Eternal Supreme

Chapter 572


Ye Qianran was so embarrassed at this moment, and then explained: "I don't know the details!" After speaking, he glanced at Anya, this girl is too pure, right?


Lu Yin's voice was solemn at this moment, then she frowned slightly and said, "How can you call Qian Ran your husband?"


After hearing this, Anya showed a smile on her face, her green eyes curled up again and she said, "Mother said it!"

"The patriarch said he's coming too?" Lu Yin was startled, her face full of disbelief.


Anya shook her head and said, "My elf guardian, he walked in. My mother said that those who can enter the elf guardian are very pure and kind people, and they will also be my future husband!"

Anya was stunned, with a face full of disbelief, and then said: "The patriarch, she..." Her voice paused at this point, and then she looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Qianran, you...!"

"I know!"

Ye Qianran can probably guess that Anya's mother thought that no one would walk into the guardian of the elves, so she said that, but she didn't expect that he really walked in, but he walked in relying on Xiao Hei Yes, this thing can't be counted, right?

Even if it was true, he didn't get in by himself, but relied on Xiao Hei's ability to get in, so he can't do it, right?

In addition, the most important point is that Anya, as the most talented person in the elves, has a very pure blood. I am afraid that he will not be allowed to marry Anya, after all, this will also affect the next generation.

Although Anya is also a top-quality girl, he is not so bad that because of his own selfish desires, he has brought disaster to the entire elf family.

Lu Yin felt relieved when he heard Ye Qianran say this, but he didn't know how to explain to Anya now, he just said: "Princess, we will escort you back to the clan tomorrow, come and rest with me now!" After finishing speaking Pull Anya and walk outside.

After the two left, Ye Qianran exhaled, then turned to look at Bai Bingbing and said, "Bingbing, you have not misunderstood!"

Bai Bingbing naturally shook his head after hearing this.

"Hey, it's better to be my Bing Bing, come give me a kiss..." Ye Qianran chuckled, and hugged her directly...

When the sky was dim the next day, the four of them also left here. When they arrived safely outside the palace, he also summoned Xiao Hei, and then the group of people galloped out in the direction of the elves.


In the palace, Mu Yingzhao looked at the woman's face and said, "What's going on?"

"The concubine doesn't know too well, but I didn't find him when I went in. I found a hole in the back, and I should have escaped from there!" the woman said respectfully.

"It shouldn't be!"

Mu Yingzhao pondered for a while, his face changed slightly again, and he asked, "Is the princess of the elves still there?"

"Well, I have sent someone to look at it and it should still be there!" said the woman.

"Why should it be!" Mu Yingzhao frowned slightly.

"The princess of the elf family opened the guardian, and her whole body was sealed inside. Now the guardian is still there, and outsiders can't open it, so it should be no problem!" the woman said respectfully.

After hearing this, Mu Yingzhao felt relieved, picked up the teacup and took a sip, put down the teacup after a long time and said, "That kid just left, and he can't afford to make too much trouble..." After speaking, the coldness emerged again...

One day passed, and at night, the four of them also rested in one place, because the place of the elves is still relatively remote, and according to Xiao Hei's speed, it will not be settled until tomorrow night.

"In the past two days, the royal family will be completely in chaos. At that time, your elves will need to send help as soon as possible!" Ye Qianran said to Lu Yin.

"Well, I'm going back, I will report this matter as soon as possible!" Lu Yin nodded.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, then chatted with Luyin, and looked at the little elf next to Luyin from time to time, because those green eyes kept looking at him, which made him really uncomfortable, and finally chatted After the meeting, he also entered the state of cultivation, and for a while, the surroundings became quiet.

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes early, and wanted to stretch his waist, but found that both arms were heavy, and looked around for a moment, wondering when did the little elf come over? At this moment, holding one of his arms, she was still sleeping soundly.

With a slightly strange expression, he glanced towards the direction of the green shade, and then simply pretended to continue his cultivation, as if he didn't know anything.

Time passed, not long after, he felt Bai Bingbing woke up, and after a while, footsteps sounded, and a green voice sounded: "Princess, why are you..." When he was speaking, the little elf also walked over him. Pulled apart.

At this time, Ye Qianran didn't need to hide it anymore, so he opened his eyes at this time, but at this time, doubts appeared on his face, indicating that he didn't know anything...

After eating the fruit, the group of people set off again, and that night, they landed in a dense forest. At this time, the green shade led them to an extremely thick and huge tree.

At this time, Ye Qianran was full of doubts, what is the situation?

And when he was full of curiosity, the green spiritual power bloomed on Lu Yin's body, and the mysterious imprint floated. When it was printed on the tree, a wave of ripples spread like mulberry on the giant tree. , looks very mysterious.

When a green wave completely emerged, Lu Yin said: "Let's go!" After the voice fell, the little elf walked in first, and at that moment, the whole person disappeared in the green wave.

Ye Qianran was surprised after seeing it, and then glanced at Bai Bingbing and said: "Let's go!" After speaking, he pulled Bai Bingbing and walked in, and when they entered, the ripples disappeared at this time.

At this time Ye Qianran was stunned, because the scenery in front of them had changed, it was not the forest before, but a beautiful place that looked very peaceful like a fairyland.

How beautiful is it? The green grassland, the clear river, the bright moon and the dazzling stars are the most dazzling. In addition, there are many tree houses in the distance, which look very peaceful...

"It's so beautiful here!"

Ye Qianran was stunned and couldn't help but speak out at this moment.

Bai Bingbing's expression was similar to his, and he was staying there at this time, maybe like him, he never thought that there would be such a beautiful place here.

"Welcome to the Elf Clan!" Lu Yin saw the two dumbfounded, and put a smile on her face.

"How did you do it?"

Ye Qianran looked at Lu Yin with curiosity on his face, because this incident surprised him so much.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "This is a sealed space!"

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