Eternal Supreme

Chapter 533


Ye Qianran was stunned, and a strange look appeared on his expression for a moment, so it seems that Tianhuo's progress is quite fast.

He doesn't know what position Tianhuo is in this world, but since it is derived from heaven and earth, it must also be a treasure, and Tianhuo has become stronger at this time, maybe some experts will also feel it.

If there is a competition at that time, and there is really a master of top power, will Huo be his turn that day? Suddenly, Ye Qianran also felt troubled, his brows frowned again and again, it seemed that he had to think of a way.

After a short rest, Ye Qianran couldn't help opening her phoenix eyes when she set off again, and began to look around. Although more than a dozen of them also had experts, they were still too few, and they had to find a larger army.

Because of this, he can not only get updated news, but also entrust more than a dozen people with confidence, and then he can act alone again.

Needless to say, in his unremitting efforts, he was indeed found, and it seemed that he was also rushing towards the core area, with a clear goal, so Ye Qianran temporarily led and leaned over.

Of course, before that, Ye Qianran didn't say anything, because once he said it, the dozen or so people must be reluctant, so let's have a coincidence.

In about 20 minutes, Ye Qianran led more than ten people to the front of the large army first, and then walked forward in one direction. Not long after, the sound of galloping and whistling sounded. Most people can feel that there are masters here.

Those people also noticed that the ten of them fell down at the same time. At this moment, it turned out to be more than three, and each of them seemed to be full of energy, and there were five or six elders among them. Master, that lineup is much stronger than theirs.

And judging from the cleanliness of their clothes, these people in front should not have encountered too many dangers, perhaps because of their fast speed, or perhaps because of their strong lineup, anyway, they didn't seem to have suffered much damage.

"Which faction are you from?"

An old voice sounded, and an old man in gray robe came out, his eyes fell on them.

Zhu Yongliang came out after seeing it, and said, "We belong to the Qinghe Sect..."

"Qinghe Sect? Does a second-rate force have the guts to come in?" The old man frowned.

What the old man said was unscrupulous, so Zhu Yongliang heard it very clearly, and his expression inevitably showed anger, but he endured it in a daze. It was because they were second-rate forces that they wanted to improve, otherwise they would You won't rush in after getting the news...

"Forget it, then you dozen or so can follow us!" The old man said lightly, and after the words fell, he said again: "Okay, let's start again!" After the words fell, he took the lead and galloped out again.

"Brother Zhu calm down, just follow, they are fast, and there are certain benefits to follow!"

Ye Qianran came to Zhu Yongliang's side and said with a smile: "Hey, even if we don't follow, our speed may not be as fast as theirs. If we follow, maybe we can get some benefits!"

Zhu Yongliang's eyes flickered, and he finally nodded and agreed. He glanced at more than a dozen people, and after he finished speaking, he took the lead and followed.

Ye Qianran was following behind slowly at this time. In fact, he could probably guess what the old man meant. He probably wanted to use them as cannon fodder. After all, he could clearly hear the disdainful words at that time...

Who wants to take a bunch of drag with them? No one wants to! And in such an environment, when encountering unknown dangers, cannon fodder can often be better detected...

However, following such a group of people, it is indeed quite safe to continue, at least not too many dangers encountered along the way, even if there were, they were directly bounced away by the strong leader in front.

During the night, Ye Qianran discovered that five or six old people had jointly completed a mark to wrap them up. This is indeed much safer, but it will definitely be a trouble the next morning...

After taking some fruit out of the ring and eating some, he couldn't help but glance around, and finally came to a middle-aged man and said, "Uncle, how many powers are there now?"

The middle-aged man frowned, and glanced at Ye Qianran abruptly, but seeing the smile on Ye Qianran's face, he finally said impatiently: "There are a lot of influence, there are more first-class ones, and the top ones may also intervene." , but I don’t know the details! But I know, if we don’t hurry up, we will definitely be pulled down!”

Ye Qianran was stunned, didn't Orr just have some spiritual fluctuations? As for attracting so many forces?

And he didn't know that there are many relics in this world, just like the Bamen and Wuji skills that he obtained at that time were taken from the relics.

Since the fierce land is a fierce land, it is because of some unusual changes that it makes people feel a little mysterious. No one wants to get a treasure, and then completely improve their own strength and develop their power.

It may be dangerous, but it is also a very good opportunity for the vast majority of people... Otherwise, Zhu Yongliang and others would not rush in at the risk of danger.

Therefore, the target of entering Orr before was the Enandu body. At this time, I am afraid that I have also focused on the core area. On the contrary, the Enandu body consciousness has relaxed...

"I know uncle!"

Ye Qianran didn't ask any more questions at this time. Anyway, he knew in his heart that since there was movement on the side of the fierce land, the top forces should intervene, just like the last one...

The night passed again, and when the sun shone down the next day, it also confirmed Ye Qianran's idea. There were indeed a lot of poisonous insects outside the seal, which looked quite infiltrating, and there were more insects at this time. Many varieties that have never been seen before...

When the mark is opened, these poisonous insects will probably rush in, right?

He quickly realized that this idea was unnecessary, because he found that six elder-level masters directly opened the mark, and when they moved towards the surroundings, they ejected the poisonous insects in the surrounding area at the same time...

Ye Qianran raised his posture after seeing it, can the imprint move like this?

"Go on!" The old man who took the lead had never rested, and after speaking, he led the crowd to set off again... But not long after, it was a coincidence that he met a group of people again, and when he saw that group of people, Ye Qian Ran's eyes widened suddenly, her face full of disbelief...

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