But here is also a lot, Bingjian needless to say, he also learned a lot of things here, after all, this month he did not waste time in vain.

The next step is relatively simple, go to that fierce place, and then help Qiao Xiaodi rescue his father...

However, at this time, he suddenly thought of one thing again, that is, could the person in the Enandu body they heard when they first came here be really Bai Bingbing?

At noon, the three of them walked towards the cafeteria. At this moment, he found that the way the disciples of the inner sect looked at him had completely changed, so Ye Qianran came here with a smile all the way.

After eating, Ye Qianran and the two of them also turned around. It's definitely a good feeling to have two girls by your side.

When the three of them were chatting in the room in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door. When the door was opened, a man stood outside the door, saw Ye Qian and said, "The owner of the door asked you to go to the lobby!"

Ye Qianran nodded, knowing in his heart that the news that he was fine had reached Cheng Bo, and he was not talking nonsense at this time. After calling two people, he called Gao Yi temporarily, and the four of them walked towards the lobby together go.

When he came to the door, Ye Qianran could already see a lot of people sitting inside, at least the elders were there.

When he came inside, Ye Qianran became the focus, and he knew the reason in his heart. Although he felt very good, he also felt a little regretful, that is, there were too few girls in Jujianmen.

Looking around, Ye Qianran found that Fu Tian and Zhuo Sen were also there at this time, and his eyes were also looking at him with burning eyes.

"You four sit down first!"

Cheng Bo smiled when he saw the four of them.

After Ye Qianran nodded, he took the lead and sat on the side. At this time, Cheng Bo pondered for a while, and looked at Ye Qianran again: "How is your body now?"

"Well, you're recovering pretty well!" Ye Qianran nodded heavily after hearing this.

"That's good!"

After Cheng Bo exhaled, his eyes glanced at Fu Tian and Zhuo Sen and said: "Since you can do it, I decided to take you to the forbidden area tomorrow!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's expression really fluctuated. He had seen the strength of the sword god seal before. If he could really learn it, then his strength would increase by two levels. After thinking of this, his expression changed At this time, excitement inevitably appeared.

The same is true for Zhuo Sen. In fact, he has always longed for it, but after so long, he has never achieved it. If he has this opportunity, he will naturally cherish it.

"There is one more thing!"

Cheng Bo pondered for a while, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Qianran: "I said it at the time..." When he said this, he glanced at Cheng Yuling again, and found that his daughter's face had changed at this time. His face was extremely rosy, and he lowered his head shyly.

You must know that it is extremely rare for his daughter to show such an expression.

"I said that whoever performs well will marry my daughter to him!" Cheng Bo smiled, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Ye Qianran is the most outstanding performer this time. I think this Everyone won't question that!" After speaking, his eyes scanned the audience again.

The elders present looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Fu Tian looked at Ye Qianran one more time. Although he didn't see it at the time, he also heard the other disciples' narration. When he learned that Yang Yi and Ye Qianran started the struggle for the heavenly weapon, he was also shocked.

In addition, he also knew that if Ye Qianran used the heavenly weapon at the beginning of the game, then he would fail in a short time, right?

So at this moment, he is calm, Ye Qianran is also very good, and Cheng Yuling also likes Ye Qianran very much, what else can he do when things have come to this point?

The only thing he can do now is to bless the two of them.

Cheng Bo's face was full of smiles. In fact, he had already guessed the reactions of all the elders. After all, Ye Qianran's performance this time was extraordinary, and he even had a heavenly weapon in his body. With such an existence, few people can compare.

And if Ye Qianran can learn the sword god seal, all the elders will probably be more anxious than him at that time, after all, they all want to make Jujianmen better.

"Qianran, do you have any objections?" Cheng Bo's eyes finally fell on Ye Qianran.

When Cheng Bo asked, everyone couldn't help looking at Ye Qianran again, including Qiao Xiaodi.

At this time, Qiao Xiaodi was indeed very uncomfortable. Didn't Ye Qianran, a bastard, confess his love to himself? Do you still want to do this now? There was a little anger in his expression.

Ye Qianran glanced at Cheng Yuling, seeing her shy look, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up, the beauty teacher is really cute and beautiful, she nodded immediately and said: "Of course I have no objection!"

"That's good, you get married before you finish studying the Sword God Seal and leave!" Cheng Bo's eyes flickered, perhaps only in this way, he would let Ye Qianran go with peace of mind.

Ye Qianran froze for a moment, are you in such a hurry? But after thinking about it, he nodded in understanding and said, "Yes!"

"Bastard!" Qiao Xiaodi muttered there, and gave Ye Qianran a fierce look with his eyes.

At this time, Cheng Yuling's face was even more rosy, but the happiness on his face was inevitable.

"Very good!" Seeing Ye Qianran agreeing, Cheng Bo also showed a satisfied smile on his face, nodded and said: "Then come here, after dinner tomorrow, the three of you will gather here!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Bo looked at Ye Qianran emphatically, Fu Tian was the same as Zhuo Sen.

The three nodded again.

"That's it!" After Cheng Bo waved his hand at this time, Ye Qianran raised his brows and took the lead to walk outside.

After Ye Qianran and the others left, the Great Elder's eyes fell on Cheng Bo and said, "Master, what do you think is the chance that Ye Qianran can learn it?"

"It's huge!"

Cheng Bo's eyes flickered, and then he said: "I remember Yang Yi said that Ye Qianran's blood is not Phoenix Eye?" After speaking, he put on a smile on his face, and he still has a lot of information about Ye Qianran...

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