Eternal Supreme

Chapter 590

"is there a problem?"

Ye Qianran asked curiously at this time.

"Well, my husband's wings are so big!" Anya said.

"This is what suits me!" Ye Qianran said with a chuckle. As for Bai Bingbing's surprise, he can imagine it, maybe he can't figure it out, can he really open his wings?


Anya nodded at this moment, the pair of wings reflected against Ye Qianran's back, looked pretty, but after a pause, she said, "Like a bird...a person?"


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched suddenly, the words fell, and he tried to flick his wings, and then he flew out. For the first time, he found that flying could be so simple, but he was only flying up at this time, and then went up. After the momentum disappeared, the whole person fell down.

After Anya saw it, her spiritual power surged, and the vines came out at this moment, wrapped around Ye Qianran's body, and only relaxed after Ye Qianran fell to the ground safely.

Ye Qianran looked up at Anya and said, "The momentum is quite strong, how do you fly?"

Anya came out after hearing this, and began to teach Ye Qianran step by step.

Ye Qianran also felt miraculous at this time. With the passage of time, he also gradually mastered the skills. It feels quite miraculous. Now, except for his ears, it is estimated that according to what Ansha said, he has become a half-elf. people...

Feeling the thrill of flying, he flew for a long time before landing with Anya.

"Husband is so smart!" Anya said, her eyes curled up, looking innocent and beautiful...

Ye Qianran smiled, patted Anya on the head lightly and said, "It was taught by Anya, but why did these wings make him disappear!"

"Well, because he is condensed from the original source, it is enough to dissipate the control!" Anya said.

Ye Qianran tried it after listening, and the pair of wings really disappeared at this moment...

As night fell, Ye Qianran simply ate some fruit, but the problem came, because time passed, Anya had no plans to leave.

Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts. At this moment, Anya also saw something, and said with a rosy face: "Mother has betrothed me to you, so I will live with my husband!"

Ye Qianran asked with surprise on his face: "Don't the elves need to hold any ceremony?"

"What ceremony?" Anya was puzzled.

"Okay!" Ye Qianran shrugged, as if he understood something.

"Then I..." Bai Bingbing said at this time, she felt that she was a bit inappropriate here.

After An Ya heard this, she held Bai Bingbing back and said, "Sister Bingbing is here too..." After speaking, her face was full of smiles.

Ye Qianran's eyes lit up, Anya's thinking was good, and now he has the image of being slept together, but unfortunately he can't do anything, but at this time he is also a little strange, Anya seems to have no problem with Bai Bingbing, but At this moment, he noticed a faint blue light floating on Anya's body, and he seemed to understand something for a moment...

The next day, Ye Qianran woke up and felt very warm. Looking around, he found that Anya and Bai Bingbing were lying in his arms. It felt very good. He closed his eyes and took a temporary rest. After coming, this is considered to be up...

After breakfast, Ye Qianran also told Anya that she was leaving. After hearing this, Anya looked sad, but finally said: "Well, after my memory is passed on, I will go find my husband!" A smile appeared on his face again.

Ye Qianran naturally nodded with a smile, and then the two found Ansha and said: "I also got the spirit grass, I plan to leave in these two days, go to Tianluo Palace to go to Luogen that day!"

After hearing this, An Sha was stunned and said: "It's okay, but you have to work hard!" After speaking, she glanced at Anya, and felt a little relieved when she saw that she was fine.

And for the next two days, Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing stayed with Anya almost all the time because there was nothing to do. Although it wasn't very fun, it was very warm, and I couldn't help but feel more about Anya again, at least for now. Anya probably won't marry anyone else besides him.

Two days later, when Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing left, Ansha took Anya and sent them out in person. At this time, Ye Qianran looked at the dense forest around him, feeling a little uncomfortable for a while, and then his eyes fell on Ansha. And Anya said: "Okay, let's go first, you go back, I will come back to see you when I have a chance!"

Ansha nodded. In fact, if Anya hadn't just merged the original source and inherited memory, she might have let Anya, Ye Qianran and others leave together, but it is obviously impossible now.

"Goodbye, husband!" Anya expressed reluctance again, but she said it with a smile.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran walked over and hugged her, then smiled, pulled Bai Bingbing, and jumped out at this time, and Xiao Hei also appeared at this time, leading the two of them to gallop out .

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Ansha's eyes fell on Anya and said: "Don't worry, he will come back!" After speaking, she put a smile on her face again, and pulled Anya who was full of reluctance to come back again. walked in.

Galloping all the way, approaching the evening, Ye Qianran saw a city, and fell down with Bai Bingbing. After a simple meal, he also inquired about the direction of Tianluo Palace. After confirming, they did not rush to set off, but I stayed at this place.

In the middle of the night, in the depths of the forest, the space found fluctuations. At this time, three figures emerged from the inside. The leader was a woman. Her long red hair looked very eye-catching, and all three of them were wearing black clothes.

Spiritual power surged, and a bead was floating at this moment. At this time, the woman's red eyes were slightly surprised, and she said immediately: "Four heavenly weapons? Magic hook, sky bead, flame knife, star dagger? How could it be? Could it be that someone is also collecting celestial artifacts?"

The cold voice was full of surprise at this time, and then his expression showed a solemn expression: "It seems that this time we met someone with the same purpose as us, so we should be more careful this time." After speaking, the space fluctuated again, The three disappeared at this time.

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes and stretched lazily. It felt very strange.

After Bai Bingbing woke up, the two ate some food together again, and then they didn't waste any time, and galloped out in the direction of Tianluo City. As long as he got the Tianluo root, he could also go to Ye's house After all, what to say, that is also his father's family.

Three days later, when Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing saw a huge city below, strange lights appeared in their eyes.

Seeing this city, Ye Qianran didn't need to guess too much at all, he knew that this should be his destination, Tianluo City, because there were many people galloping past all around, and this city looked twice as big as normal. , looks lively.

And in mid-air, he also saw a huge building in the center of the city. Although it was not as conspicuous as the Pill Pagoda, it was very conspicuous compared to this city. This should be Tianluo Palace, right? After thinking of this, I was amazed, and then fell at an accelerated rate...

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