Eternal Supreme

Chapter 562

"Let's go, now our goal is the main city here!"

Ye Qianran took a deep breath. His goal now is to find the prince, that is, his younger brother as soon as possible. In this way, he may be able to contact the elves. In this way, he can also find the elf grass as soon as possible.

As for Biluoguo and Tianluogen, since they exist, he believes that if he inquires, they should be able to find them.

After hearing this, Bai Bingbing nodded and agreed directly. Now that she is following Ye Qianran, of course she obeys Ye Qianran in everything.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran smiled, summoned Xiao Hei, and then, after wrapping his arms around Bai Bingbing's waist, galloped out with her figure.

In the following time, apart from resting every day, when they encountered a place with a city, they would determine the position of the next direction, so they approached infinitely.

And through the past few days, he also learned that although the area of ​​the Xuanmu Empire is not small, but because there are not as many cities as other empires, most of them are covered by mountains and forests.

The elves are well-known in the Xuanmu Empire, because the elves were the rulers of the Xuanmu Empire a long time ago, commonly known as the children of the earth, and it is said that they will not harm the elves when they encounter monsters.

This surprised him.

And he also found portraits of the elves in a certain city, and found that they were no different from normal people, the only difference was that their ears were pointed, and they were said to have wings, but those wings were wings of spiritual power ...

In addition, the characteristics of the elves are not limited to these, men are handsome, women are beautiful, and the last characteristic is that no matter how old they are, they look very young.

Ye Qianran felt very miraculous after knowing this. Is there such a miraculous race? No wonder he was the former ruler of the Xuanmu Empire.

But after walking for so long, neither he nor Bai Bingbing saw the so-called elf, so there was disappointment on their faces.

That day, when they visited a city again, they knew that it was only four or five days away from the imperial city, and during these four or five days, they needed to cross a mountain range called Yongxing.

According to the people here, the Yongxing Mountain Range is rich in supplies but also full of monsters, but the most powerful of them is the ground level, so this mountain range has also become a paradise for mercenaries, including in the city where he is located. There is an exclusive mercenary club.

He has seen this kind of system in the sunset, so he also understands it.

They did not leave that day, but rested in the city for one night, and on the second day, they set off early, aiming at the imperial city.

In two days, they had already reached the center, so the speed was relatively fast. In the third day, they crossed the center and came to the periphery, and they walked here while admiring the scenery.

At night, Ye Qianran looked at the hazy figure in the water, and raised the corner of his mouth, "How about washing with ice and ice?"

"No!" Bai Bingbing said quickly while her whole body was immersed in the water, and her face was rosy.

Of course Ye Qianran was joking. After taking another look at Bai Bingbing, she lay down on the soft grass. After Bai Bingbing took a quick look at Ye Qianran, she continued to wash in the water.

And not long after, Ye Qianran's expression fluctuated, because he clearly felt that his mental power was turbulent at this time, and after feeling it carefully again, he found that several figures were moving towards him quickly. They were galloping in this direction, and they sat up again at that moment.

Bai Bingbing also noticed Ye Qianran's movements, her graceful figure emerged from the water, quickly put on her clothes and came to Ye Qianran's side, and said, "What happened?"

"I don't know, let's go over and have a look!" Ye Qianran said, because he felt that those figures stopped, and they were still fluctuating with spiritual power, so he pulled Bai Bingbing and rushed up.

When they were not far away from that side, they also stopped. At this moment, Ye Qianran opened her phoenix eyes and found four figures wrapping a person up.

Ye Qianran originally didn't want to talk to her at this time, but when he saw it clearly, he found that the figure was a beautiful girl, that is to say, several people besieged a woman at this time, and she was still a beautiful woman. How could he see the past.

"Do you still want to run?"

The cold voice was full of anger, and one person stared at the woman firmly and said: "Either follow us back obediently, or die here!"

After hearing this, the woman's expression was full of anxiety, her eyes scanned, and then she bit her lip and said, "I won't let your purpose succeed!" After the words fell, a green light burst out from her body.

"It's really stubborn. Since you choose this way, don't blame us for being rude!" The man sneered, and the moment the words fell, several figures rushed towards the woman at the same time, extremely fast.

The woman bit her lower lip and spread her right hand. When she was holding it, a strange scene appeared, and countless vines surged out instantly, directly rolling towards the four of them.

"What kind of skill is this?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise and disbelief, as vines emerged from the ground? That's not an illusion, he can feel it by using his mental power, it's very real, it's obviously real...

And those four people had already prepared themselves. When the violent spiritual power was turbulent, their speed also increased, and they grabbed the woman at the same time.

The woman's face changed slightly, and the green light became more intense at this time, and then a wall made of vines spread across the surroundings. When the green light bloomed, it resolved the attacks of the four people at the same time, and at the same time, the green light flowed At the same time, it turned into four sharp stabs, and galloped towards the four of them quickly, with lightning speed.

But the woman took advantage of this gap and didn't want to fight, but galloped towards Ye Qianran. When she was not far from where they were, she was stopped by four people again.

"Don't think about running away!" A sneer sounded, and the four of them walked towards the woman step by step.

The woman's face was full of anxiety at this time, and her eyes turned towards Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran kept watching with his phoenix eyes, and saw the woman's eyes clearly, and was surprised in his heart. Could it be that he and Bai Bingbing were discovered by the woman?

When he was thinking, the woman said quickly: "Although I don't know who you are, but if you are willing to help me, our elves will definitely thank you!"


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and then shock appeared on his face...

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