Eternal Supreme

Chapter 515

"Can't the first wave work?"

Ye Qianran frowned, enduring the pain of limbs and bones, and mobilized the second wave to attack.

And at the moment of the impact, the pain surged again. At that moment, Ye Qianran's brain went blank, and his whole body twitched, which was enough to show how great the pain he endured was.

He thought that this door point might not be easy to attack, but he never thought that it would be so difficult.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Qianran endured it, and at the same time, the third wave hit him again. Suddenly, he felt as if his body was about to explode. That feeling really made him drunk...but Rao So, there is no rhythm of success.

At that moment, he pulled out his mind and began to mobilize the spiritual power of the crystal nucleus around him. The pure spiritual power made the pain in his body feel better, and just when he was about to compress the spiritual power, he "croaked", and two strange sounds The call sounded behind him.

Ye Qianran was stunned. You must know that he can't be disturbed at this time. His face changed slightly, and at this moment the pain sounded in his back. He looked behind hard and found two magic ducks. The beast ran away quickly, and it was actually quite fast.

"I wipe..."

A black line appeared on Ye Qianran's forehead. This devil duck is really cheap and shameless. If he bites him and runs away, he feels so aggrieved in his heart.

He was pecked at the front, and this time he brought a helper... Who did he provoke...

And when he thought of this, he suddenly felt that his body became hot, and his whole body seemed to be filled with the furnace. At this time, his expression changed drastically again, thinking of what the guardian elder told him... …

There are no girls around him, and even if there are girls, he can't do anything...

The heat became more and more intense at this time, and the originally condensed crystal core spiritual power also dissipated at this time, and when he was extremely uncomfortable, he found that the origin in his body was agitated crazily at this time, and it was flying rapidly in his meridians. The flow is up...

The problem really came...

Ye Qianran's expression inevitably changed again at this time, his expression became more flustered, and he was even a little at a loss. The old man didn't tell him how to solve this situation.

When the source of restlessness became more violent, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. He knew he couldn't go on like this, and finally mobilized the source of spiritual power, and it circulated crazily in his body. Only in this situation did he It's better to feel better.

And in the process of mobilization, all the origins were automatically fused together at this time, after all, the speed was too fast...

And with the passage of time, after an hour or so, the restless spiritual power was relieved a bit, but when he was about to release all the doped origin, his mind was fluctuating, and his mind was fluctuating. At that time, he thought of the door point.

This is a condensed existence of multiple origins. It is definitely an extremely terrifying existence. The impact should be no problem, right?

But the danger is absolutely terrifying, because if the control is not good, maybe he will actually explode?

But how can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? Now that so much restless spiritual power has been fused, it is really a waste to waste it, because it will take a long time to condense. Thinking of this, his expression fluctuated, and finally he took a deep breath , directly impacted at this time.


When Ye Qianran charged that spiritual power up, his brain went blank again, and after recovering, he found that although his whole body was in pain, his body was able to bear it. Spiritual power strikes again...

On the other side, the guardian elder looked at the two demon duck beasts in front of him with a smile on his face, then reached out and patted their heads, and finally said: "With your help, he should be able to break through ahead of time." Bar?"

In fact, without Ye Qianran's previous reminder, he really forgot about the magic duck beasts. Thinking that Ye Qianran might want to break through the eight gates this time, he simply asked the two magic duck beasts to help.

The Demon Duck Beast can help Ye Qianran's courtyard be fully mobilized, possessing madness, the spiritual power mobilized in this way will have a stronger impact. Ye Qianran is a smart person, so the restless spiritual power should not be wasted, right?

After thinking of this, the guardian elder's mouth could not help but curl up and said: "I am helping him, right? As an inheritor of the fusion bloodline, it will be a matter of time before the body's original source is fused. Although the bloodline is sealed now, it can be regarded as laid down." Base!"

After finishing speaking, he patted those two magic duck beasts again, and walked into the thatched hut alone, while the two magic duck beasts bounced away...

On the other side, Ye Qianran was shocked five or six times like this, and the spiritual power in his body was completely relieved at this time.

"Just this time!"

Ye Qianran mobilized the fused spiritual power again, but this time when he charged up, it was compressed again. Under such circumstances, the eruption became more violent. In the end, he gritted his teeth and erupted directly... …


This time when his mind was blank again, Ye Qianran shook his whole body, fine blood beads flowed out from his pores, and then he lay limply on the ground.

And when he lost consciousness, crazy vigor flowed through him...

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, she found herself lying on the bed...

His brows were slightly frowned, his body moved a little, and the infinite pain came from his limbs, which made him grunt.

"Stop moving..."

An old voice sounded, Ye Qianran looked and found that the guardian elder came in from the outside, his eyes fell on him and he said: "Your body is completely overloaded now, and you still need to rest for a few days before you can fully recover Already!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback when he heard this, and his mind fluctuated at the moment. When he felt it, his expression was astonished, and then a touch of surprise appeared on his face. He thought he had failed, but he didn't expect it to be successful this time...

So it seems that he has to thank the magic duck beast, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this effect...

Is this a blessing in disguise for him?

But when he was about to take back his divine sense, he discovered something again... The surprise on his face appeared again. You must know that the origin in the body does not have alchemy, but now all of them are alchemy. Each source is warmed in a mass of spiritual power, and it looks very soft, while the ones that have formed pills before seem to be stronger now...

In addition, on his chest, there is a group of multicolored lights, which looks very mysterious...

what's the situation? Ye Qianran's expression was completely sluggish...

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