Eternal Supreme

Chapter 539

"That's right!"

Wan Tianzong spoke slowly, glanced at Ye Qianran and said with a smile: "However, if some people's strength is too weak, no matter how strong the protector is, I'm afraid they won't be able to protect them!"

Ye Qianran shrugged, and said with a hey smile: "Then I really don't know where you are so strong! I'm so fucking haha!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and stopped looking at Wan Tianzong.

Wan Tian was stunned for a moment, his expression darkened in an instant, and after the cold light floated for a while, he soon relaxed again, but looking at Ye Qianran's back became even more interesting.

And You Wushuang also paid attention to Ye Qianran's back at this time, his expression was stunned, so familiar... Soon his brows frowned, and his expression turned cold again.

Because the image of being held hostage by Ye Qianran once again appeared in her mind, thinking of this, the murderous intent became more intense.

But she also understands that now is not the right time to do it, after all, there are masters on Ye Qianran's side.

If they act rashly, they may have an advantage, but if they are traumatized, the poisonous insects and beasts around them will definitely come.

At that time, the danger will be even more, and the loss may not be worth the loss, after all, it can be regarded as the core area now.

Although he hated Ye Qianran very much, she believed that there would definitely be opportunities.

Qiao Zongping also breathed the smell of gunpowder between Ye Qianran and the four top forces, but he didn't say anything at this time, and Qiao Yanjing felt that Ye Qianran was awesome at this time.

To challenge such a powerful person at such a young age, there is a way... I can't help but pay more attention to Ye Qianran.

Although there were many people this time, their atmosphere became more depressed, instead of being active.

Qiao Xiaodi leaned against Ye Qianran's arms, hesitated and said, "Do you have a deep relationship with them?"

When Ye Qianran was about to nod after hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi said again: "No wonder, you are an annoying person, I want to beat you hard..."


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, thinking that the woman was comforting him, but she didn't expect to say this, so she stretched out her hand and squeezed it...

He was very casual at first, but after pinching, he felt better and felt more at ease, but Qiao Xiaodi became angry... flushed all over his face: "You bastard..." The voice fell, and he opened his mouth fiercely. bit Ye Qianran's arm...

Ye Qianran had a wry smile on his face, he was just looking for trouble...

Next, they didn't have time to stay and rest at all, because as they went deeper, the number of poisonous beasts increased sharply, and more and more, but fortunately, they had a lot of people and were much stronger, although it was a waste of time , the progress slowed down, but fortunately no one was injured.

Ye Qianran kept a low profile at this time, leaving the charge to others, and he was holding Qiao Xiaodi and watching there, unless a monster came to him, otherwise he would basically ignore it...

That night, the elders of the top forces worked together to build a huge seal. Ye Qianran looked at the group of poisonous beasts outside with a little surprise, because the number was really huge. is a hassle...

In addition, tomorrow may be even more difficult, right? Because from noon to afternoon, the poisonous beasts encountered became more and more terrifying, and the monsters outside the seal at this time were all unseen and looked very strong, but the seal set by several masters was even more terrifying. Strong, no matter how powerful those poisonous beasts are, they may be difficult to break through now, no matter how poisonous they are.

"Are your legs better?"

Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze and landed on Qiao Xiaodi in his arms.

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned rosy when she heard it. In fact, she was almost healed today, but she was quite comfortable being held by Ye Qianran, so she didn't ask for it. Now that she heard Ye Qianran's question, she quickly said: "A lot Already!"

Ye Qianran nodded, put his hand on Qiao Xiaodi's shoulder and said, "Well, then I should be able to recover tomorrow, so let's rest early!"

Qiao Xiaodi froze for a moment, frowned, and finally leaned against Ye Qianran. At this time, no one said anything, and went to rest directly.

And Ye Qianran leaned there, his eyes shifted, and finally felt a pair of eyes that seemed to be staring at him, looked up, and just fell on You Wushuang.

As the eyes met, Ye Qianran's heart fluttered for a while, and the scene of He You Wushuang's experience of life and death appeared in his mind, and a strange look emerged. Finally, after shrugging helplessly, his eyes changed a little, a little bit obsessive Feeling fascinated, his eyes fell directly on You Wushuang's chest, and the corners of his mouth turned up at this moment.

Since he took a different path, You Wushuang should not guess that it is him, and his disguised identity will never appear...

You Wushuang had indeed been looking at Ye Qianran all the time, because she found that Ye Qianran always gave him a very familiar feeling, and that feeling was fused with a figure in his mind, but suddenly saw Ye Qianran But when he saw that look, his brows furrowed instantly, and a hint of disgust emerged from his expression.

how could be? Even if they are close, no matter how familiar they are, the person in front of her is the person in front of her, and the person in her mind will eventually be two people, two completely different people...

Murderous intent surges, it's not appropriate now, but when it reaches the core, when the scene is more chaotic, he will find a chance to make Ye Qianran completely disappear in this world, so that she can get back the humiliation Ye Qianran gave him, the more Thinking so, his expression became more determined.

And after Ye Qianran withdrew his gaze, he couldn't help but glanced at Wan Tianzong again, seeing him cultivating with his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a playful look appeared, is he a monster genius of the younger generation? He will work hard in the future to step on these so-called geniuses...

"It feels very strong!" The voice of the flame knife sounded again.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, because he had been listening to Yandao whispering these days, and said immediately: "What level has Tianhuo reached now?"

"It was the newborn period before, so it should be the growth period now?" Yan Dao's voice was not sure, and after a pause, he said again: "It is best to subdue now, because as you grow, it is estimated that with your body It's hard to bear!"

Ye Qianran was stunned, he had never seen Tianhuo before, but at this moment, he had expectations and doubts in his heart, looking forward to what level that day's fire could reach.

Exhaling again, Ye Qianran didn't think too much at this time, closed his eyes and leaned there to rest. If the speed is fast tomorrow, he may reach the core. At that time, conflicts may arise, and at this time he I have already prepared my heart...

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