Eternal Supreme

Chapter 559

"Hey, is it you again?"

When Ye Qianran opened the phoenix eye, he couldn't help but say it out, because in the past two days, these people were the ones who bit them the most, and they were all very strong, but he used his speed to take Bai Bingbing to safety. Run away.

"Stop them, absolutely not let them escape this time!"

The old man said something again, and after the words fell, several people divided into several positions to completely wrap Ye Qianran Bai Bingbing.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, he could feel that these popularity machines were a bit strong, and their strength should be good.

But he can still run if he wants to. After all, he still has Qiqi, but what he should do now must be done, and that is Zhou Xuan... When he pulled out the ice sword and the blue light surged, the surrounding air It was also lowered at this time.


As soon as the old man's voice fell, the surging Wu Yuan burst out, and he was the first to grab Bai Bingbing at an extremely fast speed.

Bai Bingbing frowned slightly, and when the purple Wu Yuan surged, she also rushed forward.

Ye Qianran chuckled at this time, the eight doors opened directly, the phoenix eyes opened, and the astonishing speed exploded at this moment, seeing Ye Qianran in the dark night, it was almost difficult to catch Ye Qianran's figure, maybe he could only pay attention to the blue light ...

Ye Qianran's speed soared to the limit at this time. His original intention was to sneak attack one person, but it ended in failure. However, he was not in a hurry, and used his speed to drag several people at the same time.

He has more experience now than before. They may all be very strong, but he just doesn't face them head-on. If he sees someone going to Bai Bingbing's side, he will rely on his speed to intercept the opponent.

According to before, several people were already extremely angry at this time, but at this time, he found that several people were a little calm, and when he was full of doubts, several people pulled away at the same time.

Ye Qianran was full of doubts. He thought that the distance between the few people was to make it difficult for him to take care of him, but he soon realized that he was wrong, because amidst the surge of spiritual power, a huge imprint emerged. Ye Qianran was stunned, but found that his delivery speed had dropped instantly.

"Hehe, this one is specially prepared for you!"

The voice of sneer fell, the surge of spiritual power was turbulent, and several violent breaths enveloped Ye Qianran in an instant. From the appearance of the imprint to the subsequent attack, it was almost done in one go...

When they saw Ye Qianran's figure shrouded in it, several of them smiled at the same time, and at this moment, a voice came quickly: "Bing Bing, let's run quickly..."

After the voice fell, several people were stunned at the same time. When they looked at the imprint, they found that there was no one inside. Looking in the direction of the voice, they found that Ye Qianran had already pulled Bai Bingbing's figure and galloped out.

"How could it be?" The people present were surprised at the same time, with faces full of disbelief, could it be that even the seal couldn't stop Ye Qianran?

But despite thinking this way, the group followed closely at this time, because it might be even more difficult to catch Ye Qianran next time.

And Ye Qianran thought very simply, because the goal was achieved, the surge of mental power told him that many people had gathered again, and it was the most suitable time for him to run away, to let the other party know his whereabouts, and Can't keep up with them...

Just after he galloped for a certain distance with Bai Bingbing, suddenly there was a huge turmoil in his mental power again, and his expression was startled. At this time, the sharp whistling sound sounded again, and the next moment, a figure directly lay across them. in front of you.

"What a speed!"

Ye Qianran's expression became solemn, and the old man standing in front of them at this time was even more difficult, right? Thinking of this, the ice sword in his hand bloomed again, and when he released Bai Bingbing, he galloped up, and when the blue light flowed, it directly covered it.

The figure floated, and then spread out his right hand, accompanied by a surge of fire, and with the sound of a bang, the bodies of the two separated at this time.

"I'm going, brat, I haven't seen you for so long, why are you giving me such a big welcome gift!" The old voice was a little surprised.


Ye Qianran's phoenix eyes opened, and when he saw the appearance of that figure, a look of disbelief appeared on his face, and then he said: "Fuck me, old man, you are here!"

Under the eyes of the phoenix, he also saw clearly, who is it not Xing Lao? Can't help being pleasantly surprised, after all, since we separated, I really haven't seen Xing Lao for a long time.

Bai Bingbing, who was standing beside Ye Qianran, moved his expression, his expression became a little dull, and finally he bit his lower lip tightly and said, "Grandpa, is it really you?"

After the words fell, Xing Lao's eyes also fell on Bai Bingbing's words at this moment, at this moment he took a deep breath, how long has it been? How long has it been since she heard her granddaughter call him that? That grandpa definitely yelled from the bottom of his heart, so there was a touch of excitement on his expression at this time, and he nodded heavily.

Bai Bingbing's eye circles were rosy, and she walked up quickly at this time, but when she was still some distance away from Xing Lao, she stopped, because she thought of her physical problems, if she touched Xing Lao, she would definitely There will be problems.

Elder Xing also understood something, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. He sighed secretly, and when he was about to say something, he looked behind them. At this moment, there was a whistling sound, and several figures fell down.

Ye Qianran glanced back, and at this time also came to Xinglao's side, shrugged helplessly and said: "No way, in order to attract you, I can only come up with this countermeasure!"

Elder Xing nodded in understanding. Although this countermeasure is dangerous to a certain extent, it is definitely the most effective, because he rushed over immediately after hearing the news of the Enan poisonous body. happy.

He has a lot of nonsense at this time, but at this time he must at least solve the troubles in front of him.

"I still want to run!"

The old voice was full of anger, again? Their patience has reached its limit.

"Don't run away, this time I will definitely not run away!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran said, "Because there is no need to run now!" After speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up. When the ice sword surged, the spiritual power of Xuanbingzhu surged wildly. When he opened Aolong , the whistling sound also bloomed at this time, that turbulent sound, which lasted for a long time in the dark night...

Xing Lao looked at Ye Qianran in this state, and he was shocked. After a long time, he suddenly thought of something, and said in a trembling voice: "Qianran, you are the one who merged with the sky fire?"

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