Eternal Supreme

Chapter 543

Qiao Xiaodi also woke up at this time, but she didn't open her eyes, but chose to continue leaning on Ye Qianran's arms.

Could one night pass so quickly?

In fact, she was really worried in her heart. If Ye Qianran really went down and was in danger, what should she do? Every time she thinks of this, she feels flustered in her heart, as if she was separated from Ye Qianran at that time. What she was thinking at that time was whether she would never see Ye Qianran again?

At that time, the reason she convinced herself was that she was used to Ye Qianran's existence, but what about now?

Biting her lower lip tightly, her little hands inevitably pinched her own clothes.

Zeng Jin wanted to kill Ye Qianran, but maybe she didn't think of it to come to this point?

Not long after, everyone woke up, and Ye Qianran got out of Ye Qianran's arms at this time, glanced at Ye Qianran and said: "Okay, I promise you, this time This time, if you can come back safely, I promise...promise you to pursue me!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, her heart started beating loudly at this moment, it was very difficult to get Qiao Xiaodi to agree... Suddenly a touch of joy emerged, and she nodded heavily in agreement.

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned rosy, and she turned and walked towards the old woman. In fact, what she thought was, since Ye Qianran likes her, then she must give Ye Qianran some motivation by saying this, right? When the time comes, will Ye Qianran choose to retreat when encountering danger?

Ye Qianran didn't care about it at this time, and the smile on his face deepened at this time. Qiao Xiaodi can say that, and he probably accepts him to a small extent. Since he can pursue...he still treats him very much. I am sure of my existence, and I laughed when I thought of this.

The sky was completely bright at this time, and everyone looked at the huge valley again. After seeing so many poisonous beasts and insects, their expressions appeared solemn again.

The ones in this valley may be different from those outside. After all, these have been baptized by the power of heaven and earth for many years, so their strength should be quite terrifying.

With the passage of time, many people followed up, and they were also shocked when they saw the sky fire below, and then they were also hot and greedy, but when they saw the poisonous insects and beasts behind them, their scalps inevitably became irritated. It's numb, such a quantity is very difficult.

With the passage of time, more and more people gathered at this time, Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, he now understands how many people have entered this Ol's fierce land, after all, the road is so dangerous, I am afraid it is still possible There are many dead people...

At noon, there were nearly 200 people gathered. What kind of number is this?

But Ye Qianran also knows that there are more people, the more people, the better, so that the pressure will be infinitely reduced.

"Qianran, are you planning to go down?"

The old woman looked at Ye Qianran and asked.

"Well, it's planned!" Ye Qianran nodded heavily, with a smile on her face.

"He is an idiot, he will die if he wants to!" Qiao Xiaodi said from the side, his voice slightly cold.

Ye Qianran shrugged, then smiled and said: "For our agreement, I will come back too!"

Qiao Xiaodi blushed after hearing this, and then turned her head unnaturally...

"That's right, young people need to make a living. With this energy, they can develop better in the future!" Qiao Yanjing walked over at this time, and when his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, his face was full of admiration, and he said directly: " Work hard, I believe you can do it!"


After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded heavily and said: "I will succeed!" After speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a different kind of demeanor emerged in an instant.

"Hehe, but be careful, or my daughter will be sad!" Qiao Yanjing said with a smile.

"Father!" Qiao Xiaodi blushed again.

"Hey, don't worry, father-in-law!" Ye Qianran bit the word 'father-in-law' hard, and then looked at Qiao Xiaodi's flushed face, and the whole person relaxed at this moment, but this time Then he thought of something again, will You Wushuang go down?

After thinking of this, he couldn't help but look in the direction of You Wushuang, but he happened to meet a pair of disgusting and cold eyes.


Ye Qianran was stunned. Has this woman been paying attention to him?

Shrugging helplessly, he looked away and looked at Wan Tianzong and the others again, and found that their eyes were burning hot at the sky below. It seemed that they really wanted to get it. Let's see who has the ability... After speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up again...

At two o'clock, when the number of people exceeded 200, an old man from the top force said at this time: "There is no need to wait now, whoever gets the Skyfire will get it!"

After the words fell, everyone's expressions fluctuated, and their eyes became hot at the same time. It was obvious that most of them still planned to go down.

"There is no need to waste time now. The night is not good for many people. Go down now!" The old man spoke again, and after the words fell, he was completely naked and rushed out first, at an extremely fast speed.

The rest of the people didn't waste time after watching it, and rushed over quickly amidst the turmoil in their spiritual power. With so many people, maybe there really is a chance?

"Have you started yet?"

Ye Qianran's expression fluctuated, his gaze passed Wan Tianzong and others who were galloping down, he turned his head to look at Qiao Yanjing and said, "Father-in-law, be careful!" Then he looked at Qiao Xiaodi again: "Hey, Qiao Xiaodi Student Di, wait for me to come back!" After finishing speaking, the power of heaven and earth was turbulent at this moment, and the ice sword was grasped in the hand and the body galloped down amidst the brilliant blue light.

Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran's back, frowned, and unconsciously showed a little worry, could Ye Qianran succeed? No matter how you say it is also the legendary sky fire.

"Xiaodi, Ye Qianran is really good." Qiao Yanjing looked at Ye Qianran's descending figure, and said with a smile on his face, "Hurry up!"

"Father!" Qiao Xiaodi came back to her senses, her face flushed red, and her face was full of unnaturalness. Maybe she never thought that the relatives around her were so optimistic about Ye Qianran.

When everyone who goes down goes down, there are still forty or fifty people in the original position, and most of them are young people. Maybe they know in their hearts that even if they go down, they are looking for death. The most important point is that even if they are lucky enough to enter the safe area , I am afraid it will be difficult to get Tianhuo.


There was a roar, and the poisonous beasts and insects in the valley might have sensed the threat. At the same time, they stood up, moved densely, and gathered towards the people rushing down...

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