Eternal Supreme

Chapter 599


There was a roar, and then a group of fireballs with a diameter of four to five meters were spit out directly, and exploded in their direction...

"Is it still in a hurry?"

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and at this moment he found that the mysterious seal below had just floated out, and his face changed slightly: "You three go first, I will block it!" The voice fell, and the ice sword was pulled out at this time, When the crazy chill bloomed in an instant, the body also rushed up directly.

"Wait, it's done!" Yang Yi said hurriedly when he saw Ye Qianran rushing out.

"I'll wipe it, don't say it earlier!"

Ye Qianran's expression changed, because his speed at this time was under the eight doors, he rushed out, how to stop in mid-air, and in the end he simply didn't care, the safety of the three came first, so when he thought of this, proud Dragons also bloom at this time.

The melodious dragon chant surged, and illusory shadows emerged at this moment, and the next moment, the blue light of the ice sword was even more dazzling.


Ye Qianran cursed secretly at this moment, and Bingjian slashed up in an instant.


When the blue light and the fireball came into contact, blue and red also bloomed instantly, and it felt like one side was blue and the other was red, which looked very conspicuous.


A trembling voice sounded, and the mysterious seal changed dazzlingly at this time, at this time Yang Yi said quickly: "Come back!"

"Damn it, I can't go back!"

Ye Qianran cursed inwardly again, the fireball that the monster swallowed had a super powerful impact, at this moment he used the ice sword to resist, if he stopped at this time, all the spiritual power would definitely impact on him.

Such a strong spiritual force came over, and it would kill you, and then said immediately: "Sophie, Bingbing, you two are not allowed to come out! Yang Yi, you take the two of them and leave first, I will run out of the cave!" Gritting his teeth after saying those words, the Xuan Bingzhu trembled more violently at this moment, and the blue light was more dazzling and deep.

At this moment, he thought of something again, and his spiritual power also bloomed at this time, and the little mink in his arms also moved over at this time, he didn't want the little mink to follow him out of danger.

Bai Bingbing's heart trembled. She really planned to rush out at this time, but she was afraid that she would become a burden to Ye Qianran if she went out, so she bit her lips tightly.

The same is true for Yang Yi, who originally planned to stop and go to help, but suddenly remembered that there were Bai Bingbing and Sophie, and immediately frowned and said: "Then be careful, I will bring the elders to rescue you!" Said The last handprint fell at this time, and the dazzling light bloomed completely.


When the space surged, Bai Bingbing saw that Sophie jumped out, and her expression changed slightly, but when she wanted to follow out, it was too late, the space surged, and Yang Yi and Sophie's bodies also jumped out. Disappeared at this point.

"elder brother!"

Sophie stood there with a strange glow in her red eyes. It was a good opportunity at this time. Ye Qianran was alone, especially the people from the Xuan Diao clan were also teleported away, and she found that Ye Qianran's strength was as strong as Not as strong as she imagined.

"Feifei, why are you still here!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and after gritting his teeth to knock the spirit power away, he rushed in another direction, the purpose was to attract the attention of the monster first, and then let Feifei rush out of the cave, so that he would not Worry too much.


The roar came again, and Ye Qianran looked back, and found that the monster didn't follow him, but pointed directly at Feifei.

Feifei raised her head to look at the monster, her brows were slightly frowned, her aura was really strong, but she didn't care about it, although it was a waste of time to defeat this monster, she could indeed do it.

The melting flames fell at this time, Feifei raised her head, her red eyes showed coldness and murderous intent at this time, when the red glow surged out, her body suddenly tightened, and the whole person fell into an embrace.

That's right, this person is Ye Qianran. He rushed up in this way after opening the door of injury, and then added the change of Phoenix Eye, otherwise it would be very difficult for him .


A terrifying sound sounded, and after the molten flame fell on the ground, the stones were melted, and a huge pit appeared instantly.

"Feifei, don't worry, brother will definitely take you out!"

After Ye Qianran landed on the ground, she took a breath, and the corner of her mouth turned up: "Hey, I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Sophie was stunned and raised her head to land on Ye Qianran's face, seeing the firm look on his face at this moment.

Ye Qianran was indeed determined. When he decided to bring Sophie, he probably had this idea. Since he brought her with him, he naturally couldn't put him in any danger.

"don’t worry!"

Ye Qianran saw the dumbfounded Sophie, and the twinkling red eyes also showed gentleness. In fact, after getting along for such a long time, he also fell in love with this little girl. It is indeed quite nice to have such a little sister. OK

"Roar!" The huge head looked in Ye Qianran's direction and roared again.

"Damn, isn't it just playing with fire? I'll play with you!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly, spread his right hand in an instant, the sky fire surged in an instant, and the incomparably pure spiritual power was turbulent at this moment.

Sophie came back to her senses, and her expression froze for a while, Tianhuo?

At this time, she couldn't believe it, but after feeling it carefully, she was completely sure.

The Warcraft also felt the fire that day, and its huge eyes instantly became vigilant.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he threw Tianhuo out.


The monster let out a low growl, flapped its huge wings, and quickly dodged its whole body, and when the fire fell to the ground, it immediately melted into it.

"So you're afraid of this thing!"

Ye Qianran noticed the movement of the monster, his eyes lit up instantly, his right hand spread out again, and the sky fire surged out instantly, and after three groups emerged, they flung towards the monster, and at the same time put down a bold statement,

Seeing such a large number of sky fires, the monster's expression changed drastically, and then it flapped its wings again and dodged.

"I didn't expect you to be huge and flexible, here you are!" Ye Qianran immediately summoned the sky fire to surge out again, but at this moment, his eyes were floating, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Roar!" The monster roared, arrogance emerged, flapped its wings, and dodged again.

"I'm going, it's great, I must fight you today!" And just when he let go of his bold words, he threw out a ball of flames, and at this moment he hugged Sophie and laughed, and rushed out, Fucking big fight, him? If you don't run now, when will you run?

He understands that the spirit beast in front of him is extremely intelligent, and the other party must understand what he said, so he guides him step by step...

And the monster, after dodging, let out a sigh of relief, as if snorting, then raised its head and looked in Ye Qianran's direction again. When it looked provocatively... it was dumbfounded, and finally glanced around unwillingly. , what about people?

Knowing that he was being played at the moment, he roared again and rushed towards the passage...

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