Eternal Supreme

Chapter 588

"here it is……"

When Ye Qianran's eyes became completely clear, Ye Qianran found that there was a ring-shaped area around, and this area happened to be an area without fog.

The size of the area is not too large, with a diameter of about four or five meters. The central area is a stone altar, and that stone altar exudes a lot of spiritual power at this time, which looks very magical.

"This stone is the original stone of the elves, and it can be regarded as the center of the entire sealed space. As long as this stone altar is not destroyed, then this space will always exist." Ansha said.

Ye Qianran looked surprised, and at this moment Ansha said again: "If you feel the spirit beast, sit on the stone altar and close your eyes to feel it carefully, and just search for it!"

Ye Qianran hesitated for a moment, nodded in agreement, then walked over and sat on the stone altar.

Ansha didn't leave either, she just watched from the side.

At this time, Ye Qianran glanced at Ansha, and then slowly closed his eyes. At the moment he closed his eyes, the spiritual power surging from the stone altar automatically guided his spiritual power out. , and then moved towards the surroundings all at once, and at this time, many monsters also appeared in Ye Qianran's mind.

"If you can see the monster, it means you can fuse with the spirit beast, if you can't see it, it means you are not suitable!" Ansha said.

Ye Qianran didn't open his mouth, but began to search carefully. If he was looking for it, he would at least find the most special one among them, right?

Seeing that Ye Qianran didn't speak, Ansha already understood something in her heart, so she didn't bother at the moment, and waited patiently there.

At this time, Ye Qianran was also searching patiently. At this time, he saw many types, but he wanted the most special, preferably unique, so as to show his domineering. When he thought of this, his mental strength The surging became more intense, following the spiritual power of the stone altar, it was completely publicized.

Just when he felt it clearly, suddenly there was a surge of mental power. After his expression was startled, the mental power that was originally opened was concentrated in an instant, and then he felt a strong force of attraction, After my mind went blank for a while, when I came back to my senses, I also opened my eyes.


Ye Qianran was full of doubts. What happened just now?

When he was puzzled, Ansha also showed curiosity on her face and said, "Qianran, have you merged?"


Ye Qianran coughed dryly and said, "I'm not too sure, what does fusion feel like? And how to summon spirit beasts!" Because he was not sure, he also asked at this time.

"There will be turmoil in the fusion of the soul. As for the summoning, you need to feel the existence of the spirit beast, and then summon it through the combination of soul touch and handprint." Ansha also told Ye Qianran the method of handprint: " You try it now!"

Ye Qianran nodded. At this time, he also walked down from the stone altar, and then closed his eyes to feel it carefully. At this time, he quickly felt the fluctuation, and his hands surged at the moment. When a mysterious seal appeared At that time, Ye Qianran's mental strength fluctuated again.

A dazzling light bloomed at this time, and then a group of illusory shadows emerged at this time, it was indeed a group of illusory shadows, and it was completely unclear what it was.

"What kind of spirit beast is this?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

Ansha had a slightly strange expression and then said: "It seems to be a spirit beast that is about to disappear!"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Ye Qianran was puzzled after hearing this.

"It means that because this spirit beast has been around for too long, it has reached the stage of collapse, and it may disappear in a short time!" Ansha said.


Ye Qianran blushed immediately when he heard it, and wanted to find someone who was domineering and mighty, what is this spirit beast now? Immediately said again: "Then can I still make one?"

"It can't be done, because you already have one in your body, and other spirit beasts will resist you. If you force the fusion, it will cause damage to your soul instead!" Ansha said emphatically.

"Okay!" Ye Qianran became completely helpless after hearing this.

"You don't need to be too sad, maybe it can also recover with your growth, and then you will know what kind of spirit beast it is!" Ansha comforted at this time.

Ye Qianran gave a wry smile, finally nodded and said, "Hey, it's nothing!" Having said that, he was looking forward to being one, and it is indeed hard enough to do so now.

But at this time, he also thought that his mental power was forcibly absorbed by this shadow, which proved that the state should be good. What if he could really recover? Thinking of this, a look of anticipation appeared on his face, yes, look forward to it...

"Then let's go out!" Ansha said.

Ye Qianran nodded, seeing Ansha stretched out her jade hand, and immediately grasped it, a delicate feeling came, and her heartbeat accelerated again, this feeling is really good.

Ansha's face turned rosy, and at this moment she didn't say anything, and took the lead to walk outside.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran also summoned Xiao Hei, and after he became bigger, he looked at Ansha and said, "Miss Ansha, please do this!"

Ansha's face was also full of strangeness, she nodded and agreed immediately.

Ye Qianran nodded without thinking too much, and stretched out his hand habitually. When he hugged Ansha's waist, he suddenly thought of something, and embarrassment emerged, but it was all like this. If he let go temporarily, Maybe Ansha would be embarrassed too, and jumped out immediately, while Xiao Hei drew a graceful arc and came to the feet of the two of them.

Ansha didn't expect to be hugged by Ye Qianran, her heart beat faster, and her first thought was to push Ye Qianran away, but would this make Ye Qianran think she hated him?

When she was hesitating, Ye Qianran also jumped out with her, and when he regained his senses, he also landed on Xiao Hei's body.

Ye Qianran also let go of Ansha's waist at this moment. At this time, he didn't have anything to do, and turned his head directly, as if nothing happened, and nothing happened, but there is nothing to say about the feeling...

Ansha was also relieved at this time, and her face showed a look of surprise. At this time, she felt the magic of the heavenly weapon.

"Stand firm...Let's go now!" Ye Qianran said.

"Yeah!" Ansha nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran's mind fluctuated, and Xiao Hei, who was connected with him, soared out without any hesitation at this time.

Ansha didn't expect the speed to be so fast suddenly. After a cry of surprise, her body lost her balance. The next moment, she stretched out her hand and quickly hugged Ye Qianran...

Ye Qianran was completely drunk with the fragrance...

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