Eternal Supreme

Chapter 512

He manipulated Bingjian and Xiaohei, both of which were related. At that time, he was almost casual, thinking of where was where, and both evolved with his mind, so can wooden sword do it?

Give soul?

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fluttering, as if he instantly understood what the old man meant...

That's right, it is not only that he thinks this wooden sword is a real wooden sword, but also his belief, the belief given to this wooden sword, also tells that it is also a sword, perhaps this is the first time Sword intent, right?

Thinking of this, he was really agitated in his heart, and immediately began to try.

And this attempt, a few days passed again, this is definitely extremely difficult, but after grasping the most important link, he just tried it, and he believed that he could do it.

When thinking of this, his heart became firmer, without any rest, because he was also tempering his body.

Because the waterfall is very high, it is very good for his physical fitness...

In the distance, the old man looked at Ye Qianran in the water with a smile on his face. Maybe Ye Qianran couldn't feel it at this time, but what he felt was very clear. Ye Qianran's wooden sword was gone at this time. Minor changes have taken place, and the rest is a grind of time.

If Ye Qianran followed Ye Qianran's path, he believed it wouldn't take long.

Ye Qianran is indeed very able to endure hardships, and it has been nine days, and during these nine days, Ye Qianran did not take much rest, this belief is still very good.

In addition, Ye Qianran's talent is indeed very good, and he performed very well in comprehension ability, which made him look a little relieved...

While thinking, the old man turned around and turned back, and when he came to the wooden house, a figure stood there.

"Hehe, you apprentice, you really value it!" The old man couldn't help smiling after seeing the figure.

"Is it?"

There was a smile on the old face of the figure, and then said: "Can you think about the situation of this little slicker before? But in retrospect, the days before were quite happy!" There was a little nostalgia in the voice: "I like it very much. He, I don't have any relatives, so I have always regarded him as my grandson, and I am very pleased that he has come to this point!"

After hearing this, the guardian elder immediately laughed and said: "You opened his bloodline power, and you also taught him the exercises from the ruins. Coupled with his original talent, he can go this far, and he can go this far. It's okay!"

"Hehe, it's just that this kid is a bit playful, and he has cheated so many little girls!" The figure couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and his expression was even more helpless at this moment.

"Brother Huang, haven't you resolved your matter?" The guardian elder smiled and changed the subject, and after changing the subject, his expression showed a little solemnity.

"It's easier said than done?" The figure sighed, and finally said: "But seeing that Qianran is going well now, maybe I can really do it with peace of mind!"

"I wish you success!" The guardian elder said, paused and said again: "Also, don't worry, he will guide you out! Even if you don't look for me, I will do the same, after all Bingjian..." said the guardian elder and sighed again.

The figure nodded, glanced in the direction of the waterfall, and then said with a smile: "I also didn't expect that the fusion bloodline in the legend could actually fuse with the bloodline of the dragon boy, and finally came to your giant sword gate. The ice sword is trapped, anyway, I hope this little trickster can go higher!" After speaking, he spread his left hand, and two comic books appeared in his hand, and after seeing these, he smiled again on his old face.

That's right, he is the old man who taught Ye Qianran to practice the Wuji Magical Art in Fenglei City and helped him open the Eight Gates.

And he is of the same generation as the guardian elder, if Ye Qianran found out, he would definitely be shocked.

"Phoenix Eye of the top bloodline! It is said that the bloodline merges with the bloodline! The dragon vein of the beast race! Will such a person be easy in the future!" the guardian elder couldn't help but said with a smile.

"That's true. When he becomes stronger, he might shock the old guy over there!"

The corner of the figure's mouth curled up, and then he put the two books away again and said, "I have a feeling that I will meet this little slicker again!"

That's right, in fact, when the old man left, he followed Ye Qianran secretly, so he could see the changes of Ye Qianran from a waste to the present very clearly, even when he saw Ye Qianran endangering his life many times , he planned to make a move, but he gave up in the end.

That's right, Ye Qianran still has to rely on himself. If he can't even get through this, it's not easy to grow up. After seeing Ye Qianran carry it down by himself, he felt relieved in his heart, and finally exhaled He said in one breath: "This little slicker can play some tricks! If you put this cleverness into cultivation, you will definitely be stronger."

After finishing speaking, he paused again and said: "But now he also understands that everything is enough!" He looked at the guardian elder again and said, "Brother Nie, I'll go first, my little apprentice will teach you is you!"

"Don't worry!" The guardian elder smiled and nodded in agreement.

After hearing this, the figure glanced in Ye Qianran's direction again. At this moment, his spiritual power surged, and his body disappeared instantly.

The guardian elder stood there with a strange expression on his face...

Three days passed again, and under the huge waterfall, Ye Qianran was naked, and the wooden sword in his right hand drew out bursts of sharpness, leaving scars on the wood...

That's right, he completely understood, belief, that is definitely belief, but now he has not achieved what the old man thought, completely stabbing the wooden stake to pieces.

And he has been thinking about this issue for the past three days, is it because he is not sharp enough? Probably not, because he completely integrated his body and mind into it, and he even felt that the wooden sword in his hand could resist ordinary swords.

But why didn't it do it?

Through these three days, he thought of what the old man said at the time, when practicing sword intent, he could completely sharpen his phoenix eyes.

The ultimate interpretation of this meaning is speed...

The only thing in the world that cannot be broken is speed, and stabbing a wooden post with a sword will indeed make the wooden post sink, but water also has resistance, and this resistance is the buoyancy of water itself. If his speed has exceeded the resistance, then he will It will maximize the resistance, so the stake will probably be completely cracked, right?

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